

Catch the yellow jackets

2017-07-27 07:34:36 | 日記
l noticed the vespine wasps which ware following over the rooms about two weeks ago.
They have a big and heavy sounds of the alae.
l killed them out with an insecticide sprayer "ハチノック" that l found, those ware 25 over.
Finally, l called the Asian gaint hornets buster the my usual.
He set the catch net yesterday.
He will watch them and change the catch several times during about a month.
lt becomes to do thing usual every summers.
What a beautiful county-side place!


2017-07-19 17:30:51 | 日記
lt has appeared a gigantic columns of clouds in summer.
lt was maybe the end of rainy season about a couple of the days ago.
Summer is here now.
We have the thunders and a lot of rain in Kyushu and several places.
But we could receive the new season as usual.
l'm glad about of it.
l want to experience enough new this season.
Let's begin!