Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

Anxiety of the daunting challenge to learn English as a second language

2013年11月09日 22時45分13秒 | Weblog

Japanese Ad Nissin Cup Noodles 2013 日清カップヌードル CM

Cup Noodle commercial shows us a day in the life of a Japanese company
Master BlasterMaster Blaster

It’s a cute commercial but also highlights the real stress and anxiety of the daunting challenge to learn English as a second language and compete in the global economy. It’s an advantage that many native speakers often take for granted.


2013年11月09日 22時38分27秒 | Weblog



ラジオは帯域を食わないので、インターネットで同時配信するのは容易で、iTunes Radioでは世界の数百局のラジオ局が聞ける。日本のローカル局も、その気になれば世界に情報を発信して競争できるのだが、実態は在京局の番組の垂れ流しなので、全国エリアにすると地元から広告が出稿されなくなる。




2013年11月09日 22時25分05秒 | Weblog
CNN.co.jp 11月9日(土)16時59分配信

(CNN) フィリピン中部の島を横断した超大型の台風30号(ハイエン)の被害で、甚大な被災地とされるレイテ島タクロバン市での犠牲者は100人以上に達する恐れがあることが9日わかった。路上に遺体が散乱しているという。



2013年11月09日 13時22分57秒 | Weblog
New Face Guard Allows Japanese Women To Eat Burgers Without Shame
Posted By Catherine A. Traywick Friday, November 8, 2013 - 11:13 AM

Foreign Policy まで、お隠しバーガー袋 ネタ かよ。


AOLニュース 2013年11月8日 10時25分 (2013年11月9日 13時03分 更新)

日本生まれのハンバーガーチェーン、フレッシュネスバーガー(FRESHNESS BURGER)が昨年展開した「お隠しバーガー袋」が、世界最大の広告祭「カンヌライオンズ」のメディア部門で銀賞を獲得したことはご存知だろうか? これが今なぜか、海外のメディアでも話題となっている。


“If you can’t put your hand on your heart, then you need to move out of the country.”

2013年11月09日 08時04分20秒 | Weblog

Imagine a place where young children are forced every day to declare their nationalism. Imagine a place where, if a child says he can’t do it, for religious reasons, his teacher physically tries to force him to do so and says to “move out of the country.” Imagine Florida.

As the Tampa Bay Times reports this week, a fourth grade teacher was suspended last month after allegedly making a 9 year-old boy, who is a Jehovah’s Witness, say the Pledge. The boy told school administrators that early on September 11, his teacher Anne Daigle-McDonald took his wrist and placed it over his heart, telling him, “You are an American, and you are supposed to salute the flag.” The next day, several students say that she did the same, and then told the class, “In my classroom, everyone will do the Pledge; no religion says that you can’t do the Pledge. If you can’t put your hand on your heart, then you need to move out of the country.”

Jehovah’s Witnesses are forbidden to salute any flag, and to do so is considered a serious violation of the faith’s restriction on worshipping objects. But the boy’s parents had instructed him to stand respectfully during class Pledge time. And his mother, who asked not to be identified, told a news affiliate Wednesday that she explained her religion to the teacher at the start of the school year. “I still spoke to her for five to eight minutes about my religion, our religion,” she says. “We still love our country. We respect other people’s rights to do that. We respect the flag.”

During a hearing in September, Daigle-McDonald denied forcing the child to say the Pledge, saying, “I showed him gently, taking his hand (wrist) and putting it on his heart…. I was explaining it to him how we say the Pledge. I told him he did not have to say it.” Written statements from seven students attest that Daigle-McDonald later told the class, “If you can’t put your hand on your heart, then you need to move out of the country.” She claims that the remarks were “Not to him. Not to anybody. I was talking about terrorists, like 9-11. They wouldn’t say the Pledge so they should go back to their home country.” She says it was “a social studies issue.”

“If there is any fixed star in our constitutional constellation, it is that no official, high or petty, can prescribe what shall be orthodox in politics, nationalism, religion, or other matters of opinion, or force citizens to confess by word or act their faith therein…. We think the action of the local authorities in compelling the flag salute and Pledge transcends constitutional limitations on their power, and invades the sphere of intellect and spirit which it is the purpose of the First Amendment to our Constitution to reserve from all official control.” And earlier just this school year, Massachusetts atheists challenged the tradition of saying the Pledge, asking that the words “under God” be struck from it.

Nobody requires adults to stand up every day and rattle off a promise to be loyal to a flag and to a country “under God.” Yet in a large number of our schools, we expect our children to do so. Worse, we punish and rebuke them when they don’t. It’s pointless indoctrination that it serves nothing but killing a minute of class time. And disturbingly, it makes it easy for bullying teachers to root out the kids they believe are someone less than loyal little Americans.



2013年11月09日 01時16分42秒 | Weblog

FRIDAY, NOV 8, 2013 09:45 PM +0900
Libertarians are very confused about capitalism
Elites didn't get rich off of some “free market.” Here's why libertarians should back radical wealth redistribution


If one defines capitalism as a system designed by and for the interests of those who hold capital (what it is), capitalism is what the United States has today. It is a system based not on principles of freedom and liberty and justice for all, but the accumulation of wealth for people called “capitalists.” It entails structuring an economy in such a way that natural resources are exploited for private gain and land is parceled off into mortgage-backed securities. It means rich people using their money to buy power and shape economic relations to their advantage, which makes them more money.

there is not a single aspect of the U.S. economy untainted by state intervention on behalf of powerful rich people (again, a redundancy).

Drug companies, for instance, reap billions of dollars in monopoly profits due to “intellectual property” laws that make the free sharing of scientific knowledge a criminal offense. Oil and gas companies drill on public lands for private profit, while socializing the risks (“Sorry about the Gulf.” – BP). Even children’s books are subject to statism, with author JK Rowling becoming a billionaire only after using the legal system to ensure no one could so much as mention the name “Harry P*tter” without paying her a handsome fee.

When property is obtained through illegitimate means, which libertarians would take to mean “not the free market,” then “the only proper solution is an immediate vacating of the title and its transfer to the [people], with certainly no compensation to the aggressors who had wrongly seized control of the land.” That’s according to Murray Rothbard, a guy Ron Paul describes as the “founder of modern libertarianism” and one of America’s “greatest men.”

Instead, distribute property that has been unjustly acquired directly to the people. Give property titles held by bailed-out banks to the people those banks are currently foreclosing upon. Pool together the salaries of Fortune 500 CEOs and distribute the money equally across the land.

Libertarians don’t have to agree on where all this ends (it ends with workers seizing the means of production), but they should understand that no matter what one replaces it with, dismantling an unjust system requires addressing the injustices that system created. If you don’t, then your idea of “freedom” will be attacked as the freedom to be exploited by the same people running the world today.



 リバタリアンは不正な手段で得られた利益は、人々に返還されるべきである、というが、それならば、銀行に差し押さえられた土地は持ち主に、大企業の社長の給料は、従業員に、生産手段は労働者に移転すべきなのではないか? 具体的に賛成するかどうかは別として、少なくとも、こうした、社会の不正をただすことなければ、自由とは、たんに、搾取される自由でしかない、という批判が妥当することを識るべきである、と。


Last Updated: Friday, 21 January, 2005, 07:34 GMT

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JP Morgan admits US slavery links
House on plantation in southern US
The US's economic history hides some unpleasant truths
Thousands of slaves were accepted as collateral for loans by two banks that later became part of JP Morgan Chase.





2013年11月09日 00時08分51秒 | Weblog

One in ten women claim they love their pet more than their partner, a study revealed today.
Nearly a third of 2,000 women polled said they have equal affection for their pet and husband or boyfriend.


War Crimes in Afghanistan?

2013年11月09日 00時00分19秒 | Weblog

War Crimes in Afghanistan? 10 Bodies of Abducted Villagers Found Outside U.S. Special Forces Base

MATTHIEU AIKINS: Yeah, absolutely. And there’s something that’s really troubling raised by this timeline, because if you―if you look, the allegations are first reported―and the U.S. military has acknowledged this―they were first reported to a U.S. Army officer by the victims in November, right? Right at the beginning of all these killings. And yet, even as the allegations mounted, even as investigations were done by the U.N., the Red Cross and the Afghan government, that all found the witnesses’ testimony credible of―that there were war crimes being committed by this U.S. unit, even as the bodies came out of the ground in April, May, the U.S. military stuck to its denial, saying there had been three investigations that had cleared them of all wrongdoing.
