Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

プラダ ジャパン セクハラーーー日本には人権はない! 

2013年11月15日 22時33分37秒 | Weblog
THURSDAY, NOV 14, 2013 10:30 PM +0900
Prada, suicide and sexual harassment: A whistle-blower speaks out
Rina Bovrisse brings Salon behind the scenes at Prada: "They used to call outlets 'garbage bins for old ladies'”

This spring the United Nations urged Japan to make workplace sexual harassment illegal, a move reportedly spurred by the four-year legal saga of Prada ex-employee Rina Bovrisse, who was routed in Tokyo court and now faces a countersuit for alleged defamation. In a recent interview, Bovrisse told Salon that when she challenged “pure discrimination,” including regulation of women’s weight and teeth, Prada responded by purging her from the company and accusing her of mental illness. “They thought I could be eliminated from society,” charged Bovrisse.

Asked about Bovrisse’s allegations, a Prada spokesperson emailed Salon, “In our opinion, this is just an instrumentalization, that is to say an attempt to use highly ethical issues for mere personal interests. Prada is now aiming to establish before the Tokyo District Court that the initiatives promoted by Ms. Bovrisse in the media and through public demonstrations were a defamation against Prada, causing damage to Prada.”

[Before, in New York] I always had female bosses. “Devil Wears Prada” is exactly what I went through ― maybe a little worse, but that’s how it was. So it’s not like I couldn’t take any level of craziness. But what I witnessed in Japan was pure discrimination, harassment ― something that I’d never seen.

I had interviews at competitive brands, and they were European and American, and they [had] no shame to tell me that “you’re 35 years old … you’re out of the category.” It wasn’t only domestic [Japanese] people, it was also foreigners. Their standards changed …

Another thing is that my assistant reported that she got sexually harassed by someone from Milan who was relocated to Tokyo, who was on a business trip with her and tried to get into her room at the hotel. And she was terrified, because he was a higher position than her, from Milan, but she still wanted to work for Prada so she was scared to report it …

[Another woman,] she doesn’t have hair due to stress and depression from work. And I said, “Why?” And she said, “Well, I’ve been harassed … but I’m not worth, I don’t have anywhere to go.” She’s 40 years old, and every time the boss was angry, he would call her into the office and yell at her for an hour and throw a mobile phone at her face. So I said, “That’s physical abuse.” And she said, “Yes, but I’m not worth anything …”

I saw that any woman who has worked for Prada in the stores for five, 10, 15 years, salesperson – the H.R. officer visits the store and says, “We don’t like her teeth or body shape.” Then they send a demotion or transfer to the most remote area, and then if you refuse you have to give in your resignation … Ladies were just over 30 years old and they were considered old … They were normally demoted to and transferred to some countryside outlet from top No. 1 salesperson as manager, to entry-level salesperson at an outlet. They used to call outlets “garbage bins for old ladies.”

I finally raised the petition [issues] after my three-month training period, because I became full-time … And I was said to have mental illness, sent home –

I know the global COO of Prada … He was from New York, and he grew up in New York, in Paris, and he would know where I was coming from. I just emailed him … He called me when I was in Guam, and he said [that the manager] “said he didn’t even talk about that, he talked to you about presentation.”

I said [employees] are being forced to buy expensive, $1,000 Prada products. They can’t pay their bills and their rent and they are afraid they will lose their jobs … The boss from Milan told me to send him all the evidence and no one would get fired. A few days later, I was called in the office by the Japan CEO and he said I was fired.

What was motivating you at this point in the conversation? What was driving you?

First they fire me. Then they accuse me of unexcused absence. Then they say it’s my imagination, and I go back to work ― but there is no work. Then they say they are giving me demotion transfer, but without any paperwork …

I had an interview with the Japan Times … I thought it was going to be a tiny little article in the back … who reads Japan Times? And it’s in English … [But] it was cover story … I was all over the place … and they completely changed the story, to I was fired for being ugly. I was fired for reporting sexual harassment, and people thought I was fired for being ugly … And people started using my Facebook picture … All the TV reporters came from every town, and I couldn’t go anywhere.

The case was dismissed … The one law [the judge] used was defamation, saying that because I had said something in public it was legitimate to fire me at criminal level. And sexual harassment and discrimination were acceptable for fashion industry.

After the ruling, for two weeks I was unconscious, I didn’t go out, and I had to ask someone to take my son, because he still had to go to school, and it was all over the TV news in Japan

The fashion industry is one of the worst industries for work conditions, human rights and all this – they’ll ignore everything. Japan – there are no rights. From the outside it looks beautiful, but people don’t speak up for their rights. There is no education about human rights or women’s rights …

Because Prada countersued me, I still had to be here for hearings … Spent my son’s precious 2 [years old] to 6 years here because of the case, radiated with Fukushima.

I really don’t understand this society. It’s four years that I’ve been dealing with this, but I still don’t understand how women can live here [in Japan] … In India, women speak for their rights, women’s issues. In Pakistan, women speak for their rights. In Japan, no one speaks. They want clean, quiet silence, and just be polite, smiles all the time, but they’re depressed inside.

So I understood at the end of the lawsuit, this is not Prada Japan ― this is Miuccia Prada’s policies






1: サーバル(新疆ウイグル自治区):2012/10/26(金) 16:24:26.85 ID:stc4uhJ40


プラダ元女性部長敗訴 セクハラ抗議で解雇



 東京地裁は26日、「上司が『醜い』と発言したとは認められない」として、解雇は有効と判断した。また、「別ブランドの製品を身につけて出勤していたことを注意するのは社会通念上、相当」で、「体形に関する発言は配慮を欠いた面があるが、慰謝料を認めるほどではない」として、ボヴリースさん側の訴えを退けた。(10/26 15:20)

プラダジャパンの元部長の女性が、外見を指摘されたうえ一方的に解雇されたとして、解雇の無効と慰謝料を 求める訴えを東京地裁に起こした。
2009年9月に人事部長から、社長の言葉として「髪(形)を変えろ、プラダルックにしろ、やせろ」などと言われた という、プラダジャパンの元部長・ボブリース里奈さん(36)。
ボブリース里奈さんは「最後にあった強制販売はバッグって指定だったんですけども、もう10~30万円台ぐらい なので、決してお安いものではないです」と話した。



2013年11月15日 14時11分33秒 | Weblog
From Zen Buddhism to Preying on Vulnerable Women
The chilling story of Eido Shimano―a new ebook from The Atlantic


If the girls had come to their priest in search of sex, and had found sex, then surely there would have been no mental breakdown afterward. But, the way Dr. Smith expresses it, they came in search of Zen and found sex, and therefore broke down.”


2013年11月15日 11時18分57秒 | Weblog
So Long, Uncle Sam: Famous Americans Who Renounced Their Homeland


Read Later
prev1 of 15next
Tina Turner
By Melissa August Nov. 13, 20133 Comments
U.S. pop singer Tina Turner waves during photocall before the Emporio Armani Autumn/Winter 2011 women's collection show at Milan Fashion Week
The legendary singer, who has spent the



2013年11月15日 11時13分39秒 | Weblog
Would you have s ex with a ROBOT? Japanese designers create virtual reality experience that lets men get intimate with Manga characters
System combines virtual reality headset with a grip-based haptic controller
Controller manipulates a masturbator device which holds the user's penis
Headset simultaneously displays a Manga character performing s exual acts

PUBLISHED: 13:57 GMT, 14 November 2013 | UPDATED: 15:55 GMT, 14 November 2013




2013年11月15日 11時09分09秒 | Weblog


中国、フィリピンへの「援助反対」8割超 少額支援金、海外から批判
2013.11.14 22:34 [アジア・オセアニア]









(2013年11月15日10時58分 読売新聞)



2013年11月15日 01時29分40秒 | Weblog



(2013年11月15日00時02分 読売新聞)




The Case for Japanese Militarization

2013年11月15日 01時19分00秒 | Weblog

The Case for Japanese Militarization by Kathryn Alexeef http://j.mp/17sHFgy

November 14, 2013
The Case for Japanese Militarization
By Kathryn Alexeef

if the Japanese constitution is rewritten to allow the development of a military, it should reaffirm that Japan does not and will never seek nuclear weapons. This will allow China to keep its trump card, and hopefully decrease the perceived threat of a newly militarized Japan.

While it would be a delicate process, the United States would benefit both strategically and economically from militarized Japan, provided it remains limited to an extent.





2013年11月15日 00時55分32秒 | Weblog
時事通信 11月13日(水)18時48分配信






(2013年11月13日20時16分 読売新聞)








@tokyoreporter Yakuza seem to be widely suspected in that one.

Police Say Spy Found in Bag Probably Died by Accident
Published: November 13, 2013

LONDON ― The bizarre death of a British intelligence analyst whose body was discovered inside a sports bag in a bathtub was called a probable accident by the London police on Wednesday, an inconclusive ending to one of the most puzzling investigations in recent years.

こっちも実は日本のやくざがからんでいたりして? (^_-)


2013年11月15日 00時48分36秒 | Weblog






2013年11月15日 00時31分57秒 | Weblog
Wikileaks publishes leaked draft of secretive international agreement TPP

2013.11.14 THU


Critics are concerned that TPP is an elitist agreement of corporate governance issued under the guise of being a trade agreement. The agreement appears to give major corporations new rights and privileges, while making it harder for nation states to oppose them.

If TPP passes, it is feared it will export some of the worst aspects of US copyright law to a wide range of countries -- the USA tends to enforce its business interest laws relating to patent and copyright terms onto other parties involved in "free trade" agreements.

The most telling disagreement is with the statement: "The term of protection of a work, performance or phonogram shall be determined according to each Party's domestic law and the international agreements to which easy Party is a party."

This is supported by New Zealand, Brunei, Malaysia, Vietnam, Canada and Japan but opposed by the USA, Australia, Singapore and Mexico.





The more you know about the odious Trans-Pacific Partnership, the less you’ll like it

By Dan Gillmor, The Guardian
Thursday, November 14, 2013 7:35 EST

Needless to say, copyright is a key part of this draft. And the negotiators would further stiffen copyright holders’ control while upping the ante on civil and criminal penalties for infringers. The Electronic Frontier Foundation says TPP has “extensive negative ramifications for users’ freedom of speech, right to privacy and due process, and hinder peoples’ abilities to innovate”. It’s Hollywood’s wish list.

Canadian intellectual property expert Michael Geist examined the latest draft of the intellectual property chapter. He writes that the document, which includes various nations’ proposals, shows the US government, in particular, taking a vastly different stance than the other nations. Geist notes:

[Other nations have argued for] balance, promotion of the public domain, protection of public health, and measures to ensure that IP rights themselves do not become barriers to trade. The opposition to these objective[s] by the US and Japan (Australia has not taken a position) speaks volumes about their goals for the TPP.
