

Blower appeared

2021-06-30 17:53:17 | 日記
The blower season has begun this year as well.

This year, wisteria covering has appeared for the first time in 20 years.

Decluttering 90 days at the final session of the full support, I laid it in the living room with the help a trainer.

The freshness of an empty space, this is decluttering.


2021-06-19 07:10:16 | 日記
The vine climbed up to here that the net beyond that was cut off.

What will the vine do?
He wants to go higher, but there is no way ahead.

No problem, look around.
There is the way that goes up as much as he wants, both the horizontally and virtically.

Are we limiting our growth with own beliefs?

The morning glory vines find a way to grow well every year, and bloom beautifully.

There is no problem that cannot be solved from the bird's-eye view.

One shot this morning

2021-06-17 09:08:37 | 日記
The first morning glory bloomed this year.
It was red and small.

From this year, I decided to stop the green curtain on the front.
So, I didn't sow. Not done.

The flower that bloomed today also sprouted from last year's spilled seeds out.

I look forward to the flowers of Heavenly Blue and Cup Saucer.

I moved it out.

2021-06-02 15:10:19 | 日記
This year, I gave up on the front green curtain.
This is because I can't get rid of the morning glory vine that extends to the roof on the second floor.

14 peaces were replanted on the planters in front of the barn.

I'm looking forward to the cup sau

cer blooming.