

2024/9/2 Morning Dew

2024-09-02 06:44:37 | 日記

Watering has been changed from three times a day to twice a day, in the morning and evening, and this morning I found morning dew on the Houttuynia cordata leaves.

September 7th is the White Dew Day, and, September 8th is the Grass Dew Day. While we worry about summer typhoons, the season is changing into autumn.

The day before yesterday, I decided to live a healthy life until I die, and as the seasons change, I will continue to live today in health, happiness, and prosperity in both body and mind. Today, yesterday, and tomorrow, I am grateful for the wonderful work of life.

Small remains small...

2024-09-01 06:33:40 | 日記

Small flowers were blooming on the morning glories, which were blooming even more spillover.

"Cosmos bloom while what is small remains small and what is broken remains broken."

I can't forget the words I saw in a special needs classroom when I was young...

All living things exist within a life process that transcends the values ​​of the material world, such as big and small, up and down, left and right, superiority and inferiority, etc.

Humans are naturally selfless. We should live with the vibration of gratitude!

The mysterious world of nameless flowers

2024-08-31 13:26:11 | 日記

Yesterday morning, I went to put up the deer net, and my eye was caught by a piece of grass with lovely buds among the stones on the ground.

When I searched, it was called Uri Kusa.

The third and final mowing of the year is scheduled for September 15th.

Early in the morning, I stop to look at the lovely, nameless flowers and contemplate the mystery of these tiny flowers, and the time begins again.

Withstanding the winds of Typhoon No. 10...

2024-08-31 07:23:43 | 日記

It was rainy and windy yesterday and the day before yesterday.

I was worried that the newly installed pump cover would be blown away by the strong winds of the typhoon, but I was relieved that it wasn't blown away.

It's raining intermittently this morning, but the wind has stopped and the sky is cloudy.

We have long heard about Japan becoming subtropical due to global warming, but for those of us who grew up as children in the 1950s, it is becoming more difficult to tell the seasons from year to year, and it feels very strange.

Where has the Japanese lifestyle of the 1950s, with its clear and beautiful four seasons, gone?

The reason why spring and autumn, which gently connect winter and summer, have disappeared lies in the way we humans live our lives...

Although impermanence is a norm in the material world, we would like to move forward together with the Earth, striving for coexistence and prosperity.

...That's what I think, as someone who was born in the 1950s and continues to live a Showa-era life in the countryside.

Beaten by the wind and rain of the typhoon...

2024-08-30 06:45:29 | 日記

A linear precipitation band occurred and Typhoon No. 10 changed from a wind typhoon to a rain typhoon.

Yesterday afternoon, the city issued an evacuation order for elderly people in areas at risk of landslides, including this one.

The sound of water flowing in the north channel is getting louder.

I decided to spend today at home, being careful about the safety of my surroundings.

The gradations of green of the morning glory leaves fluttering in the wind and rain are beautiful.