


2024-05-24 13:26:04 | 日記


The photo was taken at 13:14 on Thursday, April 18th, 2024 in the east garden, with an enkianthus campanulatus in the foreground and a persimmon tree in the background.

I'm seeing my family doctor today.

On April 22nd, at Saiseikai, blood pressure was 120&76, blood sugar was 220, and Hba1c was 10.3.

On the same day, at my regular doctor's appointment, my blood pressure was 126&73.

5/7 Visited my family doctor due to blood in my stool. My blood pressure was 136.

On 5/8, colonoscopy at Central Hospital, blood sugar 189, Hba1c 10.5.

On the 10th, I went to Central Hospital for an endoscopy. I was so anxious and scared that my upper blood pressure went up to 198?!

And today at my doctor my blood pressure was 136&72, blood sugar 280, and Hba1c 11.1.

The body is renewed every day.
The body is always responding to the physical and mental needs of the moment, working in a positive direction to improve itself.

Instead of getting excited or upset about the numbers, each day is a new step towards better health.

Just as new leaves are produced every day as the new green leaves grow, I too am training every day to maintain and improve my physical and mental health.

Thank you, God, for a healthy body and mind. (*^-^)ノ♪
