

He injured his back right leg.

2019-07-25 17:21:05 | 日記
Haru has turned on 15 yo on 2/4 in this year.
He has been getting aged an aged along his ages.
He couldn't catch the sounds cleary and watch the seeing.
He made object by own body last night.
His body was binding with his lead and he has been couldn't move anywhere.
He called me with a little weak voice twice at 4:50 am
l found him which was binded and locked with his lead.
Blood was following from on his back leg.
We saw a bet before 6 months and he gave Haru 2 kinds of medicines.
We will have against week, let take a nice weekend.
We will try our best, Haru-chan!

A pink hydrangea

2019-07-20 17:18:54 | 日記
l've bought a seedling of garbage hydrangea last winter at neighbour co-farmers shop.
l didn't know it has any color and type.
lt's bloomed the buds in pink any had garbages since a few days ago.
My house doesn't parmit of blooming in pink flower.
So hydrangea has bloomed in pink.
In addition to it has garbages.
Though it's pretty isn't it?