

Bhagavad Gita

2024-06-27 17:43:34 | 日記

Perhaps inspired by yesterday's Zoom study group, "The Search for God," or perhaps because it was raining, I picked up "神の詩", a Hindu holy book that I had purchased last November but had put away after reading only a few pages, and read straight through to the second chapter.

According to Edgar Cayce, there is a trinity of soul, mind and body. We are a part of the oneness, which is the vibration of life, and the mind is its expression, and the body is the temple of the soul.

Oneness: Whether it be Jesus Christ of Christianity, Shakyamuni of Buddhism, Krishna of Hinduism, or Kukai, the founder of Shingon Buddhism, all awakened human beings, across time and space, have realized the same thing and are saying the same thing.

It's not a question of whether we can do it or not, but whether we will do or will not.

Now that we know, all we can do is do it. In each place, without forcing ourselves, at our own pace and in our own way.

Live like you're dead. Always smile, and live that smile. These two words, which sound like opposites, are saying exactly the same thing, and it's a great thing to even realize that.

The only way to achieve spiritual liberation is to keep doing what is in front of us without worrying about the outcome.

We are not given any trials that we cannot overcome. Yesterday, Mr. Mitsuda gave us three tools to help us continue to strive to be mediums of love:
1.In order not to get caught up in phenomena, but to become a. channel for God's love, let us. stand firm in our determination. to cut off all unnecessary actions, emotions, and behavior and offer. them to the Lord.
2. Understand that the unpleasant. phenomenon ends here and that. this is the sublimation of karma.
3. Accept that you have been given. the ability to believe that the. Lord is always with you and will. always help you.

Mr. Mitsuda's guidance yesterday was appropriate and impressive.

I am deeply grateful for God’s constant guidance and blessings.

Spider plant

2024-06-26 11:06:31 | 日記

Yesterday, I found some Oritsururan at the local market and bought it.

I love the sound of the word "oritsururan" and the way its leaves sway in the wind as lightly as feathers.

I feel that it is one of my favorite summer plants, and is just as great a cool summer flower as moss balls.

I think I'll be able to get through this summer again this year by feeling the cool breeze from the orchid I placed on my windowsill.

I am grateful for the work of providence and guidance.

You're cute

2024-06-25 09:07:18 | 日記

These hydrangeas were bought to make summer solstice charms.

Hydrangeas come in a variety of colors and shapes, and are all vivid and beautiful, so you'll never get tired of looking at them.

Every morning I tell her how cute she is.

The vibrations of the words are transmitted to them, and they return an increasingly lively glow.

What you give is what you receive.

It's a flower I want to look at forever.

Thank you for the brightness and healing. I am grateful.

Rainy season

2024-06-23 09:47:17 | 日記

I believe the rainy season began around June 17th, and yesterday and today we have finally seen a steady rainfall typical of the rainy season.

Heavy rain like last year's, which causes water to flood under the floor, is a nuisance, but a moderate amount of rain is necessary for the fields.

I don't think I'll be going to see the hydrangeas this year. I think looking after the blue hydrangeas I bought to make summer solstice charms will be enough.

Hydrangeas are flowers that herald the beginning of summer. They can withstand both sunny and rainy weather, and they come in many varieties and are versatile. They are my favorite flowers, and I never tire of looking at them.