

A new Year's flower in 2019

2018-12-30 21:06:40 | 日記
We based the next year's flower in Ikenobo.
l 've used to this pattern "Omoto flower".
The new year's 支干 is Wild boar, The fun year is Wild boar.
l saw a huge fat male wild boar in the night in my yard last month like "ししがみ", it's called so in movie of もののけ姫.
l was so surprised when met him.
He had the big fangs then he watched me.
We watched and sized up each together.
After then he went away in back forest.
l was safe because l was in my car to back my home, 〜phew.
Also, it must be that we will have another golden year.
Though it was huge big happening for me.
l pray to happy and lively days in an another new year for us.
God bless you, too.

A little early birthday present

2018-12-13 15:37:13 | 日記
l bought a new rain coat to Haru yesterday while workout on my way to home.
An elder casher presented us an additional piece of snack.
These were dried meat of dear.
Those are very useful to Haru.
He ate 3 packs in an instant.
His smile seemed to say "yummy!!"
So, green check coat is good on him, l love him.💞


2018-12-06 11:49:38 | 日記
l bought a flower pot today.
The name is ハナキリン which Tomihiro Hoshino have down the his poets and pictures.
l've never seen real plants.
Tomihiro calls for this "きりきりきんと、はなきりん".
So, Why calls this "ハナキリン".
Who knows the reason for?
Then l'll put this on my kitchen deck now.