

A debut of new raincoat

2020-01-28 15:24:37 | 日記
The third raincoat which water repellent finished too, and it's my favorite color of turquoise blue.
lt's a little bigger for the middle size dogs like he.
His working mate has just came here, we put him on this costume.
He looked like what had happen.
l took many photoes of him.
l felt he is nice boy, anytime anthing.
lt's my "parent stupid", everyone should laugh at me.

A little early present

2020-01-27 14:56:22 | 日記
l bought a new raincoat for Haru.
lt's color of cerulean blue, size7.
l like color of blue and he put on three wears cause he has been very thiner than ever.
l don't photo him which put on this raincoat.
l hope it on his birthday.
l think it will be better fine day on 2/4 in 2020.

Haru is lovely!

2020-01-19 19:18:21 | 日記
lt's just coming Holly Christmas!
Haru ate a lots meal today.
lt's うどんすき today's supper.
He likes hot menu, he ate a cup of it.
After meal he moved on his mat, and took the posing like this.
He looks like a female dog.
His eyes are calm and gentle aren't he? l love you, Haru forever.

Have excellent another year!

2020-01-01 14:45:07 | 日記
l came home after the new year community meeting.
Then we celebrated to take 雑煮 which we made.
There are red carrot in formed like plum, turnip, chop of chic

ken, and a small red and white rice cake with kelp and mashroom dashi.
And then we have to print and write new year massages, hey