

Nichiren and Shinran(114)

2021-12-04 22:07:08 | Weblog
Nichiren and Shinran (114)
Chapter 7 Shinran I am Budda
Section 2 Direct toward Mida Teaching ,practice ,believes and the proof .

Shinran was the famous priest ( thinker ) in the Japanese Buddhism .But his deeds and thought were vague and obscure . Specially about the thought before his chief writng Kyougyousinsyou was unknown without being Hounen’s disciple . Even the dispute weather Shinran really existed or not ,occurred in the past .In this chapter I will overview the Shinran’ thought, tell the outline of his life and explain the contents of Kyougyousinsyou . Kyou means teach ,Gyou means practice ,Sin means belief ,Syou means proof in English .
Shinran’s thohght is consisted of the six articles .See followings .
Direct toward Mida
Chanting Mida.
Don’t do Ekou
At first can be saved the bad man
Equality with nyorai
Let it so , shall be so
1173 year Shinran was born . His father was Hinoarinori ,the lower aristocrat . Hino’famiry was a tributary of Fuziwara family . From the antecedent of Huziwara family 600 yeas , this family bore many tuributaries .The positin of Hino family was fixed as the professinals for Confuccianism .Hino family had been the powerd family in the latter period and succeeded till 1945 year as the aristocrat . The creators of the five Kamakura new Buddhism had from the different social classes . Dougen ( Zen school ) from the upper aristocrat , Shinra ( Zyoudo belief ) from the lower aristocrat , Hounen (Zyoooudo belief ) , Nitiren (Hokke school ) ,Ippen (zyoudo school) these three person from the country lord class.
Because of his social class Shinran had not the hope to ascend to the higher position . In this period ,the latter half of 12th century , the ancient system of the government (Rituryousei ) lost the might to govern. The actual governor was the Bakuhu which was built for Bushi . The ancient system was become a mere formality . The class of each family of the aristocrat was fixed .
Shinran was bore in this family . He could not ascend to the higher position . By the legend about Shinra ,he 9 years old, went Enryaku temple and to be trained there After that time to 29 years old ,nothing about Shinran was known .By the letters of his wife Shinran might be occupied with praying (playing) the Nenbutu ( imaging up of the Mida ). This praying was named Hudannenbutu ( hudan means always ) , In this praying the woody sculpture of Budda was set at the center . Around the sculpture the members circled slowly , concentrated the attention to Mida and chanting Namuamidabtu . This fact means that Shinran was out of the course to ascend the high position in Enryaku temple and served to the practical affaires . This operation might be one of the origin of the popular dancing or the drama . Later Shinran used the music as the method of the propaganda very well .There is for example Wasan ,( song to praise Mida ) . Shinra might be Seisou ( the priest who experienced the intercourse with women) . The motive force of the development of his thought is unsuppresive sexual drive ( or desire to make the relationwith others ) . This fact also important in his thought of the future . He proclaim that the priest could make the family .
29 years old Shinran stayed Rokkakudou in Kyouto 100 days and heard the telling of Syoutokutaisi , decided to go to Hounen and became his disciples .In the book called Shinranmuki ( memory of Shinra’s dream ) the interesting tale was written . In Shinran’s dream appeared Kuzekannon and she said . If you can’t suppress sexual desire,I will become the partner of your sexual appetite . Whether this tale was true or false has been unknown . Now the persons who think , that is true ,may be many .
 Shinran studied in the Honnen group . 1204 years the old temples blamed Hounen’s thought .In response to the blame Hounen proposed the pledge of the five articles . Shinran signed this pledge as one of the disciples . 33 years old Shinran was permitted by Hounen to read Sentyakuhongannenbutusyu (see the former section ) .This book was permitted for only a few disciples to read . For the unexperienced person this book might be dangerous . Hounen also understood .Shinran was permitted to draw Hounen .Shinran was recognized one of the chief disciples . In these time Shinran married .1207 year the order to inhibit the action Hounen’school .Shinran was exiled to Etigo district (now Niigata district ) . Four years later he was pardoned . Shinran continued to live in Etigo .Next year Hounen died . Over 40 year old Shinran went to Inada village in Hitati district (now Ibaragi district ) . In these time Shinran experienced the important turning point in Sanuki village in Kouzuke district(now Gunnma district ) .

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