但馬 オサム
その2―第1章 反日のエロス
国際社会工学部 主任教授
古賀 剛大 様
彼らがいう「日本人」は― 「朝鮮の国母である閔(みん)妃(ぴ)を殺し、遺体を多数で凌辱した後、火をつけ」、「20万人もの無垢な乙女を誘拐し、強姦して軍隊の性奴隷にし」、「独立運動家を不当逮捕し、取り調べという名目で生爪をはぐ、逆さに吊るしてやかんで鼻の穴に円錐を流し込む、などの拷問を加える」ような人格で「なくてはならない」ようなのです。
日本語原文: http://hassin.org/01/wp-content/uploads/Korean2.pdf
英訳文: http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/Korean-Mysticism-No.2.pdf
平成30年10月23日 「史実を世界に発信する会」 茂木弘道
Korean Mysticism and Anti-Japanese (Seirindo Co. Ltd.)
By Tajima Osamu
Series No.2: Chapter 1 Anti-Japanese Eros
Japan has sounded out Korea concerning consultation with the International Court of Justice in The Hague, The Netherlands, on rendering a judgment on the ownership of Takeshima Island. Korea has continued to reject any consultation with the Hague to this day. During a press conference held in January 2004, then President Roh Moo-hyun commented, “You’re telling me to prove that Dokdo is Korean territory? Why do I have to prove to others that my wife is mine?” In this manner, he clearly showed that he had no intention of going to the International Court of Justice.
Isn’t it a bizarre thinking, that “Dokdo is my wife?”
In addition to Roh Moo-hyun but Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Lee Don-won, reportedly used the expression for the first time during a foreign affairs committee meeting of the 6th Korean National Assembly nearly 50 years ago. This bizarre thought, that “Dokdo is my wife,” is certainly a genuine Korean-style of thinking, a rather abnormal, pathological expression.
It seems that Korean’s anti-Japanese image of Japanese is both masochistic and sadistic.
Their thinking of Japan is: “The Japanese killed Queen Min, our national mother, and after they gang-raped her corpse, they burned it,” “The Japanese kidnapped as many as two hundred thousand pure young girls, raped them and made them sex slaves of the military,” “They illegally arrested campaigners for independence and under the pretext of interrogation, they committed horrible torture, scraping suspects’ nails, hanging them upside down and pouring salt water into their nostrils from a kettle;” “That’s who they are.”
What is written above are fanciful stories not based on facts. As to the comfort women, the “kidnapping” of “two hundred thousand pure girls,” has been exposed as a lie. As to “campaigners for independence”, even core members of this campaign, including drafters of the declaration of Korean independence, were sentenced to less than three years of prison. So the Korean stories mentioned above are fake. However, Koreans never get into a thorough discussion of the facts. That is why their sadistic-masochistic view of Japan cannot be maintained without evoking fantasy.
What is needed is a deep analysis of the special Korean psychological structure.
URL: http://www.sdh-fact.com/book-article/1269/
PDF: http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/Korean-Mysticism-No.2.pdf
Questions are welcome.
MOTEKI Hiromichi, Acting Chairman
for KASE Hideaki, Chairman
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact
Phone: +81-3-3519-4366
Fax: +81-3-3519-4367
Email moteki@sdh-fact.com
Note: Japanese names are rendered surname first in accordance with Japanese custom.