Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

Black woman shot in head seeking help in white neighborhood

2013年11月07日 17時54分53秒 | Weblog
THURSDAY, NOV 7, 2013 06:53 AM +0900
Standing your ground? Black woman shot in head seeking help in white neighborhood
The family of Renisha McBride, 19, seeks answers after she was shot in the head and the shooter may avoid charges

“You see a young black lady on your porch and you shoot?” demanded Bernita Sparks, the aunt of slain Detroit 19-year-old Renisha McBride. McBride was shot in the head and killed when, according to her family, she was seeking help, knocking on doors in a white neighborhood after her car crashed.

McBride’s family is asking prosecutors for information on the incident that left the unarmed young woman dead. Scant details have been provided. As the Detroit News reported “Dearborn Heights [Police Department has] identified the person who fired the shot and killed the woman.” However, police have claimed that the shooter believed McBride to be an intruder and shot in self-defense. Initial police reports that described the 19-year-old’s body as having been “dumped” have been amended to state that she was found on the shooter’s porch.

Self-defense gone wrong is not a sufficient excuse for a bullet in the head, McBride’s family has stressed. “He shot her in the head … for what? For knocking on his door,” said Spinks. “If he felt scared or threatened, he should have called 911.”

 黒人女性が怖かった、と。 正当防衛が成立するのでは、というが、怖かったなら、110番したらよかたったのに、と被害者家族。


Fired immigrants share their horrifying work stories

2013年11月07日 17時23分36秒 | Weblog

THURSDAY, NOV 7, 2013 05:40 AM +0900
Tearing out asbestos with bare hands: Meet the boss from hell
Fired immigrants share their horrifying work stories. "This hurts all workers," Sen. Bob Menendez tells Salon

A group of immigrants allege their boss wielded their status as a weapon when they stood up to extreme abuses: from hanging from the top of a four-story building without scaffolding, to removing asbestos without gloves.

New Jersey Senator Robert Menendez told Salon those allegations illustrate the urgency of passing an immigration overhaul. “Clearly, what happens is: When someone is undocumented they can be exploited – and they frequently are,” Menendez said following a Friday press event with the workers. “And once they try to organize in order to get better wages, working conditions, they immediately are fired. And sometimes, even worse, they are told they are being reported to immigration as a way to keep them subjected to the discrimination and exploitation.” He added that such retaliation “hurts all workers” and “presses down wages for all in that universe.”

The four immigrants who joined Menendez were fired last year by Benjamin H. Realty, a New Jersey apartment company, during a union organizing drive by the Laborers International Union of North America (LIUNA). They told Salon that before their firings, the company had directed them to do unsafe work. “The worst thing was the asbestos,” said Isaac Hernandez. He said he was “100% breathing this stuff in” in a tight crawl space without warning or proper equipment, and “we went with our clothes home, so not only were we exposed – our families were exposed.”

His co-worker Daniel Quintana told Salon that years back he removed asbestos with bare hands after “the supervisor said, ‘No, this is nothing.’” Another worker, Rodolfo Cax, described doing brick pointing on the mortar of a four-story building without a scaffold or harness. He said he was “hanging” from the top with co-workers holding his legs, and a supervisor told him “nothing’s going to happen – we’ve got you.” “I was scared doing this,” Cax told Salon, “but we’ve got no choice…If I don’t do this, he’ll fire me.” His co-worker Fabian Londono Taborda said, “They say if you don’t do, we’ll find someone else.”




のぞき と 表現の自由

2013年11月07日 15時27分07秒 | Weblog
Man says arrest for shooting ‘upskirt’ photos on subway platform violates free speech rights

By Travis Gettys
Wednesday, November 6, 2013 12:33 EST








2013年11月07日 14時42分43秒 | Weblog

SUNDAY, NOV 3, 2013 11:00 PM +0900
Sheryl Sandberg: “Men need to do more childcare and housework”
Facebook's COO discusses why men still rule the highest levels of the professional ranks and how it can change

Facebookの”女”社長 シェリル・サンドバーグのインタビュー

I wrote a lot in my book about being identified as Facebook’s female COO, and I actually did a Google search for “Facebook’s male CEO” and there are no results, zero. I don’t wake up in the morning and say, “What am I going to do today as Facebook’s female COO?” But that is how I’m viewed by the world. I wrote at the end of my book, it’s one of my favorite lines in the whole book, “One day there won’t be ‘female.’” The word “female,” when inserted in front of something, is always with a note of surprise. Female COO, female pilot, female surgeon―as if the gender implies surprise, which it does. I am a female leader. One day there won’t be female leaders. There will just be leaders.


MS: What generally are some of the most concrete and constructive changes that we can do as a culture, or a society, to improve things for women to become leaders in the political and corporate spheres?

SS: The concrete things are men need to do more childcare and housework. We need to get to equality in the home. We cannot have equality in the office until we have equality in the home. It can’t happen.


Watch Kids React to Gay Marriage
This video of kids watching same-sex marriage proposals has already been viewed 2 million times in the 48 hours since it was posted. What does that say?


Kids React to Gay Marriage

同性愛者のプロポーズ場面をみて、子供たちの反応は?  かわいい!と。子供たちは、様々な愛の表現を歓迎しているようである。

SUNDAY, NOV 3, 2013 03:00 AM +0900
Make fatherhood a man’s choice!
The burden of pregnancy will never be fair. Child support can be -- but men need to have a chance to opt out









MUST- SEE Comfort Women : Do you hear their cry?

2013年11月07日 08時34分17秒 | Weblog
Comfort Women : Do you hear their cry?

The contents in this video are used under Fair Use Guidelines.

The US Military's Report of interrogation on Korean Comfort Women and Japanese POWs in Burma(1944)


New York Times (2009.01.07) "Korean Ex-Comfort Women"

Ohmynews (Jul.13.2013) "미군기지촌 여성, 정자씨 증언을 들어보세요"
"We hope subsequent testimonies from another women will raise public indignation and it becomes a foundation for pursuing the responsibility of U.S. and ROK government."

Anti-USbase(Dec.10.2009) "기지촌성매매 생존여성 73명 오바마 대통령에 서한 보내" 73]
"73 Korean ex-comfort women for US army ask for disclosing the documents about sex crimes of US army during 1960-1980 and demand the punishment of them."

『The Women Outside』(1996) Documentary Film about Korean prostitutes around US military camps.

Dutch Movie 『Field Of Honor』(1986) directed by Dae-hie Kim and Hans Scheepmaker
Portrayal of Korean comfort women and brothel for UN soldiers.

『Thousands of Women Forced Into Sexual Slavery For US Servicemen in South Korea』(2002.09.02)

『Endangered Japan: Book2: Sex, Lies, and Comfort Women』

『Demythologization of the myth of the Comfort Women: Part1. What actually happened』

The New York Times 『The Dark Side of Liberation』(May.20.2013)


2013年11月07日 02時51分33秒 | Weblog
「アラファト氏は毒殺」と妻主張 遺骨から放射性物質?



Forensic tests on Yasser Arafat's corpse 'reveal he was fatally poisoned using radioactive polonium' in 2004
Yasser Arafat's corpse was tested by Swiss forensic team this year
'We are revealing a real crime, a political assassination,' said Suha Arafat
Experts opened Arafat's grave in West Bank city of Ramallah last year
Team took samples from his body to seek evidence of alleged poisoning
She did not accuse any country or person of 75-year-old's death
PUBLISHED: 17:02 GMT, 6 November 2013 | UPDATED: 17:07 GMT, 6 November 2013


You don't actually have to be alone to feel lonely

2013年11月07日 00時53分59秒 | Weblog
When Being Alone Turns Into Loneliness, There Are Ways to Fight Back
Occasional Loneliness Is a Near-Universal Feeling, Therapists Say, That Individuals Can Identify and Work to Change


Nov. 4, 2013 6:57 p.m. ET

Evolutionary psychologists say the lonely feeling developed to alert humans―social animals who rely on each other to survive―that they were too close to the perimeter of the group and at risk of becoming prey.

Researchers at Brigham Young University studying the correlation between social relationships and mortality did a 2010 meta-analysis of 148 studies encompassing more than 300,000 participants. They found loneliness was as strong a predictor of early death as was alcoholism or smoking 15 cigarettes a day, and it was a stronger predictor than obesity or a sedentary lifestyle.

The rate of loneliness in the U.S. has doubled in the past 30 years, says John T. Cacioppo, a psychologist and director of the Center for Cognitive and Social Neuroscience at the University of Chicago, who studies loneliness including analysis of several large studies. These days, he estimates, some 40% of Americans report being lonely, up from 20% in the 1980s.

You don't have to be alone to be lonely, as anyone who has suffered through a bad relationship or an awkward holiday gathering can attest. "Loneliness is the feeling of social isolation or dissatisfaction with your relationships," Dr. Cacioppo says. "It's not just about whether there are others around you. It's about whether the ones around you are those you can trust." Some people are genetically more prone to loneliness than others, he says.

You don't have to be alone to be lonely, as anyone who has suffered through a bad relationship or an awkward holiday gathering can attest. "Loneliness is the feeling of social isolation or dissatisfaction with your relationships," Dr. Cacioppo says. "It's not just about whether there are others around you. It's about whether the ones around you are those you can trust." Some people are genetically more prone to loneliness than others, he says.







2013年11月07日 00時32分23秒 | Weblog






