

Flow-Flew -Flown and Circulate

2024-05-31 15:39:01 | 日記

Each and every one of us sets our own goals, comes into this world, and works hard every day to achieve them.

There is nothing to fear. Everything is a challenge you have set for yourself.

We are all walking on the path of light. Let's continue moving forward with peace of mind.

Let's go,
Smile always, - and LIVE the smile!

I am grateful for the work of providence today as well.

There's no need to rush.

2024-05-31 11:57:42 | 日記
There's no need to panic, no need to rush, no need to rush.

You are already walking the path you should walk. You are fulfilled and alive. You are walking steadily along the path that you have prepared for yourself and that you have decided to walk, protected by providence. Move forward slowly, carefully, and steadily with peace of mind.

No matter how much anxiety or fear you may feel, you are a child of the light of Providence.

You are light itself, so be at ease and walk along the path of light.

May the blessings of Providence be upon you all!

It started to rain, but・・

2024-05-31 07:44:38 | 日記

A week ago, I started my usual summer mowing of the 2000m2 field around my house.

I go to bed at 8pm, wake up at 4am, and run the lawnmower for three hours.

I check the weather forecast every day, but there are days, like this morning, when I wake up it's raining.

This is an opportunity to sharpen your mind.

Don't rot, change direction.

"It is the heart that makes this boring world interesting." I'll do my best. Let's go!

Throw Yourself Into the Lord

2024-05-29 17:20:38 | 日記

Here, the Lord is interpreted as the universe, the providence, mechanism, and work of life.

On Earth, nothing is the same.

There is no one who lives by the same values ​​as you.

As long as we continue to judge others based on our own values ​​and sense of justice, we will never find peace of mind in our lives.

Peace of mind is a source of strength.

We are all different.

When we stop judging others based on our own values ​​and sense of justice, we throw ourselves into the Lord and become a channel of love in our lives.

I feel that this is what it means to follow God's will and live in accordance with providence.

Flowing water is pure. I think the secret to happiness is to have an open mind that doesn't judge others based on your own values ​​or sense of justice, and to have a carefree attitude in a good sense.

We are born from the source of life, live in harmony with the workings of life, and are on a journey returning to the source of life.

I hope to live my life to the fullest, not depending on others, until the very last moment of this journey. I am grateful for the journey of life.

Put up a fence!

2024-05-27 15:25:08 | 日記

Recently, wild boars have been invading the approximately 2,000 square meter property, which is close to wilderness, every night, digging up the ground and causing such damage that even mowing the grass is difficult.

A few years ago, water overflowed from the sabo dam and the waterway collapsed.

To prevent deer from invading the waterway and causing debris to accumulate, the bamboo grove was leveled and an electric fence was installed.

I'm also worried about deer invading from the south side, but I'm starting to think I'd like to realize an idea I've had for several years of building a sturdy コ-shaped fence to prevent wild boars invading from the north.

It will cost more than 1000,000yen to install.

The first step is to come up with the funds.

We would like to start taking concrete action, including installing a deer-proof gate outside.

It's a battle of strength for survival with wild animals. I can't lose.

The time has come to take concrete action.

God, please lend me your wisdom and strength.