

Nichiren and Shinran (126)

2021-12-30 01:07:42 | Weblog
    Nichiren and Shinran ( 126 )
Chapter 8 Nichiren I am budda
Section 2 The statement about the state Syugokokkaron and Rissyouankokuron

Who practice the work to save the tow vehicles and proved [ ten worlds make the reciplocal relation ], was Shaka . Shaka was not only the man who was born about BC 500 year ,trained and reached the state without every agony , but also the Budda who from the eternal old times had taught the people .He was not only the excellent person in the history but also the heavenly being ,Budda itself who included all the world .In another words Shaka is not the someone who has become in the course of history not the being who is from the beginning transcendent over the history . But thinking a little we notice that [ ten world make reciprocal relation ] and [ eternal Budda] have the same meanings because all people can become Budda .From the born , from the before born we the people are Budda and are determined to be Budda . The eternal Budda is but only the ideal type . We also have the disposition to be Budda . The difference of early or late , there is only this difference .
Saving tow vehicles, ten world reciprocal relation and eternal Budda pursuit with ensemble to [ all can be saved ]. The writing which clealy told was hokkekyou . The person who made appear this conclusion and theorize and systematize the training method to reach the state of feeling , was Tendai Chigi . Therefor Nitiren ‘s thought to here the explanation of Chigi’s theory . I will repeat , the saving of tow vehicles and the eternal Budda and the ten worlds reciprocation is written ,therefor hokkekyou is right only right writing . This is the fundamental standing of Nichiren .Nichiren proclaimed hokkekyou absolutism .
In the 19th article in hokekyou Shaka said , Shaka told many thoughts , the hokkekyou is the most difficult writing therefor only very few persons understand and believe it . The very much of difficulty to understand and to believe ,is the important key to understand hokekyou . The truth is covered in the depth ,in the structure of time and space .Nichiren searched for this subject as long as he lives .
Nichirn showed the various ground to prove of the rightness of hokekkyou .But they were all ground from the writings .At least I am unsatisfied with the proof by the documents . Nichiren did nothing than propaganda of hokkekyou and blameing other school, specially zyoudo thought of Hounen , before he was exiled to Sado .
3 The attitude of Nichiren to criticize and attack other school was related with his understanding the state . He required for the king to protect the rightness of his believe namely the hokke believes . Here the name king means the leader of bakuhu (shikken ) , not the emperor . If other schools rises and are popular ,the king must suppress or correct them . The interference by the king to believes called Nichiren ruling and punishment . If the king don’t perform this duty and leave the bad religion spread , good gods who have protected the state , discard the state . As the result many disaster occuer in this state . The king must be punished . Therefor the hokkekyou protectors should tell the king to aware of the possibility of this occurrence ( the statement for the state ) .
When the right believes don’t rise , many disaster should occur . The state itself would be punished . Nichiren pulled out various disasters from the various writings . The big seven disasters were famous , namely the disaster to be ill , the disaster to be invaded by other state , the disaster of abnormal changing of the constellation , the disaster of solar and lunar eclipse , the disaster of windstorm and the disaster of too much rain , the disaster for the political revolt to occur in side of the government . The five disasters had occurred until Rissyouankokuron ( the writing to prove the correctness of hokkekyou ) . The rest tow , the disaster to be invaded by the foreign state and the disaster for the revolt to occur inside the government , occurred near before and after Sado exile .
Nichiren told that the use of weapons can be permitted if necessary to protect and propaganda hokkekyou . And he said that the weapons should be used by the situations . At last he emphasized , if lost the state and the house , people where do they go . The state is necessary for the people’slife . Nichiren decided that the state is important , important both in the society and in the religion . This statement was told on the step of Shugokokkaron and Rissyouankokuron , clearly .

Translation from the original Japanese edition 「日蓮と親鸞」
2021-12-29 126

Nichiren and Shinran (125)

2021-12-29 00:12:08 | Weblog
   Nichiren and Shinran ( 125 )
Chapter 8 Nichiren I am Budda
Section (2) make the statement about the state policy

Nichiren wrote many writings . Shinran wrote a few without Kyougyousinsyou . Both thinkers stand on contrary position . Shinran avoided the conflicts with the society. Nichiren continued to challange to this world . He should always systematize his opinion and made them sharp against the enemy . Shinran said manifestly that he would not have the disciples .Nichiren was the boss of the Nichiren party and had many disciples . For their education Nichiren should many documents .From his chief edition Kaimokusyou (kaimoku means open the eyes ) to a lot of letters to the diciples , all his writings are near 290 . I divided the documents the two groups , namely the documents before exiled to Sado and the documents after Sado . I will let Syugokokkaron and Rissyouankokuron represent the former and let Kaimokusyou and Rissyouankokuron represent the latter . In this section I explain the former .
Syugokokkaron was written when Nichiren 38 years old . Syugo means to protect .Kokka means state . Rissyouankokuron was written 39 years old . Rissyou means to prove .Ankoku means peace of the state .Ron means reason or opinion . The distinction of both writings was small. The latter is the faimous writing . I think ,the former included many contents . Rissyouankokuron was contributed to shikken Houzyoutokiyori , The purpose was to be read .Therefor the contents became more simple and more easy to understand . I will explain this tow writings as the same one .The chief motif was clear and distinguish , too distinguish not to understand .The purpose of both writings is to criticize , to blame , to negate Hounen’s writing Sentyakuhongannenbutusyuu. (see chapter 7 section 1 ) . The word , criticize , is too easy , too soft ,to gentle . Nichiren said and cried , to break down . He told the extreme opinion , who chant Mida shall be annihilated . The reason of Nichiren are simple . Because of Hounen told, hokkekyou was meaningless to enter into zyoudo ,Nichiren was anger . Hounen divided the Buddhist training to tow groups ,the right training and other training . Hounen took up the right training as the true method to be saved . In the group of other method the reading hokekyou and protecting hokekyou was included . The zyoudo thought before Hounen did not say ,other method was meaningless .But Hounen negated all other method without chanting Mida . Nichiren bit this decision violently .
The ground on which Nivhiren asserted his opinion was the writing which he recognized true or holly, as like as Hounen and Shinran . To believe is free . But the freedom is not effective to us ,the people at the modern times ,the people who are baptized by the modern rationalism . At first we will hear the reason which Nichiren gave us and next will digest them for our modern rationalism . .
Nichiren’assetion depended on Hokkekyou totally . Ten worlds made the reciprocal relation each other . As its result all people which include Nizyou can be saved . These assertion , the reason or the fact are written in hokkekyou .Therefor hokkekyou is right . So said Nitiren . ( about hokkekyou see chapet 5 , section 4 ) Nizyou means tow vehicles directly translated into English . When along the Japanese words translated , Nizyou are the trainees who train through their own method independent from the buddism method , and the trainees who only heard the taught of Budda . In the great ship buddism this tow vehicles were worse than five delinquencies which includes the murder of father and mother . When simply said the tow vehicles are the egoists in the religion . The tow vehicles ignored the fundament of Buddhism .They are the blamer for Buddhism .As long as Buddhism is religion ,the egoist should be rejected . Buddhism has the theory ,reciprocal relation of each other . This theory means everybody could be saved .Therefor the tow vehicles should be saved . I question How . Shinran’s logic , at first can be saved the bad man, can save the bad man .The bad man dose the bad deeds but dose not negate the law itself . The deeds of the tow vehicles reject the law . Shinran’s assertion , at first can be saved the bad man , can save the bad man . Wheather tow vehicles , the blamer of law can be saved or not ? Nichiren challenged to this subject .
The theory of [ tow vehicle can be Budda ] stands on the theory of [ ten worlds make the reciplocal relations and connected each other ] . Ten worlds are hell , starvation , animal , always fighting blooding persons , man , heaven . tow vechicles . bosatu and the world of Budda . These ten worlds or the state of the mentality are continuous and connected with each other . Therefor all people can be saved . So said Chigi . I add my important experience . The experience of Chig is fact . I ,psychoanalyst experienced all these state on the feelings .

Translation from the original Japanese edition 「日蓮と親鸞」
2021 12 28 125

Nichiren and Shinran(124)

2021-12-27 21:37:28 | Weblog
Nichiren and Shinran (124)
Chapter 8 Nichiren I am Budda
Section 1 Life and Times

4 The life of Nichjren and the building of Mongol empire paralleld . 1207 year Mongol highland was unified by Zingisukan , 15 years before Nichiren’s birth . 1234 year Mongo broke down the Kin dynasty which governed the north China . Mongol proceeded to west ,conquered Russia ,invaded into Poland and broke the knight army of Europe . 1258 year Mongol marched to middle east and destroyed Abas dynasty .The information about Mongol was brought through the foreign merchant to Japan .The conquest to west reached the limit .Mongol attacked Korea and Japan Nichiren wrote Rissyouankokuron ( the logic to govern the state right ) 1260 year . I think , Nitiren was aware of the Mongol’s behavior .
Nichiren stayed 10 years in Enryaku temple .This had the sharp sense about the politics and the economy .This temple might influence Nichiren’s sensation . Nichiren had the earthly feelings . Shinran and Nichiren started from the same temple .But the influence which affected the each tow , was different . The creator of the Tendai school Chigi said , every life and occupation is from the taught of Budda and every thinking in Buddhism recognize the earthly value . Tendai school was earthly and actually at the origin . Therefor Nichiren might be affected by the informations around him . He might accumulate a much of the information, supposedly . The information from his disciples was important too . The first letter of Mongol came to Japan 1268 year . The second letter ,1269 year . Five years later ,1272 year Mongol attacked Japan . 1281 year , one year before Nivhiren’s death , Mongo attacked again . After that Mongl’s attack didn’t occur. Mongol attacked Japan as if they proved the opinion of Nichiren .
Toward the Mongol’s attack the attitude of bakuhu was conservative and straight . The first letter was ignored . When bakuhu accepted the second letter, bakufu killed the messenger . Japan didn’t have the diplomatic relation with any state from the end of 9th century . After mongol’s attack Japan also had not diplomatic relation with any state till 1853 year . The attitude of bakuhu was very simple ,only to fight . In contrary Nichiren succeeded to alarm since Mongol finished to conquer the west and began to attack Sun dynasty in the south China . From where this difference of the sensation came ? I will think about the mentality of the akutou . From 13th century to 14 th century appeared the social group called akutou . They didn’t search for the origin of wealth only in the agriculture . They were occupied with the commerce and the finance and accumulated the wealth and the power . With the knowlgde, the talent and the weapon they challenged against bakuhu. Bakuhu could not take them into the own government and was destroyed. Bakufu hated this power and called akutou . I feel the smell of akutou in Nichiren’s personality . Because of this disposition of akutou Nichren was able to be sensitive to the moving of the world history .
The translation from the original Japanese edition 「Nichiren and Shinran 」
2021-12- 27 124

Nichiren and Shinran (123)

2021-12-24 23:57:36 | Weblog
   Nichren and Shinran (123)
Chapter 8 Nichiren I am Budda
Section 1 Life and Times

3 Manetary economy developed rapidly in the Kamakura era . A big amount of chinese cupper coins was imported ,from the middle times of Heian era . The yearly tribute might be paid through the money . Tairanokiyomri imported the Chinese coin .The monetary economy was accelerated . The fighters were originally the farmer . They developed farmland . Therefor they were interested of the monetary economy .The monetary economy necessarily has the risk . The winner and the looser appeared . The winner was the part who was occupied with the commerce . The looser was the classical fighters who depended on only the tribute from the farmland .In the later half when Nichiren worked actively was the times in which the monetary economy began to prosper . Then the class of the fighters and gokenin (see later) was confused and became unstable . The classical gokenin whose economic base was only the tribute , dropped out through the cost of consumer’s life. In contrary the man who bought and developed the farmland ,became more rich . The later used their own power , ignored the order of bakufu ,invaded the farmland and robbed it . This social part was called akutou (directly translated , bad man ).
The meaning of this terminology was different from the meaning in today . This terminology means , strong ,powered ,able , active , independent , ignorance of the order of government , out of law ,do everything for profit . The bakufu was bothered with the akutou . Bakuhu could not grasp this new power and was perished at last . Nichiren was also treated as akutou .Nitchren was the priest of Enryaku temple . Enryaku temple held a lot of Souhei( priest fighter ) . At the same time Enryaku temple was occupied with the commerce very earnest . This temple is near by Kyouto ,the biggest consume power . Through Biwa lake and Yodogaw river the japanese see and the Setouti see ( and east china see ) is connected . Enryaku temple was the possessor of much farmland . This temple was very rich. Their economic behavior was very active .More than half of the monetary fund was under the control of this temple Therefor Tendai priest was recognized as the latent disturber against the keeping peace policy . They were the persons whom the bakuhu would stop to enter into Kamakura . Nichiren was disliked by the bakuhu through this reason . Nichiren himself was akutou .When the police of the bakufu entered into his house and found the weapons ,Nichiren acknowledged the possession of the weapons .Because of these unstable but opened society Nichiren was able to act following his own thought .To talk about his thought in the mid of the city , to challenge to the open disputing and to blame other schools to criticize the policy of bakufu ,these acting were just the deed of akutou . To tell the political opinion against bakuhu was also the behavior of akutou. The Japanese language have the positive meanings in the word bad (aku)
 Here I will explain the structure of Kamakura bakufu .At first I say that in Japan has never been dictator . The Japanese government has been fundamentally the assembly discuss system . The emperor didn’t govern directly. Always the mediator appeared between the emperor and the people .Bakufu system was one of them .In the ancient times was built up Rituryousei .In this system the emperor and the aristocrats assembly
(about 10 persons ) discussed matters and decided . Under the rituryousei the farm was public possessed . The request for the private possession became larger .In the half of the 8th century the private possession was recognized . The possessor should pay the tax . The possessor developed the farmland and simultaneously tried to avoid the tax .The possessor ,the farmer gave the part of the merit obtained from the farmland to the aristocrats in the central government and avoid the tax . The farmer became armed to protect the own farmland and to defense against the same farmer and the country bureaucrats . They became the fighters . In these way there were many fighters .They were called Bushi . Bushi gave the military service to the central aristocrats . At this times there was not distinction between the fighter and the farmer .The limit of the both stand was continuous and obscure . In the end of the 12th century was built the government of bushi, by bushi ,for bushi . This government was obtained as the result of the long civil war and called Bakufu . Bakuhu was originally the camp or the castle of the leader who was sent to further land . He was permitted to tax in the occupied are and to punish by death . He ,this leader called syougun (translated in English general ) .
The top of bakufu was syougun . The position of syougun became nominal . Instead of the syougun the Houzyou family grasped the actual power . They were called shikken (administrator ) . Under the shikken was made the assembly congress, named hyouzyousyuu. Hyouzyou means congress . The menbers of the hyouzyousyuu was more than ten . Hyouzyousyuu was consisted of Houzyou family , another powered fighters and the bureaucrats in the high position . Under the hyouzyousyuu was set hikitukesyuu . This was the actual administrative position , They treated the most important problem , the lawsuit about the possession of the farmland . The judgement by hikituke was raised up to hyouzyousyuu .Hyouzyousyuu decided the judgement finally . Hyouzyousyuu and hikitukesyuu often judge together in the important case . The number of both assembly was about 30 . To keep the management smoothly, the law zyoueisikimoku was made . From the middle of 13th century the chief blood flow called tokusou family had the actual power . The leader of tokusou family left the position shikken ,he kept the power .He appointed someone to the position shikken as his representatives . The political power was concentrated to tokusou .
The top of bakufu was syougun .Between syougun and fighters the contract was formed . The fighter should give syougun the military service .Syougun should insure the farmland of the fighters .The fighter who contracted with syougun was called gokenin .Gokenin was the formal fighter for bakufu .For gokenin the relation with shikken was the economical relation . In contrary the relation with syougun was the personal relation . Something which insure the personal relation was the holiness of the blood . Therefor the position of syougun was necessary, even if it was only the name .The son of the emperor took the position of syougun . In a such way the structure of bakufu had three or four layer of the power .
The most important fact is continousnes from the fighter to the farmer. The fighters were always supplied from the farmer . This new fighters were often called non-gokenin or akutou .

Translation from the original Japanese edition 「日蓮と親鸞」
 2021 12 24 123

Nichiren and Shinran (122 )

2021-12-23 23:58:53 | Weblog
   Nichiren and Shinran (122)
Chapter 8 Nichiren I am Budda
Section Life and Times

When Nichiren 47 years old , Mongol empire sent the messenger to Japan and required
the tributes which was named the diplomatic relation . In the letter from Mongol was the sentence of the menace. If the require of Mongl was not satisfied , the war might occur , so written . Nichiren thought that his prophesy was just right .He required the discussion with another schools . But other schools made the intrigue and affected the center of bakuhu (administration) . Nichiren was exiled to Sado . The top of bakuhu , Houzyoutokiune liked Nichiren . But the punishment by death might be possible . Nichiren thought that he once died . He did on this proposition after Sado exile .
Nichiren was exiled to Sado when he was 50 years old. Sado is the isolated island in Japan see . He was left to the grave yard . Later he lived in the better place . When he stayed in Sado ,he wrote the tow chief writings , Kaimokusyou and Kanzinhonzonsyou .Kaimoku means to take the insight , Kanzin means to watch the heart .Honzon means Budda. At that time occurred the revolt of Houzyoutokisuke . Tokisuke was the brother in law of Tokimune . Tokisuke was the executive in bakuhu .
The disaster of the rebellion from the inside of bakufu The prophesy hid the target . 52 years old Nichiren was given pardon , went back to Kamakura. Bakufu asked him how to deal with these critical situations . Nichiren’s answer was the same , to believe only the hokkekou and to inhibit other schools . Bakufu did not adopt this proposal . Nichiren went to Minobu mountain . Nichiren lived here to his death . Half year later after Nichiren went to Minobu , many battle ships of Mongol attacked Hakata in Kyuusyuu .
Another prophesy , being attacked by the foreign state, hid the target too . He lived in Minobu 8 years . He taught the disciples and wrote the writings .He wrote many letters to the disciple and the supporters and accepted the letters from them . In this period occurred the suppression by bakufu many times . The big battle was the Atahara affaires . 1282 year ,61 years old Nichiren died .
Nichiren had lived 60 years from 1222 to 1282 . The period when he lived was characterized clearly . First the changing of the administration style from the congress system (hyouzyousyuu ) to the concentrated system (tokusou sensei ) , second the development of the monetary economy , third the conquest by Mongol over the world , these three affaires occurred in this period . 1221 year ( one year later Nichiren was born ) occurred the war named Zyoukyuu . Gotoba zyoukou ( previous emperor ,the leader of royal family ) was defeated by the power of bakuhu ,the rituryou system ( public possession of the farm as principle ) was destroyed . Emperorship could ruled the small area near by the capital Kyouto . Instead of emperorship the bakufu , centered on the family of Houzyou , appeared and took the leadership of the policy . The government of the fighters began . Bakufu constituted the institution to rule,named zyoueisikimoku .The ideal of the policy , realized by zyoueisikimoku , was the congress system composed of the higher class of the fighters .The power to administrate was gradually concentrated to the chief blood flow Tokusoufamily . The power was monopolized . Houzyou Tokiyori was the fifth Tokusou .He left the top position shikken but he grasped the actual power to govern .He appointed the adequate person to the position of shikken to speak for his will . Tokusou had the fighters who subordinated directly to him .They were called Tokusouhikan . The opposition occurred naturally .The opposition between the Houzyou family and other powered family , the opposition between tokusouhikan and other branch Houzyoufamily and so on . Kamakura bakufu succeeded about 150 years . In this period the battle , the intrigue and the murder of the leader , anything trouble occurred once in ten years . These affaires were the result of the power concentration to the Tokusoufamily . These situations affected the life of Nichiren .Nichiren respected zyoueisikimoku and the policy of Houzyou Yoshitoki, the winner of the zyoukyuu war . In the times ,30 years in his life in which the base of his thinking has been made the system of the government , tended rapidly to Tokusousensei , the monopolized system by Tokusou family .
Nichiren prophesized the disaster of the rebeillon from the inside of bakufu . This prophesy hit the target . In the back of his prophesy there was the feeling of the crisis , the crisis in which his ideal has been destroyed . Nichiren pulled the phrases from the holy writings and named the occurrence . But his original understandings were built on his keen critical attitude for the movement of the times . The man can make critics for surroundings only when he was clearly aware of his own ideal .And when the man had the power to make critics , he can understand the situation . Tairanoyorituna who arrested Nichiren and insisted on the punishment by death , was tokusouhikan .

Translation from the original Japanese edition 「日蓮と親鸞」
2021 12 23 122

Nichiren and Shinran (121 )

2021-12-21 21:23:53 | Weblog
Nichiren and Shinran (121 )
Chapter 8 Nichiren I am Budda
Section 2 life and times

The name of Nichiren in his childhood might be Yakuoumaru .This was the name which had been given later . Yakuou was pulled from the 23th article in hokkekyou .( see chapter 5 section 1 ) . Yakuoubosatu was given the role to protect the hokkekyou .Being the artifact is distinguished .12 years Nitiren entered into the temple in his home village named Seityou temple .The motivation to be priest was unknown . The cause of becoming the priest was not because of pessimism or feeling the not always sentiment . Nichiren might not suffer such a feeling . The reason to become the priest are various . to pray for the family , to avoid the trouble about the succession and so on . The powered family sent the member of the family to the temple and made him the protector of the family . The temple could become the core of the family . In one of the tale about Nichiren he prayed the kokuubosatu and hoped that he became the most wisest man in all Japan. Considering the later life ,this may be true . In the temple he learned zyoudo thought . 16 years He became the priest . His desire for knowledge was very strong . He learned hard . He was never satisfied with the learning in the home village temple . 18 years old he went to Kamakura (the center city of the fighter’s government ,called Bakuhu ) . 23 years old he went Enryaku temple near by Kyouto . At that time Enryaku temple and Kouhuku temple in Nara were the tow big centers of Budduhism . 32 years old he left Enryaku temple . He visited the temples in Nara ,accumulated the knowledge . He learned not only the Buddhism but also Confucianism and the history in Japan and China . He learned diligently .
In the Seityou temple in the home village Nitiren began to tell the Hokke thought .He would build the new school in the near future . Summarized his teaching simply , zyoudo thought was wrong and bad .Nitiren told , Hounen’s thought ,chanting Mida and zyoudo thought in general could not save . In place of them he promoted hokke thought dlligently and strongly .He said intensively and severely. He told , if the man believes of the zyoudo thought,the man falls into the hell This intense is by hokkekyou and Nitiren ‘s character .Then Touzyou kagenobu ,the lord in this country became anger . This person was the diligent zyoudo belieber .Nitiren could not live in the Seityou temple .He went to Kamakura. Nitiren went out of Enryaku temple ,32 years old ,1253 years .Here I will tell the moving of zyoudo thought . At that times zyoudo believes became mild and adapted to the society after many suppressions . Zyoudo thought is usually mild as if a sheep ,at least the surface of it’s relief . When however this school concentrates ,the believers tell ,once chant go to heaven , the initiative in the believes not necessary this school became very dangerous to the government as if the virgin changes to the running rabbit .In general the religion has such a tow sides . In the zyoudo thought this tendency is strong .When Nichiren went to Kamakura , the zyoudo thought let appear the side of the mild sheep . Kamakura was the center of the new government . Therefor many schools and sects assembled here and appeared their opinions . Kamakura was the new city where the various schools fought to acquire the believers .
39 years old , Nichiren gave the boss of bakuhu Houzyou Tokiyori the writing named Rissyouankokuron ( the proof how to govern the state ) . If the governor don’t inhibit the zyoudo believes and don’t administrate the people not along the law of hokkekyou , the administration shall be disturbed and the various disasters shall occur . Nichiren prophesized concretely , the disaster of being attacked by the foreign state and the disaster of rebellion from the inside of the government . He emphasized the reason of the state , here . this is the important feature of Nitiren ‘ sthought . The biggest motivation to write was the continuously succeeding of the natural disasters . Nichiren preached , the cause of succeeding of the natural disasters is the dishonest policy . Because the politicians don’t believe hokkekyou , the disasters often occurs . Nichiren taught the believes to the statesman and wanted to correct the politics (Kokkakangyou). Nichiren blamed other schools severely . Other schools were angry and began to attack . Nichiren’s house was assaulted by the believers of other schools . Nichiren fled and saved his life .Nitiren was exiled to Izu district ( now Shizuoka district ) .The reason to punish is to raise up the mob trouble .Who has given the chance to occur trouble , was Nichiren. But who has attacked the Nitiren’s house was the mob of other schools . The opposite was not punished . Therefore this judge was not correct .Nitiren wrote the note about the teach ,the disposition ,the time and the state (Kyoukizikokusyou) .42 years old he was given pardon . He came back to the home family temple Seityou temple . He told his believes severely here ,the lord Touzyoukagenobu assaulted him . Nitiren and disciples fought well . Nichiren suffered the injury on his head .

The translation from the original japanese edition 「日蓮と親鸞」
2021-12-21 121

The red China defeated . 共産中国は負けた。

2021-12-21 15:38:52 | Weblog
共産中国は負けた  The red China defeated
In English
Recently the Chinese government often said , we have the democracy .I don’t know weather it is true or not . But I think that they the red China was defeated through using this word .Because they should recognize the value of this word ,democracy . Long times in past I have never heard this words from the mouth of the Peking government .The word [Democracy] is the enemy word for the red China .To maintain the government , they used the enemy word .By this fact he had recognized their own defeat . Weather they noticed or not , I don’t know . 2021-12-21


2021-12-20 21:56:27 | Weblog
中国のある機関は本年度の中国企業の特許出願数が60000件を超えると発表している。2021年3月末の数値では日本の対アジア技術貿易では輸入がゼロである。(輸出は1.5兆円)。 私の数字の出典は「日本貿易の現状 JFTG 」である。今日の深層ニュース の数値は何なのか。1-2年でこの種の数値が簡単に変化するはずはない。中国の特許とはいかなるものなのか?疑問に思う。 2021-12-2

Nichiren and Shinran (130)

2021-12-20 21:37:16 | Weblog
Nichiren and Shinran 130
Chapter (8) Nichiren I am Budda
Section (1) Life and Time

1 The chief motives of Nichiren’s thohght are six phrases ,namely
Only hokke believe , make statement about government policy
Tow viehicles can be saved , I am Budda forever
Only chanting daimoku , Tell and overcome ,
In the beginning of this chapter I will add some explanations . The thought of Nichiren is complicated . His thought is the integration of the hokke thought . Therefor I should take all the History of Buddhism in the sight field to understand his thought . I may be able to cut off Shinran’ s though from the history , may be ? But in Nichiren’s case such a attempt is dangerous . because Nichiren had the tendency to overcome the hokke thought . The thought of Nitiren had been misunderstand . I explain the six phrases simply . [ Only hokke believe] means , man should believe only Hokekyou .[ make statement about government ] means , the hokkekyou trainees must statement the own opinion to the governor and must protest against the governor if necessary . [Tow vehicles can be saved ] means , all the man can be saved . Tow vehicles are defined as the trainees who trained only on his own way without the professional teacher . Here I will say a little irony . Many amateur trainees contributed to the formation of the Japanese Buddhism . [ I am Budda forever ] , this phrase should interpret literal . [ only chanting daimoku ] The slogan to admire Mida changed to slogan the phrase to admire the hokkekyou . [ tell and overcome ] means , the hokkekyou believer must persuade the opposite , break down the opposite’s opinions ..
Nichiren was born 1221 year in Awa district ( now Chiba district ). He said,he was a son of the fisher . About his birth there is nothing to be told . Thherefor this is the popular opinion . I never believe of this opinion . I think , Nixhiren came from the rich class in the society , weather his family was occupied fisher or not .His family might belong to the class of the lower lord(the direct administrator ,the fighter ) of manor . The manor was not always the manor of the agriculture .There were the manor occupied with fishing . In the times when Nichiren was born and grew up ,the east area of Japan was involved with the monetary economy . It was possible for the fishing to establish the professional occupation . Nichiren studied in Kamakura and Kyouto more than 10 years.
Study demands a lot of money . A popular farmer could not pay .In addition to that he managed the law suit very well .About the farmland of the nun who might have taken care of Nichiren ,he disputed with other lord . This affaire was tangled with the problem of belief . the battle occurred Nichiren and other lord .The managing the law suit could only the lord class who was detailed with the work of this sort .If Nichiren called himself born out of cast , he made himself as charisma and made the myth . I will tell another case as the comparison . Martin Rutter was called the son of the miner . The study about Rutter found that his father had been the bourgeoisie and was rich .The miners were various . And the fisher had various states .

Translation from the original Japanese edition 「日蓮と親鸞」
2021 12 20 120

Nichiren and Shinran (129)

2021-12-19 22:11:56 | Weblog
Nichiren and Shinran (129)
Chapter 7 Shinran I am Budda
Section 5 The thought of Shinran

1 I have considered of Shinran’s thought from the various viewpoint .In this section I will
summarize from the beginning of the zyoudo believes .In the beginning of this chapter I have summarized Shinran’s thought as the six article . See following .
Direct toward only Mida
Chantig Mida
Negation of initiative
At first can be saved the bad man
Equality of the people with Mida
Let it be , so it is it
At least in the times of Ryuuzyu and Seshin did not be presented [ direct toward only Mida ]. Their contribution was the introduction of the watching the zyoudo as the simple easy method . The thought , direct toward Mida only Mida , began from Donran .He was also half baked . he praised Mida and zyoudo , searched for the way to watch and enter into zyoudo .But[ raise and watch] could not mean [only Mida].
Donran emphasized the splendidness of zyoudo , light side. In the contrary ,Doushaku and Zendou emphasized the dark side ,emphasized the dark side. The man was foolishness .His disposition was very bad. The tow persons emphasized the law and the disposition of the people. They pulled the dark side of the person. They told of the mappou (the period in which the man had little ability to go to zyoudo ) . They considered that man had nothing good ,was filled with guilt agony and much desire .Such a man in such a period had no more the possibility than depending on Mida , they taught so. Dousyaku introduced the conception Kyou-Ki-Zi . Kyou means teaching .Ki means disposition and Zi means time .In the bad time , for the bad man was the simple method effective . Zendou accepted this concept and made it clearer through the story of Idaike and Daibadatta in Kanmuryouzyukyou . By Zendou was the thought of [direct toward Mida] established . At the same time the reason of chanting Mida was recognized .
2 The representative priest who promoted the zyoudo believes in Japan were Genshin and Hounen . They lived in their times and promoted the zyoudo believe adapted to their times . In the middle of Heian era Genshin systematized the zyoudo thought and made the method of watching Mida . He was affected by the fastineted atomosphere at that time . Hounen lived in the last times of Heian era and the beginning of the Kamakura era , took the mind of the times , belief and decision into his thought . He depended upon Zendou and simultaneously erased the obscureness in Zendou’s believe . and adopted the chanting Mida as the only one method without any compromise . In Zenndou the value of other method without chanting Mida zero .In Hounen their value became minus . Hounen proclaimed that other practice was the robbery . Hounen also emphasized the value of the chanting Mida’s hope and negated the initiative at the side of the beliebers ..Laissez faire , the luck shall come. When viewed Zenran and Houne , the greatness of Mida and the badness of the peole parallel . Because of bad therefor the bad man becomes unlucky .this is the logics in the popular society . But in the saving action the situation is reversed .Here , because of bad, the bad man can be saved , at first .In the zyoudo thought Mida and people absolutely distinct .At the same time Mida and people are the same , entirely the same .Zendou emphasized only the dstinction . In the contrary Hounen told about the continuation of the both sides . Naturally the initiative in the believes became unnecessary .Shinran proceeded in this way ,decisively .
To accomplish the logics through and through Shinran noticed , recognized the latent continuousness between Mida (in general Budda ) and the people ,pulled it and changed the continuousness to the sameness . To achieve this operation , the value and ethics which are valid and current in the society ,should be negated ,completely . Shinran dug the thought of Hounen more deeply . Shinran changed the logics from [No intiative in belief ] to [Because of no initiative can be saved ] . The concepg of Akuninsyouki (at first can be saved the bad man ) was born . Here Shinran integrated the tow flows in the zyoudo thoughts , the light side drawn by Seshin and Donran ,and the dark side told by Dousyaku and Zendou .
 Through the concept of [Akuninshouki] Shinran and Mida became equal .The operation to pull out this conclusion was the reversal of the value . Only by the reversal of the value good and bad ,Shinran ,more generally speaking the man can be equal to Mida .The reversal of the value has been done through the self introspection . The reversal of the value brought the reinstation of his self . Shinran suffered from the lost of the object from his birth . The lower rank of his family in the aristocrat society , the thoughtless deed of his father , being left alone in his society , involvement with the battle , the lost of the promotion and finally the punishment to exile to country , he experienced the lost of object and the danger of identification many times . More the problem of the sexuality was added . Shinran dug and exposed the own trauma . He succeeded to look at the trauma and to take the insight of himself . At the same time Shinran justify own trauma through exposition . The final conclusion of this operation was Akuninsyouki , at first can be saved the bad man- - theory .Shinran became equal to Mida. When self and Mida are equal both sides lost their form . Mida ,Shinran and the law made the formless space itself . There is no distinction . That is the state ,let it be so it is it . That is making the god from him self .
The strongest shock on the way to the final state was the affaire ,to disown his son Zenran . By sacrifice of his own son Shinran overcame his own power .He could beco
me totally dependent on Mida.
What Shinran has brought and given us in the 90 years long life . the answer is the finding of the man ,the man as universe . Because of universal the possibility is unlimited , the deed is unlimited too . The man as the universal can carry everything .Shinran accepted the reality of universal, badness eros and nothing The finding of the man., Shinranhas brought us, here..

Translation from the original Japanese edition 「日蓮と親鸞」
 2021 12 19 129