

舛添、 今回のスキャンダルで国際学者としての業績をあげる(自らの”せこい”が英語に)

2016-06-16 | Weblog

舛添要一都知事,「sekoi」と報じられる ニューヨーク・タイムズ紙



舛添氏が、温泉旅行や「たった数ドルの漫画本」などを政治資金で購入していたと説明。「This is sekoi — too sekoi.(あまりにせこい、せこ過ぎる)」と自民党の神林茂都議が舛添氏を批判した際の発言を引用した。


 The Huffington Post  6/16 

Tokyo Governor, Yoichi Masuzoe, Resigns Over Spending Scandal

これが安倍日本 舛添、退職金をワシ掴み 都庁を飛び去る(謝罪の言葉なし)

2016-06-16 | Weblog

舛添都知事 退職金2195万円“ゲット” 夏のボーナスは381万円:






Masuzoe to get ¥22 million retirement allowance after quitting Tokyo governorship

Kyodo, Jun 16, 2016

Departing Tokyo Gov. Yoichi Masuzoe, who tendered his resignation Wednesday over a political funds scandal, will receive ¥22 million in retirement allowances, according to officials of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government.

Masuzoe’s exit will become official next Tuesday after he served two years and four months. His retirement allowance is expected to be paid within a month, the officials said.

But the payment is likely to raise eyebrows of Tokyo taxpayers, after the embattled governor was accused of misappropriating millions of yen in political funds for private use. His lawyers admitted expenses worth ¥4.4 million were used “improperly,” but maintained no illegal conduct was involved.

Before tendering his resignation Wednesday, Masuzoe had even proposed to return all his salary on a voluntary basis to sooth public anger.

Citing technical procedures, however, the metropolitan government officials said the retirement allowance will be paid.

Masuzoe had submitted an ordinance to the metropolitan assembly to allow him to return all his salary, but he retracted it Wednesday after he offered to step down, the officials said.

Now there is no legal basis to deprive him of his retirement allowance, which is calculated based on his monthly pay and the years he served as governor, they added.

Masuzoe had no choice but to resign as more than three-quarters of the 123 assembly members supported a no-confidence motion against him, making its passage certain if it was put to a vote.

If it had passed, Masuzoe would have been required by law to either resign or dissolve the assembly for a snap election, but the dissolution of the assembly was considered unlikely.