

l got the first prize!👀

2016-12-29 13:35:51 | 日記
l went to shopping for the new year on my way to go home.
Then, l picked up the golden ball from the lotterry box unexpectedly.
l was suprised and l don't know why but l felt ashamed.
l spent only ¥2744. So, l don't like crabs so much.
ls this a unfortune or not?
l felt that it has run through my fortune in this year but only last two days.
l'm a complicated feeling.

A periodical check

2016-12-26 08:44:20 | 日記
Today is my fat liver check day.
My doctor said, "your liver gets better than last check, and l expect that your numerical value get better. "
l answered, one good thing drow up all thing, It's getting better little by little. Then he got to express smile on his face.
We had so good time.