


Besides these cookies, did you buy anything else?

2022-06-27 15:23:20 | My private lesson

キラキラ光る---------> sparkling
宝石などがキラキラ光る--------> glittering
床などが磨かれピカピカに光っている-------> shiny
彼女の靴は光っています-------> Her shoes are sparkling.
スパンコール--------> sequin

その犬は窓を壊してしました---------> The dog accidentally broke a window.
そのチョークが壊れないように、私たちはそれをその箱に入れています-------> So that the chalk won't break, we put it in the box.
【accidentally, by chance, happen to】
Accidentally ------> 悪いことのとき、偶然に、うっかり、間違えて(ただし、使える範囲が限定的、日本語では「うっかり転んだ」というが、I accidentally fell.のような言い方はあまりしない、と講師より)
Happen to -----> 偶然する、たまたまする
by chance-------> 偶然に、たまたま
昨日、駅で私は偶然友人に会いました---------> Yesterday at the station I happened to meet/ see my friend.
夕べ、偶然にNHKの動物の番組を見ましたか---------> Last night, by chance did you see the NHK program about animals? /Last night, did you happen to see the NHK program about animals?
わたしはわざと(故意に)友人のカメラを壊しました--------> I purposely broke my friend’s camera. / I broke my friend’s camera on purpose.
パーティの後、わたしは間違って友人の傘を自分の(傘の)代わりに持ってきてしまった--------> After the party, I accidentally took my friend’s umbrella instead of mine.
私がスパゲッティのソースを作った時、うっかり塩の代わりに砂糖を使ってしまった--------> When I made spaghetti sauce I accidentally used sugar instead of salt.
-------> I’m sorry, I accidentally went to Kita community center instead of here.
------> Last night at the party, I accidentally spoke to Ms. Shinohara that I was looking forward to going to her surprise birthday party.
わたしは友人に借りた本を返さなければならなかったのに持ってくるのを忘れてしまいました------> I forgot to bring my friend’s book even though I had to return it to her. (日本語では「ついうっかり忘れた」強調したいのでaccidentallyを加えたいところですが、英語ではこのような文にはaccidentallyは使わないそうです)

【Is there anything you want to talk?】
--------> Yesterday, my husband and I were supposed to go to Tokyo to meet our granddaughters, but one of them had a fever, so we postponed it until in the middle of July. However, because we had already bought our Shinkansen tickets we decided to go anyway.
私たちは相田みつを美術館へ行きました。私は初めてそこへ行きました。私は彼の作品に大変感動しました------> We went to Aida Mitsuo Museum. It was the first time for me to go there. I was very moved by his art.
彼女の演技は感動的です-------> Her performance was moving.
わたしは彼女の演技に感動しました------> I was moved by her performance. (人の反応=形容詞+ed)
ご存じかもしれませんが、彼は有名な日本の詩人で書道家です-------> As you might know, he is a well-known Japanese poet and calligrapher.
注意を払う-------> Pay attention
intention------> 目的
intentionally------> わざと
intend ------>(動詞)~するつもりである
わたしは海外へ行くつもりだ-------> I indent to go to abroad.
詩人は意図的です--------> The poets are intended.
美術館とタリーズ以外にどこかほかに行きましたか--------> Did you go anywhere else besides the museum and Tully’s?

どこか他に-------> anywhere else
誰か他に--------> anyone else
何か他に--------> anything else

伊香保温泉以外にどこか他にお薦めはありますか----------> Besides Ikaho hot spring do you have any recommendation anywhere else ?
シノハラさん以外に誰か他に会いましたか----------> Did you meet anyone else besides Ms. Shinohara?
大阪府へ行ったとき大阪市以外でどこか他に行きましたか--------> When you went to Osaka prefecture besides Osaka city, did you go anywhere else?
このクッキー以外に他の何かを買いましたか--------> Besides these cookies, did you buy anything else?
北海道へ行ったとき、雪まつり以外に他に何か見ましたか-------> When you went to Hokkaido besides the snow festival did you see anything else?
昨日、ヤマダ電機でコンピューターを買ったとき、何か他に買いましたか------> Yesterday, at Yamada Denki when you bought a computer, besides that did you buy anything else?
昨日、会議でシノハラさん以外に他の誰かにその情報を話しましたか--------> Yesterday at the meeting besides Mr. Shinohara, did you tell the information anyone else?
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Private lesson on March 23.

2022-03-26 15:52:48 | My private lesson
#1, If someone says "I'm really sorry for being so rude and drunk, I feel terrible." -----> You can say, " Let bygones be bygones." "Bygones" or "Water under the bridge."
#2, If a friend of yours was a relationship, they broke up and she or he said, "I don't wanna go through again." ----> You can say, "Better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all." or "it's better to have loved at all."

For a child he is wise.
Sage :(n) a person who is very wise
sage advice- wise advice
What sage advice would you give your children?
1, Love 2, Perseverance /ˌpɚsəˈvirəns/ パァサ-・ヴィランス: the quality that allows someone to continue trying to do something even though it is difficult 3, gratitude
When we need to persevere. (パーサヴィァ)
to be grateful for
to be grateful when
They should be grateful to people who / anything which contribute to their well-being in any way.
in any way
contribute : to give (something, such as money, goods, or time) to help a person, group, cause, or organization

power outage / power shortage
suffix -age (age-family)
Because of the recent earthquake there was a thermal elctronical genation system that is affected by this ability to create the as the normal level has been reduced so that means the margin between power and no power is closer, so before amount
The requests by the government to the media you should reduce your use of power.
cut down
she has no real way of knowing.

Speak of the devil.: said when a person appears just after being mentioned.
Better the devil you know than the devil you don't know/ Better the devil you know: it's wiser to deal with an undesirable but familiar situation than to risk a change that might lead to an even worse situation.
EX) They both seem awful, but better the devil you know.
EX) You had a lot of troubles of your iPhone. Why don't you buy Andoroid? - Well, better the devil you know. (than the devil you don't know.)
devil-may-care : cheerful and reckless./ easygoing
devil-may-care attitude
EX) He has a devil-may-care attitude to life.
play devil's advocate : If you play devil's advocate in a discussion or debate, you express an opinion which you may not agree with but which is very different from what other people have been saying, in order to make the argument more interesting.

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Private Lesson on March 16.

2022-03-22 15:14:49 | My private lesson
(There are) a cuple of things I got annoucement.
We had a little problem connecting.
bury the hatchet :If two people bury the hatchet, they become friendly again after a quarrel or disagreement.
: to agree to stop arguing or fighting : to end a disagreement and become friendly
Beyond personal
ax /ˈæks/
it is fiction
ax is bigger than hatchet.
tomahawk : a small ax used as a weapon by Native Americans.
fire ax
let bygones be bygones. : to forgive someone for something done or for a disagreement and to forget about it
water under the bridge
It's better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. / it's better to have loved at all.
Better late than never. : said when you think that it is better for someone or something to be late than never to arrive or to happen
They were flying a plane.
Do you believe in life after death?
good karma/ bad karma
Karma will get you. / What goes around comes around.
consequence= bad result
good result/ reward / success
opposite of
What's the opposite of ~? 
1, respect for~
2, appreciation
3, guidance / guiding
openess for guide
guiding a lesson
nobody prays for the past tense.
life wisdom
What things did you tell children?
at two o'clock on the dot. / It's two sharp.

let bygones be bygones/ Water under the bridge
It's better to have loved at all.
Better late than never.
good result
What things I told my children.
1, Love 2, Perseverance 3, gratitude
Do the best you can and leave the rest of fate. Encourage
to live without forgetting to feel gratitude.

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Private Lesson on March 14

2022-03-15 15:46:55 | My private lesson
horizontal : positioned from side to side rather than up and down : parallel to the ground
vertical: positioned up and down rather than from side to side : going straight up
diagonal: of a straight line : joining two opposite corners of a shape (such as a square or rectangle) especially by crossing the center point of the shape

I wouldn't hold my breath. = I wouldn't expect (good things)
Real happiness isn't found in what we get but what we give.
Your level, you don't have these little mistakes.
1:01 one O one
sometime tonight
Yesterday, I happened to meet Mr. Sakamoto at the station.
What a coincidence.
Last night I accidentally use salt instead of suger.
Even though she studied hard, she couldn't pass the exam.
Even if we leave right now, we won't be on time.
#1, A rolling stone garthers no moss. :a person who does not settle in one place will not accumulate wealth or status, or responsibilities or commitments.
#2, All's well that ends well. :if the outcome of a situation is happy, this compensates for any previous difficulty or unpleasantness.
#3, If at first you don't succeed, try try again. : Keep trying.

flustered (adj) : upset or nervous
She was too flustered to speak.
I will contact her today.

Pronounciations are the same. -- close clothes

Why do people laugh?
anthropomorphic: described or thought of as being like human beings in appearance, behavior, etc.
humans have ability to know and...... dengerous situation and safe
during the ...... to flee responce and enagey
take a breath, then over we have ability denger passed we know denger isn't gonna happen
animal can't do that
that's not me. separation
embarrsing sitiation separate that's no me. separation of dengerous, humiliation, unpleasant
Thoughts? (What do you think?)
contagious laugh
figical mechanism
good chemicals

Plan A: two o'clock sharp (exactly 2:00)
If something comes up, please let me know.

horizontal / vertical / diagonal
I wouldn't hold my breath.
happened to VS accidentally
#1, A rolling stone garthers no moss.
#2, All's well that end's well.
#3, If at first you don't succeed, try try again.
Why do people laugh?

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Private lesson on March 7

2022-03-08 17:44:27 | My private lesson
quasi-emergency = a kind of
eligible= (adj) able to to, qualify : able to do or receive something: able to be chosen for something
ineligible : not allowed to do or be something : not eligible
The good thing is...
The real happiness isn't found in what we get but what we give.
Food for though : 思考の糧、考えるべきこと
You gave me a lot of food for thought.
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. :仕事ばかりで遊ばない、それはジャックを平凡なつまらない男にする
Teaching room / work room
a brief trip
room to room
Eveything is cozy
Discribe the room you are in.

This house has two stories.
This is a two-story house. ?
There are two stories in this house. ?
This car has four wheels.
This car has a four wheel drive. ?
This is a two man job.
Let's take a ten minute break.

You might like this..
I hope that Rossia will change their mind.
Don't hold your breath. : unlikely : (You shouldn't expect / hope) =I doubt it
Un...don't hold your breath.
right direction
I wouldn't hold my breath. (it is softer than Don't hold your breath.)
better half
My better half and I have coffee.
siblings: brothers and sisters

By までに
until まで
I have to leave by 5. までに
I don't have to leave until 5. まで
I'll have to wait for my friednd until she comes.
Do you get that?
My husband had to work until 8 yesterday. まで

There are mostly magazines in this box.
Most of the people I met during my trip were kind.
I almost got lost, but I managed to get there.
She is almost 90.
Since I bought my smartphone, I mostly use my PC to make New Year post cards.
He is not as told as his daughter.
His daughter is taller than him.
My neck hurts.
I have a pain in my neck.
It's pain in the butt.
He is pain in my neck. He is pain in the neck. : hassle (argumentative)
crass : rude and insensitive
These days, going to the dentist isn't painful. / These days going to the dentist doesn't hurt.
My sunburn is very painful.
My back is sore. / My back hurts.

If something comes up, please let me know.

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