


One of my favorite things....

2015-03-29 09:50:43 | 英語・今日のレッスン

words and expressions

cold  寒い
chilly  肌寒い
cool 涼しい

It's not quite spring yet.  まだあまり春ではない/ まだ完全に春ではない

It's hasn't been spring yet. まだ春になってない

hold- held- held  (他動詞)(会などを)開く、開催する

my favorite things 私のお気に入りなこと


I went to listen to a gospel concert last weekend. 先週ゴスペルコンサートを聴きに行きました

- Did you go with anyone?  誰かと一緒に行ったのですか?

- How was it? どうでした?

- Where was it? それはどこでありましたか?

This is the third-year the concert has been held.

Was it the first time for you to see it?

Was it full house?  満席でしたか

What kind of concert was it again? 何のコンサートでしたっけ

What time did it start? いつ始まったのですか
What time did it end? いつ終わりましたか (finishではなくend)

Seven o five. (セヴンオーファイヴ)7時5分です

【This is the first time for me to+動詞 ~するのは私にとって初めてです】

Is it the first time for you to come to Japan?

No. It was the third time.

(未来形)Will it be the first time for you to ~? ~するのは初めてですか


in full bloom  満開で、花の盛りで
Cherry blossoms are in full bloom. 桜が満開です

a full moon 満月  It's a full moon. 満月です

a full tank 満タン I have a full tank. (ガソリンは)満タンです

full house 満席  It was a full house. 満席でした

Standing room only. 立ち見以外満員

【~again? ~でしたっけ?(一度聞いたことをまた聞くとき)】

What time is your departure again? 出発は何時でしたっけ?
When is you departure again?  出発はいつでしたっけ?
How old is your daughter again? お嬢さんはおいくつでしたっけ?
When is your birthday again?  あなたの誕生日はいつでしたっけ

【One of the good thing about~よいことの一つは】

One of the good things about +名詞句 / +疑問詞+文 / +the fact that

One of the good things about living in this neighborhood is it's safe.
=One of the good things about where I live in this neighborhood is it's safe.

One of the good things about not living Tokyo is it's safe.
東京に住まないことのよいことの一つは安全なことです (注:単なる例文です)

One of the good things about the fact that I couldn't go to the party was I didn't see my ex-husband.

One of my favorite things about going western Japan is seeing Mt.Fuji.

One of the good things about living near the fire department is we have a feeling of safety.

【Do you know~ ~を知っていますか】

Do you know it? それを知っていますか
Do you know where it is?  それがどこか知っていますか
Do you know where she works?  彼女がどこで働いているか知っていますか

【How much time do you think~ 】

How much time do you think we have time before our departure?

×Do you think how much time~ という形にはならない

What do you think this shirt is made of(from)?

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