


2014-05-29 16:24:39 | ブログ






 全ての真実は、必ず、成就されるというのは、本当である。上手くやり果(おお)せたなどと言うことは、実際には、無い! ウソは一時的には、通用するが、永遠には通用することはなく、必ず、真実が顕れる。そして、その報いは、受けなければならない。















【転載開始】3歳児 前世で殺された記憶から犯人発見に至る 


“Epoch Times”新聞によると、この幼児が言葉を話せる年齢になった時、自分は斧で頭を切りつけられて殺されたと親に語った。その話は村の人々にも広がった。そしてドイツ人の心理セラピストであり退行催眠師でも有名なTrutz Hardo 先生もその話を直接その子から聞かされた。



【元記事転載】3-Year-Old Remembers Past Life, Identifies Murderer and Location of Body 

The universe is full of mysteries that challenge our current knowledge.
In “Beyond Science” Epoch Times collects stories about these strange phenomena to stimulate the imagination and open up previously undreamed of possibilities. Are they true? You decide.

A 3-year-old boy in the Golan Heights region near the border of Syria and Israel said he was murdered with an axe in his previous life. He showed village elders where the murderer buried his body, and sure enough they found a man’s skeleton there. He also showed the elders where the murder weapon was found, and upon digging, they did indeed found an axe there.

In his book, “Children Who Have Lived Before: Reincarnation Today,” German therapist Trutz Hardo tells this boy’s story, along with other stories of children who seem to remember their past lives with verified accuracy. The boy’s story was witnessed by Dr. Eli Lasch, who is best known for developing the medical system in Gaza as part of an Israeli government operation in the 1960s. Dr. Lasch, who died in 2009, had recounted these astounding events to Hardo.

The boy was of the Druze ethnic group, and in his culture the existence of reincarnation is accepted as fact. His story nonetheless had the power to surprise his community.

He was born with a long, red birthmark on his head. The Druse believe, as some other cultures do, that birthmarks are related to past-life deaths. When the boy was old enough to talk, he told his family he had been killed by a blow to the head with an axe.

It is customary for elders to take a child at the age of 3 to the home of his previous life if he remembers it. The boy knew the village he was from, so they went there. When they arrived in the village, the boy remembered the name he had in his past life.

A village local said the man the boy claimed to be the reincarnation of had gone missing four years earlier. His friends and family thought he may have strayed into hostile territory nearby as sometimes happens.

The boy also remembered the full name of his killer. When he confronted this man, the alleged killer’s face turned white, Lasch told Hardo, but he did not admit to murder. The boy then said he could take the elders to where the body was buried. In that very spot, they found a man’s skeleton with a wound to the head that corresponded to the boy’s birthmark. They also found the axe, the murder weapon.

Faced with this evidence, the murderer admitted to the crime. Dr. Lasch, the only non-Druze, was present through this whole process.

To read more of Hardo’s stories, read his book, “Children Who Have Lived Before.”

ALSO SEE: Boy Remembers Wife and Killer of Past Life, Finds Them Again【転載終了】

【転載②開始】Boy Remembers Wife and Killer of Past Life, Finds Them Again 

A little boy in Turkey insisted as soon as he could talk that he be called Selim Fesli instead of the name his parents gave him, Semih Tutusmus. He said he was the reincarnation of Fesli, and he remembered the names of people from Fesli’s life as well as many details from his life, which were later verified by Fesli’s widow.

German therapist Trutz Hardo told this boy’s story in his book “Children Who Have Lived Before: Reincarnation Today.”  He recounts the story witnessed by the late Dr. Ian Stevenson, who was a leading researcher for the University of Virginia School of Medicine on the topic of reincarnation.

On May 9, 1958, in the village of Hatun Köy, Turkey, Fesli was found dead in a field. He had been shot in the face and right ear. His neighbor, Isa Dirbekli, admitted he shot and killed Fesli, but he said it was by accident, that he was hunting at the time.

In the neighboring village of Sarkonak, Mrs. Karanfil Tutusmus, was pregnant. She had a dream in which a man who identified himself as Selim Fesli appeared. He had a bloody face.

Tutusmus’s baby was born with a small and deformed right ear, corresponding to the wound that killed Fesli.

When the boy was 4 years old, he walked to Fesli’s home and told Fesli’s widow, “I am Selim, you are my wife Katibe.” He remembered intimate details of their life together and the names of his children. He visited often, still treating Katibe as his wife and Fesli’s grown children as his children.

The boy said that Dirbekli had intentionally killed him over a dispute about Fesli’s mule grazing in Dirbekli’s field. Dirbekli maintained it was an accident. The boy would throw stones at Dirbekli when he saw him, but he was stopped from taking a more violent revenge.

Resat Bayer, Dr. Stevenson’s Turkish partner, warned the boy that if he took revenge, Dirbekli could likewise reincarnate and take revenge, and a cycle of hate and revenge may ensue.

To read more of Hardo’s stories, read his book, “Children Who Have Lived Before.”

ALSO SEE: 3-Year-Old Remembers Past Life, Identifies Murderer and Location of Body【転載終了】





1958年5月9日に、 ハトン・コイという、トルコの村で、 フェシリは、野原で死んで発見された。彼は顔と右耳を撃たれていた。彼の隣人、イサ・ディルベコリは、フェシリの射殺認めたが、それは一緒に狩りしている時の、事故だったと述べた。

隣の村では、サツコンナカとその夫人カランフィル・ ツツスマスは妊娠していた。彼女はセリム・フェシリとして認識された男の夢を見た。彼の顔は、血まみれであった。


フェシリの家に歩いて、 フェシリの未亡人に語った。「私はセリム。あなたは私の妻カチベです。」 少年は、一緒に暮らした生活の親密な細部と子の名前を覚えていた。彼は、まだ、フェシリの未亡人とフェシリの成人した子供たちを自分の子供のように、又、カチベの労るように、しばしば訪れた。

ディルベコリの放牧場で、フェシリのラバの放牧に関する論争の上に意図的に彼を殺したと言った。 ディルベコリは、それが事故だった主張した。少年は、ディルベコリを見たとき、ディルベコリに石を投げるだろうが、彼はより多くの暴力的な復讐を取ってから停止した。

スティーブンソン博士のトルコのパートナーであるレサット・バイエルは、彼は復讐を取った場合、 ディルベコリも同様に転生して復讐をし、憎しみと復讐のサイクルが続いて起こることがあり得ることを少年に警告した。【仮訳終了】



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