

2024/5/25 4:39 Western sky

2024-05-25 05:22:06 | 日記

On the morning of the second day after the Flower Moon, when I went out to get the morning paper, I saw a beautiful moon.

The moon sets in the west and the sun rises in the east.

東の野に炎の立つ見えてかへり見すれば月傾きぬ (万葉集巻1 48番歌 柿本人麻呂)
I saw flames rising in the eastern fields and when I looked back, the moon was setting.

西暦692/12/13 軽皇子の安騎の野に宿る時に、柿本朝臣人麻呂の作る歌とある。

Today is a brand new day. Let's make the most of it.
