Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2013年11月30日 23時42分08秒 | Weblog
China’s air zone stirs tensions but within rights
November 30th, 2013

the US government and Western media outlets, such as the Washington Post, have argued that the move is exceptional. On the contrary, China has the sovereign right to declare an ADIZ




Getting Senkaku History Right
Some of the claims to sovereignty over the Senkaku/Diaoyu islands don’t hold up well under scrutiny, argues Tadashi Ikeda.

By Tadashi Ikeda
November 26, 2013

One option on the Senkaku issue would be to seek arbitration by the International Court of Justice (ICJ). Since Japan is certain of the legitimacy of its sovereignty over the Senkaku, it would be pointless for it to lodge any claim. But if China did so, and agreed to accept whatever ruling was handed down, Japan might also think it beneficial to defer to the ICJ, demonstrating that it is ready to abide by internationally accepted rules. Both Japan and China would have to be prepared to run the risks inherent in such a decision.


However, if China complied with an ICJ ruling on the Senkaku, Beijing could be inundated with calls to accept ICJ rulings on other “core interests,” including Taiwan, Tibet, the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region and even the South China Sea. Given that, it seems highly unlikely that China would run the risk of an adverse ICJ ruling.




For Japan, deferring to the ICJ carries the risk of having the legitimacy of its sovereignty over the Senkaku decided by a third party. Would all 15 ICJ judges be well versed in Japan’s assertions? In a territorial dispute between Colombia and Nicaragua over a group of islands, the ICJ recently handed down a ruling that split the islands between the two countries. Colombia relinquished its ICJ affiliation in protest. If it were to agree to ICJ arbitration, Japan would have to be prepared to face a similar situation.




Personally, I see no need for Japan to run such a risk in light of this country’s extremely well laid-out position both in terms of legality and historical facts.

extremely well laid-out position both in terms of legality and historical facts ならば、国際司法の解決を避ける理由がない。





Which changed the status concerning Senkaku/Diaoyu first , Japan or China?

2013年11月30日 23時22分03秒 | Weblog
Which changed the status concerning Senkaku/Diaoyu first , Japan or China?

China argues

Japan changed the status following the nationalisation of the islands last year.

November 30th, 2013: James Manicom・EastAsian forum

Japan argues

With no consultation, China declared the Senkakus its own in a 1992 territorial waters law, giving the distinct impression that it is China that first began to break down the "tacit understanding" that had been in place since the 1970s.

January 26, 2013 (Mainichi Japan)

In April 1992, 14 years after Deng Xiaoping held his press conference in Japan, China unilaterally enacted a domestic law, the Law on the Territorial Sea and Contiguous Zone of the People’s Republic of China, under which it incorporated the Senkaku Islands into its own territory. The Japanese government immediately issued a strong protest at the act, which in fact contradicts China insistence it was “shelving” the Senkaku issue.

Tadashi Ikeda/November 26, 2013/the diplomat

 英語のいろんな記事やそのコメント欄をみると、中国側は、いろんな人をつかって、 嘘でも繰り返すから、それを信じる人が増えてくる。それはいわゆるプロバガンダの常套手段であろう。


尖閣に関して、先に、"現状、status quo"を変更したのは中国である、ということは、世界に周知徹底させるべき。

The Emperor’s New Goal  日印共栄時代の幕開け

2013年11月30日 20時01分14秒 | Weblog
両陛下、インドへ出発 歴代天皇の訪印は初


Project Syndicate

NOV 22, 2013 2
The Emperor’s New Goal

Indeed, the emperor’s overseas visits remain deeply political, setting the tone – if not the agenda – for Japan’s foreign policy.

Akihito’s 1992 visit to China – the first such visit by any Japanese emperor. Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping’s government – grateful for Japan’s reluctance to maintain punitive sanctions over the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre and eager for international recognition, not to mention Japanese capital and commercial technologies – had extended seven invitations over two years.

 Akihito’s trip, which came at the height of Japan’s pro-China foreign policy, was followed by increased Japanese aid, investment, and technology transfer, thereby cementing Japan’s role in China’s economic rise. The improved diplomatic relationship lasted until the recent flare-up of territorial and other bilateral disputes.

This situation is forcing the Japanese government to reconsider its postwar pacifism, revise its defense strategy, and increase its military spending. In this context, Japan knows that a deeper strategic collaboration with India – which is also seeking to blunt increasing military pressure from China – is its best move.

 For India, Japan is indispensable as both an economic and a security partner. It is central to India’s “Look East” policy, which has evolved into more of an “Act East” policy, whereby the original strategy’s economic logic has been amplified by the larger geopolitical objective of ensuring Asian stability and a regional balance of power. It is in this light that Akihito’s historic visit should be viewed.




日米の足並み乱れ、米政府の対応 疑問 Will Japan go nuclear?

2013年11月30日 19時04分13秒 | Weblog
米、民間各社に中国へ飛行計画通告促す NYタイムズ
2013.11.30 12:13 [米国





Harasment and sexism has become an everyday reality. 反セクハラ教育を学校で.

2013年11月30日 19時01分43秒 | Weblog
Children learn sexism at school – so that's where we should begin to fight it
A survey conducted by Girlguiding UK reveals the shocking truth about the sexual harassment and sexism that girls experience: not just that there is so much of it, but that it happens at school

harassment and sexism has become an everyday reality for their daughters.

What is new and most worrying about today's report from the biggest girls' youth organisation in the country, Girlguiding UK, is how prevalent sexism still is among children. While it is still fair to say that those at the margins of society are suffering the most egregious injustices – girls dragged into gangs and made to feel that rape is "normal", refugees sold for sex to pay for their fare – here is a report that is difficult to explain away as marginal. Nearly 1,300 girls, some as young as seven, took part in the survey, and come from every part of the country and each social class.

Nearly three-quarters of the girls aged 13 and over admitted to suffering sexual harassment; 75% of girls aged 11-21 say sexism affects their confidence and future aspirations. Even more shocking, perhaps, is the fact that much of the harassment – from sexual jokes or taunts, to unwanted sexual attention, touching or images that made them uncomfortable – happens at school; the last place in the world many parents, sick with fear over the new dangers of the internet or the increased sexualisation of music videos, would look.

Nearly all these girls believe they are judged for their looks rather than ability, and half are unhappy with those all-important looks. More than a third of girls over the age of seven have been made to feel stupid because of their gender. One in five primary-school girls have been on a diet. Whatever you think about the body mass index, isn't pre-puberty too young to stop eating?

None of this should be surprising, of course. About a fifth of the 50,000 entries to the Everyday Sexism Project so far come from young girls. Just look at the website to find examples from the tsk-inducing to the heartbreaking. Today Lily writes: "Teenage boy - maybe 16/17? - calling me a tosser and a slut as I walked down my local high street. I was nine."

Why is this happening? When the report into gangs and sexual attitudes came out earlier this week, deputy children's commissioner Sue Berelowitz identified a "malaise" in society, with universal access to pornography by teenage boys and "sexting" partly to blame.

Girls themselves blame the media for presenting an unattainable image to aspire to of the ultra-thin or uber-curvy, with just as many believing that boys expect them to look the same as the often airbrushed or enhanced women they see in magazines and on television. Others, such as the umbrella group End Violence Against Women and Imkaan for black feminists, argue that music videos undermine women and present a highly sexualised, racially charged diet that acts as a misleading soundtrack to their lives.

I'm not sure any one of these reasons is to blame. Sexism – in terms of the way society treats the sexes differently – has been around for far longer even than those things.

the question of what should be done about it is perhaps easier.

Given that so much of this is experienced in schools, shouldn't the first port of call be the classrooms where children are meant to learn about sex and relationships?

ハラスメントやら女性蔑視的な行動が日常的になっており、13以上の4分の3の女性が、セクハラに悩んでおり、11歳から21歳の75%が男尊女卑的な言動で、自信、やるを失い、自分たちを不快にするエッチな言動や画像、痴漢行為などの多くは学校で起きている、と。ほとんどすべての女子が能力ではなく外見で評価されていると感じ、半分は、その外見に満足しておらず、7歳以上の女子は、3分の1は 女だから馬鹿だと感じちゃう、といい、5分の1の女子はダイエットにいそしんでいる、と。



Being a four eyes isn't so bad

2013年11月30日 15時06分36秒 | Weblog

When her 4-year-old son Noah was reduced to tears by the thought of wearing glasses, Lindsey Fisher decided to turn to an unlikely source for help: Facebook.

To show Noah he was not alone, Fisher created a Facebook group called "Glasses for Noah."

On the Facebook page Fisher wrote that Noah didn't want to wear glasses. "He keeps telling us that 'everyone will laugh at him.'"

To help her son, Fisher made a request: "Show Noah how awesome glasses really are by posting some pictures for him to see you in your glasses!"

 メガネをかけるとからかわれるといって泣いている4歳の息子ノア君を納得させるために、フェイスブックで、ノアのためのめがねGlasses for Noahというグループを作って、「ほら、みんなめがねしているよ」と励ましてあげた、と。

 むかし、トルーマン大統領の伝記かなんかを読んで、彼も小さいときからめがねをかけていて、みんなにからかわれた、という話があったーーーfour eyes という表現があるんだ、ああ、アメリカではそうなんだああ、などと思った覚えがある。



The man was charged with burning a cross at the entrance to an African-American neighborhood.

2013年11月30日 14時49分59秒 | Weblog

An Alabama grand jury indicted a former Grand Cyclops in the racist vigilante group the Ku Klux Klan in the town of Ozark on Wednesday. The man was charged with burning a cross at the entrance to an African-American neighborhood.

According to the U.S. Department of Justice, 28-year-old Steven Joshua Dinkle was indicted on five counts by the grand jury, including obstruction of justice. His mother, Pamela Morris, a former secretary for the local KKK was also indicted on perjury charges for lying to the grand jury about the incident.

On May 8, 2009, Dinkle and another man reportedly erected a cross and set it ablaze in a predominantly African-American neighborhood in Ozark with the intention of frightening and intimidating the residents.

The counts against Dinkle further state that he obstructed justice by lying to local investigators about his role in the cross-burning and to federal investigators in 2012. Dinkle told investigators he had ended his association with the Klan six months before the incident and denied knowing others involved with the crime.

Morris, said the grand jury, lied on at least two separate occasions in her testimony. She lied about her son’s involvement with the cross burning incident and about her own involvement with the hate group. She faces a maximum statutory sentence of five years in prison and a possible fine of up to $250,000 on each count of perjury.


South Korean undocumented immigrant Heckled Obama

2013年11月30日 14時31分43秒 | Weblog

President Obama Heckled Over Immigration,


Who’s the Undocumented Activist That Heckled Obama on Immigration?
by Josh Feldman | 3:49 pm, November 27th, 2013

 。undocumented って聞こえはいいわけですけど、illegal なわけで、それが堂々と公にで、かつ、大統領のスピーチを邪魔されて、しかも、逮捕もされない。なんていうか、アメリカというのは、非常に寛容な国だなあ、と思う


U.S. commander apologized for a drone strike that killed a child and injured two women

2013年11月30日 14時10分12秒 | Weblog
US commander apologizes for airstrike that killed child in Afghanistan
By Tracy Connor, Staff Writer, NBC News

Omar Sobhani / Reuters
Afghan President Hamid Karzai condemned an airstrike against an insurgent that killed a child.

The top U.S. commander in Afghanistan apologized to Afghan President Hamid Karzai for a drone strike that local authorities said killed a child and injured two women on Thursday.



Disabled woman denied entry to U.S.

2013年11月30日 13時52分13秒 | Weblog

By: Valerie Hauch News reporter, Published on Thu Nov 28 2013
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Ellen Richardson went to Pearson airport on Monday full of joy about flying to New York City and from there going on a 10-day Caribbean cruise for which she’d paid about $6,000.
But a U.S. Customs and Border Protection agent with the Department of Homeland Security killed that dream when he denied her entry.
“I was turned away, I was told, because I had a hospitalization in the summer of 2012 for clinical depression,’’ said Richardson, who is a paraplegic and set up her cruise in collaboration with a March of Dimes group of about 12 others.
The Weston woman was told by the U.S. agent she would have to get “medical clearance’’ and be examined by one of only three doctors in Toronto whose assessments are accepted by Homeland Security. She was given their names and told a call to her psychiatrist “would not suffice.’’

He cited the U.S. Immigration and Nationality Act, Section 212, which denies entry to people who have had a physical or mental disorder that may pose a “threat to the property, safety or welfare’’ of themselves or others.

Richardson has also spoken to her lawyer, David McGhee, about what she believes to be a “breach of privacy’’ as well as an act of discrimination against people with mental health issues.

“The incident in 2012 was hospitalization for depression. Police were not involved,’’ McGhee said. “I’ve asked Deb Matthews to tell me if she’s aware of any provincial or federal authority to allow U.S. authorities to have access to our medical records. Medical records are supposed to be strictly confidential. ’’
U.S. authorities “do not have access to medical or other health records for Ontarians travelling to the U.S.,’’ said health ministry spokeswoman Joanne Woodward Fraser, adding the ministry could not provide any additional information.


 外国への入国というのは権利ではなく、入国できないのが原則で、入国させてもらえる、という特権ですから、これは有り得る話ですが、その理由が、鬱で入院の履歴があるから、である、と。 国家はどんな人を入国させるか裁量権があるわけですが、アメリカではこういった基準があるわけでしょう。ただ、なんで、そのことを知っていたか、ということが問題にされています。プライバシーの侵害であり、また、精神疾患をもった人々に対する差別ではないか、とも。

Asian countries , except China and Korea, do not harbour the bitterness toward Japan

2013年11月30日 13時38分30秒 | Weblog
China may have overplayed its hand on the islands
As China’s economy grows, it is trying to expand its regional footprint ― though not to its neighbours’ liking
By David PillingPublished: 20:00 November 29, 2013

On the face of it, this is a good fight for Beijing to pick. One might advise it to do exactly the same as a way of ratcheting up pressure on Japan and advertising its regional ambitions. After all, one might argue, there is little love lost for Japan in the region, especially under Abe, considered a revisionist who quibbles over many of Japan’s wartime atrocities. Washington is desperate for Seoul and Tokyo to get along. Instead, they are barely on speaking terms. Park Geun-hye, the President, has refused to meet Abe until he has developed a “more sincere” attitude towards Japanese history. She instead made a high-profile visit to Beijing.
Yet, other Asian countries, even ones that suffered at the hands of Japan’s Imperial Army, do not harbour the same bitterness. Many of the region’s nations, including the Philippines, Vietnam and India, have become increasingly wary of a rising China as it becomes more assertive about its territorial claims. They have encouraged the US to “pivot” back to the region. And many of them have edged closer diplomatically to Japan, an important ― in some cases, the most important ― investor in their economies.

(2/3ページ)2013/11/29 7:00






2013年11月30日 09時15分08秒 | Weblog
朴大統領を「今週のバカ」 週刊文春記事が韓国で波紋



週刊文春連載『今週のバカ』に韓国・朴槿恵大統領登場で大統領府関係者が不快感 『今年のバカ大賞』アンケートも

2013.11.28 18:22 記者




朴大統領を「クレーマーおばさん」 週刊文春に不快感
2013.11.28 14:55




2013年11月30日 08時06分00秒 | Weblog

The diplomat
With Air Defense Zone, China is Waging Lawfare
The East China Sea ADIZ is consistent with China’s larger, sophisticated strategy toward maritime disputes.

By Zachary Keck
November 30, 2013



China Policy Institute

November 29, 2013, by Editor

China’s Perspective on the ADIZ: Backfire or Signal Flare?
Written by Huang Wei.

China’s recent move to

via mozu

In the decades since the normalization of Sino-Japan relationship in the 1970s, the Chinese government has responded to Japanese unfriendly moves, including rightist historical textbooks and visits to the Yasukuni Shrine, mainly with diplomatic rhetoric. It has proved to be an effective way of tension management, as the two countries generally maintain bilateral relations in spite of fluctuations. From a Chinese perspective, however, Japan might take this as Chinese acquiescence of certain moves and continue to provoke, while China has not many choices other than diplomatic denouncement. In 2012, however, when China perceived Japan as attempting to change the status quo unilaterally by nationalizing the disputed islands, it reacted by sending surveillance ships to maintain the status of dispute, and Japan was left with not many choices―as Japan doesn’t want to worsen the situation either. To simplify the case, it might give China the impression that it is more convenient to make symbolic moves first than to denounce later, for the early actor has relatively greater space to maneuver, and the latter is always faced with more pressure of crisis management. After all, crisis management is not an enjoyable task for China, a late comer to the international system without mature diplomatic skills. By the same token, China’s ADIZ, as a diplomatic signal flare, doesn’t result in substantial changes in a military sense, but gained China the advantage of acting first. When Abe started the crisis management mechanism and Japanese media were busy interpreting responses of concerned parties, what China did was to repeat its well-grounded interpretation of the ADIZ statements. If China’s nationalism is to be taken into consideration, it is convenient in a different sense for the Chinese government to take a seemingly hawkish position.


上岡 龍次



China Policy Institute Blog

November 29, 2013, by Editor

China’s dangerous gamble
Written by J. Michael Cole.

Unless Beijing decides not to enforce its ADIZ, the PLA Air Force will increase the frequency of sorties, which will likely prompt Japan to respond in kind and thus raise the number of airborne objects that need to be tracked in the area. For the foreseeable future, U.S. surveillance aircraft will test Beijing’s will and surveillance capabilities by continuing to penetrate the area without providing the flight information requested by China. We should also take note of the introduction of unmanned aerial vehicles, which already operate in the area, as a new variable in international aviation safety, and one that will exacerbate the challenge of telling friend from foe in the East China Sea. Added to civilian traffic that only partially complies with China’s ADIZ, rising nationalism in China and Japan, and a government in Beijing that is unquestionably more prone to risk-taking, the chances of miscalculation, if not military clashes, are therefore substantially higher. This is the price we all pay as China uses international law to create facts on the ground.

How comfortable we are with this new situation depends on whether we can trust Chinese leaders, air controllers, radar systems, and relatively inexperienced combat pilots to make the right decision 100% of the time.









Chinese Claim Forces Obama to Flesh Out His Asia Strategy
Published: November 27, 2013

“What isn’t clear to me is whether they see this as a Japan-China problem that needs to be managed or as part of a longer-term test of wills with Beijing,” said Michael J. Green, an Asia adviser in the administration of President George W. Bush who is now at the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

If it is the latter, Mr. Green said, the United States needs to project military power in the region, build up the defensive capacities of allies like Japan and the Philippines, and align the countries that ring China’s coastal waters to present a united front against Beijing’s aggression.




After Challenges, China Appears to Backpedal on Air Zone
Published: November 27, 2013

But by imposing a new air defense zone over the islands last weekend, Beijing may have miscalculated. It provoked a quick, pointed challenge from the United States, set off alarm bells among Asian neighbors and created a frenzy of nationalist expression inside China on hopes that the new leadership team in Beijing would push for a decisive resolution of the longstanding dispute.


防空識別圏 中国は孤立を深めるだけだ(11月30日付・読売社説)






中国「航空の安全を共同で」防空圏で協議求める (2013年11月29日19時56分 読売新聞) 



「日中の意思疎通強化を」と中国外務省 協議要請の可能性も
2013.11.29 19:07





Christophe Weber appointed as CEO of Takeda Pharmaceutical Co.

2013年11月30日 00時53分31秒 | Weblog
Chief Operating Officer(COO)の任命について
次期 Chief Executive Officer 候補として、Mr.クリストフ・ウェバー氏を招聘 pdf

Takeda Appoints Chief Operating Officer
Christophe Weber to Join as COO and Candidate to Become Next CEO  pdf

Osaka, Japan, November 30, 2013 – Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited (“Takeda”)
announced today that Mr. Christophe Weber has been approved at the company's Board of
Directors Meeting to become Chief Operating Officer (COO) and candidate as the next Chief
Executive Officer (CEO). Mr. Weber will join Takeda to take the role of COO by April 2014 and is
expected to also become President and Representative Director upon approval at Takeda's
Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders and Board of Directors Meeting at the end of June
2014. At the same time in June, current Takeda President & CEO, Yasuchika Hasegawa, is
expected to be named Chairman and CEO.

武田薬品に外国人社長 英製薬大手からヘッドハント