


A and B are equally large.  AとBは同じ大きさ

2011-07-31 17:09:23 | 英語・今日のレッスン

(words and phrases)

sold out  売り切れ
equally 同じ、等しく、同等に (副詞)

Except for coffee the vending machine (on the first floor) near the door of this community center is sold out of drinks.


in fact     実際には

Did they do well? よくできましたか?
Yes, infact they won.  はい、実際に彼らは勝ちました

Actully no.they lost.  いいえ、実は彼らは負けました

I didn't hear about it until two days after.


A:After the class Do you have a free time?

B:Acutualy no.I made an appointment at dental cliic.
If I were free, what did you want to do?/ If I were free, what did you have in mind?

A:I'd like to have lunch with you.

B:Oh,I'm sorry. How about next time?


【review  同じ、反対、似ている、違う】

A and B are the same. 同じ
A and B are the opposite.  反対
A and B are different .   違う
A and B are simiar.   似ている


A and B are the same + 名詞
A and B are equally  + 形容詞

This movie and That movie are equally interesting.
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Enough is enough   もう十分だ!

2011-07-24 20:17:03 | 英語・今日のレッスン
【words and phrases】
enough 十分
choke  のどが詰まる、息苦しくさせる
drown  溺れる
hzardous  危険
allow 許す
infect 感染

【review  比較】

A is (more) ____________ than B.  AはBより~だ  (___は形容詞+er, またはmore+形容詞)

A is not as ____________ as B   AはBほど~でない (___は形容詞)


A is too far to walk to.   Aは遠すぎて歩けない

A is so far that I can't walk then.  Aは遠すぎて歩くことができない→Aは遠すぎて歩けない

This box is very heavy.  この箱はとても重い
This box is too heavy.  この箱は重すぎる
This box is too heavy to carry.  この箱は重すぎて運べない
This box is so heavy that I can't carry it bymyself.  この箱はとても重いので私は(自分で)運ぶことができない

This box isn't very haevy.   この箱はあまり重くない

Is this box too heavy to carry?     この箱は重すぎて運べないですか?

【もう十分だ enough is enough】

Enough is enough.  もう十分だ

That's enough.   それは十分だ

That's high enough.   それは十分(高さが)高い
That's far enough.   それは十分遠い


A:Would you please take a photo?  写真を撮っていただけますか?

B:Sure.  いいですよ

A:Would you please move back?  後ろへ下がってください
 Would you please move forword. 前へ動いて
 Would you please move closer. 近くへ動いてください

A:A little more.....more...more.... もう少し。。。もうすこし。。。

【Watch out! 危ない!】

Watch out!  危ない!!
Look out! 危ない!!(気をつけて)

Heads out!  (ボールを投げる前などに注意を促す表現)

There is no danger of choking.  窒息の危険は無い
There is a danger drowning. おぼれる危険がある

Smoking is hazardous to your health.  喫煙は健康を害する危険がある

Allowing children to put small things in(to) their mouth is dangerous.

If you don't treat a cut quickly there is a risk of infection.

【review  前の、後の】

ten minutes ago.  10分前
ten minutes from now. 10分後
15 minutes before + 名詞  (名詞)の15分前  15 minutes before the movie. 映画の15分前

Would you please call me 30 minutes before your meeting?

Would you please call me 30 minutes after your meeting?

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This is my first time to come to Japan.

2011-07-10 09:33:23 | 英語・今日のレッスン
7月5日(月)のレッスン 日本語訳がややおかしいところがありますが、ご容赦を・・・

(today's words and phrase)

this kind of     こんな
make と cookの違い cook= to use fire
wrap   包む
package   小包
on purpose  わざと
purposely  わざと(副詞)

Is this first time to~ ?  初めてですか

Is this your first time to have this kind of treatment?

Was that your first time to~ ?  初めてだったですか?(過去形になると was/ that)

That was first time to have this kind of treatment.

This will be his first time to have this kind of treatment.

Is this your first time to visit Tokyo?     東京を訪れるのは初めてですか
Is this your first time to go to Tokyo?      東京へ行くのは初めてですか(東京以外のところで聞いている)
Is this your first time to come to Tokyo?     東京へ来るのは初めてですか(東京で聞いている)   

visit ×to         visitにはtoがつかない(訪問するという意味では)
come to
go to

enough +名詞

Do we have enough paper to wrap this package?

Is this package big enough to send Mr.Sakamoto present?

recommend +名詞
suggest +主語、動詞

What kind of food do you recommend at this restrant?

I suggest that you ask Mr.Sakamoto.

accidentally   悪い偶然(責任のある)
I accidentally dropped my friend's camera.

happen to~  偶然に
I happened to see Mr.Sakamoto at Tokyo station.

by any chance  もしかして / 偶然に(可能性の少ないこと)】

Did you by any chance happen to bring an umbrella?

Did you by any chance happen to remember her name ?

注意) 忘れましたか→forget  ではなく、 覚えていますかと考えて→remember

I purposely waiting until after Chrismas to buy present.

【I didn't mean to そういうつもりではない】

I didn't mean to say that to you.

I didn't mean to hurt your feelings.

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