Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2013年11月21日 15時14分46秒 | Weblog
Hawaii lawmaker ‘solves’ homeless problem by destroying their stuff with a sledgehammer

By David Edwards
Tuesday, November 19, 2013 12:11 EST

“I want to do something practical that will really clean up the streets.”


Cheating students 'more likely to want a job in Government

2013年11月21日 15時08分19秒 | Weblog
Cheating students 'more likely to want a job in Government'
Tuesday 19 November 2013

In fact, cheating students are more likely to want a job in public service, according to researchers from Harvard University and the University of Pennsylvannia.

The study, published by the National Bureau of Economic Research, set 662 students a number of tasks which were predictive of corrupt behavior by real government workers.

The students who wanted to enter public service were also less likely to demonstrate prosocial behavior, or voluntary behavior intended to benefit other people or society as a whole.


”レイプ幻想に関する弁明 In defense of “rape” fantasies”

2013年11月21日 14時46分38秒 | Weblog
THURSDAY, NOV 21, 2013 08:59 AM +0900
In defense of “rape” fantasies
The U.K. will criminalize porn simulating sexual assault. Ironically, this amounts to an attack on consent


In general, the BDSM scene, which deals in power play, is smarter about consent and negotiation than the vanilla world. As feminist writer Zoe Stavri wrote this summer in the Independent, “Within BDSM porn, there is often a short interview between the performers discussing what they would like to do, and what they would not like to do, and how they can signal that they want the scene to stop if need be,” she said. “After the scene has finished, the performers talk about the scene in a debrief.” Consent, communication and boundary-setting! That is the opposite of rape.

What’s more, research shows that rape fantasies are common among women: Roughly four in 10 report having them. One study found that 52 percent of female respondents reported fantasizing about being “overpowered by a man.” This does not mean that four in 10 or 52 percent of women want to be raped; it means that they have enjoyed the thought of being overpowered within the fantasyland of their own brains. That is the contradiction of rape fantasies: They represent a faux-violation, a powerlessness that is paradoxically controlled by the fantasizer.

As Daniel Bergner, author of “What Do Women Want?: Adventures in the Science of Female Desire,” told me earlier this year, “The force of culture puts some level of shame on women’s sexuality and a fantasy of sexual assault is a fantasy that allows for sex that is completely free of blame,” he said. Another explanation, he said, “is this idea that the feeling of being desired is a very powerful one, a very electrical one. And I think at least at the fantasy level, that sense of being wanted, and being wanted beyond the man’s self-control, is also really powerful.”

Male or female, a “rape” fantasy in and of itself does not make a person a rapist or a rape victim, or mean that he or she actually wants to rape or be raped.

This isn’t just an issue of defending sexual expression and fantasy, though. As the Atlantic Wire reports, “The connection between actual real-life violence and porn is blurry at best ― India, which bans all forms of porn, has been in the news thanks to a rash of brutal rapes. Meanwhile, in the United States the incidence of rape declined 85 percent over a period of 25 years while access to pornography has increased.







Don't underestimate girls. 女の子も工作が好き!

2013年11月21日 14時36分56秒 | Weblog
GoldieBlox, Rube Goldberg, & Beastie Boys "Princess Machine" (a concert for little girls)




日本でも、政府の エーシー っていうCMでもこんなやつやったらどうだろうか。


2013年11月21日 14時31分45秒 | Weblog


When I look in the mirror, I don’t see wrinkles, anxiety, zits, or exhaustion, although they are all there. Instead, I see a face, a person, a personality, a life. If someone asked me if I felt beautiful, I would have to answer honestly: yes.


The difference is that the woman in the “before” shot is forever looked at.

In the after shot, the woman in the picture is the one seeing.



ホームレス大学生 college student hunger and homelessness are on the rise.

2013年11月21日 14時28分34秒 | Weblog
WEDNESDAY, NOV 20, 2013 09:43 PM +0900
How can you study when you can’t eat? The invisible problem of hunger on campus
Thousands of students around the country are homeless or hungry, and their classmates and colleges might never know

In fact, college student hunger and homelessness are on the rise. But it’s no surprise that some of my students have a hard time believing it. Until very recently, neither situation has been thoroughly investigated. Colleges are not required to track student homelessness; the best ― and only ― national measure available is via the Free Application for Federal Student Aid. Currently, about 58,000 students have self-identified as homeless on their FAFSA forms. But the number is likely higher, as FAFSA does not always account for non-degree students and not all students without a permanent residence self-identify as homeless.



2013年11月21日 12時48分51秒 | Weblog
中国、日本の訪問団軽視 経済協会、トップと会談なし
2013.11.21 11:03 [日中関係]








2013年11月21日 06時08分59秒 | Weblog
衆院選違憲状態 国会の裁量に配慮した最高裁(11月21日付・読売社説)



最高裁「違憲状態」 現状容認と思い違うな
2013.11.21 03:09


社説:衆院「違憲状態」 怠慢国会もう許されぬ

毎日新聞 2013年11月21日 02時30分








2013年11月21日 05時59分08秒 | Weblog

Conspiracy Theorists Aren’t Really Skeptics

The fascinating psychology of people who know the real truth about JFK, UFOs, and 9/11.

By William Saletan

people who suspect conspiracies aren’t really skeptics. Like the rest of us, they’re selective doubters. They favor a worldview, which they uncritically defend. But their worldview isn’t about God, values, freedom, or equality. It’s about the omnipotence of elites.

Conspiracy chatter was once dismissed as mental illness. But the prevalence of such belief, documented in surveys, has forced scholars to take it more seriously. Conspiracy theory psychology is becoming an empirical field with a broader mission: to understand why so many people embrace this way of interpreting history.

The strongest predictor of general belief in conspiracies, the authors found, was “lack of trust.”

But the survey instrument that was used in the experiment to measure “trust” was more social than intellectual. It asked the students, in various ways, whether they believed that most human beings treat others generously, fairly, and sincerely. It measured faith in people, not in propositions. “People low in trust of others are likely to believe that others are colluding against them,” the authors proposed. This sort of distrust, in other words, favors a certain kind of belief. It makes you more susceptible, not less, to claims of conspiracy.

He and his collaborators concluded that “conspiracist ideas are predicted by an alienation from mainstream politics and a questioning of received truths.” But the cynicism scale used in the experiment, drawn from a 1975 survey instrument, featured propositions such as “Most politicians are really willing to be truthful to the voters,” and “Almost all politicians will sell out their ideals or break their promises if it will increase their power.” It didn’t measure general wariness. It measured negative beliefs about the establishment.

The common thread between distrust and cynicism, as defined in these experiments, is a perception of bad character. More broadly, it’s a tendency to focus on intention and agency, rather than randomness or causal complexity. In extreme form, it can become paranoia. In mild form, it’s a common weakness known as the fundamental attribution error―ascribing others’ behavior to personality traits and objectives, forgetting the importance of situational factors and chance. Suspicion, imagination, and fantasy are closely related.
Conspiracy Theorists Aren’t Really Skeptics

The fascinating psychology of people who know the real truth about JFK, UFOs, and 9/11.

By William Saletan

The more you see the world this way―full of malice and planning instead of circumstance and coincidence―the more likely you are to accept conspiracy theories of all kinds

The appeal of these theories―the simplification of complex events to human agency and evil―overrides not just their cumulative implausibility (which, perversely, becomes cumulative plausibility as you buy into the premise) but also, in many cases, their incompatibility

many respondents named more than one culprit. In fact, 21 percent blamed two conspiring groups or individuals, and 12 percent blamed three. The CIA, the Mafia, the Cubans―somehow, they were all in on the plot.

Clearly, susceptibility to conspiracy theories isn’t a matter of objectively evaluating evidence. It’s more about alienation. People who fall for such theories don’t trust the government or the media. They aim their scrutiny at the official narrative, not at the alternative explanations. In this respect, they’re not so different from the rest of us. Psychologists and political scientists have repeatedly demonstrated that “when processing pro and con information on an issue, people actively denigrate the information with which they disagree while accepting compatible information almost at face value.” Scholars call this pervasive tendency “motivated skepticism.”

Conspiracy believers are the ultimate motivated skeptics. Their curse is that they apply this selective scrutiny not to the left or right, but to the mainstream.

They tell themselves that they’re the ones who see the lies, and the rest of us are sheep. But believing that everybody’s lying is just another kind of gullibility.



2013年11月21日 05時22分41秒 | Weblog
Socialism off to a Poor Start in Seattle

By Matthew Yglesias


Can Boeing's front-line workers actually retool an airplane factory and turn it to bus production and win contracts to sell buses that raise enough revenue to keep everyone employed? Only time will tell for sure, but in the real world the answer is "no." This is exactly what you need executives for. Retooling plants, establishing relationships with suppliers and customers, understanding the size of the market for buses, and all that other stuff is a non-trivial task.

What it shows is that whereas in capitalist countries urban cores are denser than urban fringes because the land in the core is more expensive, that's not the case in socialist cities such as Moscow. In those places a relatively non-dense core tends to be ringed with new high-density construction, because the high market price of land in the core doesn't translate into new development. Why it would be good for Seattle to emulate that pattern and push investment out into the suburbs and encourage sprawl is beyond me.





タクシー減車法案 アベノミクス規制緩和に逆行
2013.11.20 01:11







特定秘密保護法案 米国と同じ失敗するな

2013年11月21日 04時47分04秒 | Weblog
毎日新聞 2013年11月20日 東京朝刊

via mozu

















