

New York Times, July 31news

2019年07月31日 | 英語練習
New York Times(7月29日)記事

So Long, Swiping. The ‘Tap-and-Go’ Subway Is Here.
The switch from the MetroCard to tapping a credit card or smartphone
is a major milestone for the struggling subway.
The Queens D.A. Race Has a Winner.
Here’s Why It’s Still Not Over.
Melinda Katz, the establishment favorite,
was certified as the winner,
but Tiffany Cabán has refused to concede.
Far-Right Proud Boys Go on Trial,
but Anti-Fascists Are Boycotting
Four victims have not cooperated with the authorities
and are not even known to prosecutors.

"Yesterday action"
I had a lecture on Buddhism yesterday.
There was a social gathering after the lecture.
I attended for the first time.
Most of them had relationships with other people.

I am inspired by the Chinese.
I will write a blog for my own study every day in English.
I think that there are many uncorrected sentences and mistakes.
Please forgive me.

I think that there is an unknown point in the description
because of my lack of knowledge.
For details, please check the source article, program and image.
Source: The New York Times

Image citation from the New York Times article

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