

The mass outbreak of the yellow bees!!!

2015-09-22 14:52:51 | 日記
I found that a few of yellow bees went in and out of the corner of the entrance left upper bargeboad on September 12th.
I had Sasao of the hornetbuster come on 22th, and I had him set a deive to crush and the state is of two hours later.
The result is talk to be given month later.
Phew+++, it's hornetbuster of the third times in this. Be over safely.

I got it !

2015-09-03 08:24:17 | 日記
A bud of the heavenly blue roux opened.
I got it !
As this year, the buds went out of all of kinds that sowed 30 drops, but it appeared to the big hairy caterpillar without the root being able to from enough and only touched one so far small bud.
Today, it rained, but a feeling is better a little.
I got It !