


So that you won't be hungry.

2016-04-24 17:56:07 | 英語・今日のレッスン
4月18日(月) レッスン

words and expressions
glad-plaid 格子柄
check  小さいチェック柄
stripes ストライプ
hound's-tooth 千鳥格子

I like the pattern of your sweater.  あなたのセーターの柄はいいですね。

You can eat as much as you like. 食べ放題。好きなだけ食べられる
You can eat as many strawberries as you like. イチゴ食べ放題

careless 不注意
dangerous 危険

squint 目を細めて見る
roll your eyes 目をぐるぐる回す=あきれた表情をする

【~しないように so that you won't~】

So that you won't forget. 忘れないように
So that you won't be late. 遅れないように
So that you won't be disappoint.  がっかりしないように
So that you won't be hungry.   おなかがすかないように
So that you won't lose your camera, you should put it in your bag.

this bag このバック
that bag あのバック
that bag over there あの向こうのバック

Please put it on table. それをテーブルの上に置いてください
Please put it under the table. それをテーブルの下に置いてください
Please put it in this bag. それをこのバックに入れてください
Please put it in that bag. それをあのバックに入れてください
Please put it in that bag over there. それをあの向こうのバックに入れてください

Two weeks ago, my second ground child was born. It was a boy.

Congratulations. おめでとうございます

He was one month premature. 彼は1カ月早産児でした
= He was born one month before it was expected to be born. 彼は出産予定よりも1カ月前に生まれました

Is he okay? お孫さんは大丈夫でしたか?
He and his mother are okay. 彼と彼のお母さんは大丈夫です(孫と孫のお母さんは大丈夫です)
Oh! That's great!  それはよかったです

You must have been relieved.  あなたは安心したに違いなかった
Does he already have a name?  もう彼は名前が付けられましたか

How old is your first grandchild?  最初のお孫さんはおいくつですか

【Do you have~?】
Do you already have your tickets?  すでにチケットはお持ちですか
Do you have any pictures?  写真はお持ちですか
Do you already have your passport? もうパスポートは持っていますか

【Don't get me wrong.】
several times  何回も
again and again 何回も何回も

Don't get me wrong. I wanted to tell you about our meeting time. I called you again and again, but there was no answer.

Don't get me wrong. I'm listening, but because of air conditioner it's hard to hear so please speak louder.

Don't get me wrong. I'd love to listen to your speech tomorrow, but I have a packed schedule.

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Don't get me wrong.

2016-04-17 16:13:45 | 英語・今日のレッスン

words and expressions

stairs 階段 まっすぐ上がるものではなく、互い違いに上がるタイプの階段
steps 階段、段 まっすぐ上がる階段

step 踏む
Accidentally, she stepped on my glasses. 彼女はうっかり私の眼鏡を踏んでしまった

terrific すごくいい、素晴らしい

1.挨拶として「久しぶりです」 →     It's been a long time.

A: It's been a long time.
B: Yes, it's been a long time.
A: How have you been? / How are you?
B: I'm good. Thank you. And you? / How are you?

2.初対面の時のあいさつ 「はじめまして」 →  Hi, My name is May. Nice to meet you.

A: Hi, my name is May. Nice to meet you.
B: Nice to meet you too, May. My name is Thomas.

3.「休憩しましょう」 →  Let's take a break.

4.男性用の靴   →    men's shoes.
5.レディーファースト  →    ladies first 

6.靴屋、靴店   →   shoe shop 
7.本屋、書店  →     book shop, book store

8.「あなたの時計はどのくらい古いの?」  →   How old is your watch?

A: How old is your watch?
B: Ten years old.

9.「この建物は何年経っていますか?」  →   How old is this building?
10.「先週末、私は家族のことで忙しかった」   →  Last weekend, I was busy with my family.
11.「今週末、私は家を掃除するのに忙しいです」→  This weekend, I'll be busy cleaning my house.
12.「昨日、私は洗濯をするのに忙しかった」 → Yesterday, I was busy doing the laundry.
13.「夕べ、食器を洗うのに忙しかった」→  Last night, I was busy doing the dishes.
14.「昨日、私は東京で忙しかった」→   Yesterday, I was busy in Tokyo.
15.「3日前、友人は仕事で忙しかった」→  Three days ago, my friend was busy at work.

A: Hi. Nice to meet you. My name is May.
B:Nice to meet you too, May. My name is Thomas.
A:Where are you from? ご出身はどちらですか
 When did you come to Japan? いつ日本に来たのですか
 What do you do?/ What kind of work do you do? お仕事は何をされていますか
 What do you like to do in your free time? 時間のある時は何をされてますか(趣味は何ですか)

What do you like to do on the weekends? 週末には何をするのが好きですか
What do you like to do when you go to Tokyo? 東京に行くときは何をするのが好きですか
What kind of music do you like? どんな音楽が好きですか

【悪く思わないでほしいのだけど/ 誤解しないでほしいのですが】
Don't get me wrong. 悪くとらないでください

Don't get me wrong. I like Mr.Sakamoto but his English isn't good enough to introduce Japan to tourists from overseas.
Don't get me wrong. I know natto is healthy food, but I cannot stand the smell.

blink(s) まばたきする
Don't blink. まばたきしないで

in the blink of an eye  瞬時に

turn a blind eye  大目に見る、見て見ぬふりをする
During obon in this neighborhood, the police turn a blind eye towards illegal parking near graveyards.

wink ウィンク
She winked at me. 彼女は私にウィンクした

stare 凝視する
She stared at him.  彼女は彼をじっと見た

Don't get me wrong を使い例文を作る

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I was supposed to go shopping.

2016-04-10 15:27:48 | 英語・今日のレッスン

words and expression

my mother in-law  義母 / my father in-law 義父
my in-laws 義理の親戚、親戚

peek-a-boo. I see you. いないいないばぁ、見ーえた

These days many people wear their masks. この頃、多くの人がマスクをしている

I was busy taking care of my daughter and my new granddaughter.

I was busy with my family. わたしは家族のことに忙しかった

I was busy with working. 私は働くことに忙しかった
I was busy working. 私は働くことで忙しかった


I'm busy studying right now. 今勉強してて忙しい

I will be busy in my garden tomorrow. 明日、私は庭で忙しい(→庭仕事で忙しいなど)
I will be busy planting new flowers tomorrow. 明日、私は新しい花を植えるのに忙しい
I will be busy at work tomorrow. 明日私は職場で忙しい

*広い場所は in / in Takasaki, in my garden  限定した場所 at/ at the supermarket, at work

【How old is this~? これはどのくらい経っている?】

How old is your son?  あなたの息子さんはいくつですか(何歳ですか)
How old is your dog?  あなたの犬はいくつですか
How old is your computer? あなたのコンピューターはどのくらい古い?(何年制?)
How old is this fish? この魚はどのくらい経ってますか(この魚はいつのですか?)
about だいたい(約)
more than ~以上
less than ~以下
at most せいぜい、多くても
at least 少なくとも


I went to the Philippines. フィリピンに行きました
How long were you there?  どのくらい(何日)そこにいましたか
How long did you stay there? どのくらいそこに泊まりましたか

What did you there?  そこで何をしたのですか
Did you go with anyone? 誰かと一緒に行きましたか?

(未来形も練習)How long will you stay?  どのくらい泊まる予定ですか
(未来形も練習)What will you do? 何をするつもりですか

【Did you go with anyone? と Who did you go with?】
Did you go with anyone? 誰かと一緒に行きましたか (礼儀正しい言い方)
Who did you go with? 誰と一緒に行ったのですか (場合によっては尋問のように聞こえる)

Did you meet anyone? 誰かに会いましたか(polite:礼儀正しい)
Who did you meet? 誰に会ったのですか (impolite:無礼)

Did you go anywhere? どこかへ行きましたか (polite)
Where did you go?  どこへ行きましたか

Did you buy anything? 何かを買いましたか(polite)
What did you buy? 何を買いましたか


The other day, I was supposed to go shopping for a new computer with my friend, but just before I left my house, he called and asked me to postpone our plants until after the weekend because, according to the TV, a newer, better computer will come out sometime next week.

recently 最近
these days この頃
the other day 先日(10日以内)
postpone 延期する
postpone until ~  ~まで延期する
sometime yesterday 昨日のいつか
sometimes 時々

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This picture was taken by my husband in 1950. 

2016-04-03 17:43:58 | 英語・今日のレッスン

words and expressions

well-mannered (形容詞)行儀のよい
His daughter is well-mannered. 彼の娘さんはよく躾けられている


I hurried from the parking lot to here.  駐車場からここへ急いできました

How long did it take to come here. ここへ来るのにどのくらい時間がかかりましたか?
*この場合 come here と toを入れない形をつかいますが、最初の文のようにfrom 場所 to 場所 の場合は here とthereでも to here/ to there になります

You don't have to hurry.  あなたは急がなくていい
You have to hurry. あなたは急がなければならない
You should hurry. あなたは急ぐ方がいい

【Do you have hay fever?】
Do you have hay fever? 花粉症ですか? (×Do you have a hay fever. aはつかない)
Do you have a cold? 風邪をひいていますか
Do you have the flu? インフルエンザにかかっていますか

【It's been a long time~】
It's been a long time. お久しぶりです(挨拶として)
Long time no see. 久しぶり! (かなりカジュアル。男性がよく使う)

It's been a long time since I ate pizza. ピザを食べるのは久しぶりです(直訳;ピザを食べてから長い時間がかかった)
It's been a long time since I caught a cold. 風邪をひくのは久しぶりです
It's been a long time since my husband was angry. 夫が怒るのは久しぶりです
It's been a long time since I was disappointed by watching a movie. 映画を見てがっかりするのは久しぶりです
It's been a long time since I was surprised by my children on my birthday.

【It'll be a long time before/ since ~】
未来形 ~するまで時間がかかるでしょう

It'll be a long time before she can walk without a cane.
=It'll be a long time until she can walk without a cane.

It'll be a long time before I have to change this battery. この電池を取り換えるまで時間がかかるでしょう
It'll be a long time until she wants to drink beer again. 彼女がまたビールを飲みたくなるまでには時間がかかるでしょう
It'll be a long time until I can speak English fluently, like you.
It'll be a little longer until my puppies are big enough to train.

受動態)The apple was eaten by the boy. そのリンゴはその男の子に食べられた
能動態)The boy ate the apple. その男の子はリンゴを食べた

This building was built in 1930.  その建物は1930年に建てられました
This picture was taken by my husband in 1950. この写真は1930年に夫によって撮られた
The picture will be taken by my husband during my wedding. 結婚式の間、写真は夫によって撮られるでしょう

現在)English is spoken in Australia. オーストラリアでは英語が話されています
   He is loved by everyone.  彼はみなに愛されています
過去)This book was written by Akutagawa. この本は芥川によって書かれました
未来)This song will be loved by a lot of people. この歌は多くの人に愛されることでしょう
現在完了)This song has been loved by a lot of people. この歌は多くの人によってずっと愛されてきた

These dishes weren't washed yesterday. これらのお皿は昨日洗われませんでした

Was this cake made by her? このケーキは彼女によって作られたのですか(このケーキは彼女が作ったのですか?)

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2016-04-03 17:42:13 | お知らせ
30. Your picture taking is better step by step. あなたの写真(写真を撮る技術)はだんだんよくなっている

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