Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

Asian countries , except China and Korea, do not harbour the bitterness toward Japan

2013年11月30日 13時38分30秒 | Weblog
China may have overplayed its hand on the islands
As China’s economy grows, it is trying to expand its regional footprint ― though not to its neighbours’ liking
By David PillingPublished: 20:00 November 29, 2013

On the face of it, this is a good fight for Beijing to pick. One might advise it to do exactly the same as a way of ratcheting up pressure on Japan and advertising its regional ambitions. After all, one might argue, there is little love lost for Japan in the region, especially under Abe, considered a revisionist who quibbles over many of Japan’s wartime atrocities. Washington is desperate for Seoul and Tokyo to get along. Instead, they are barely on speaking terms. Park Geun-hye, the President, has refused to meet Abe until he has developed a “more sincere” attitude towards Japanese history. She instead made a high-profile visit to Beijing.
Yet, other Asian countries, even ones that suffered at the hands of Japan’s Imperial Army, do not harbour the same bitterness. Many of the region’s nations, including the Philippines, Vietnam and India, have become increasingly wary of a rising China as it becomes more assertive about its territorial claims. They have encouraged the US to “pivot” back to the region. And many of them have edged closer diplomatically to Japan, an important ― in some cases, the most important ― investor in their economies.

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