Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

What some NYT reporting of Japan reads like to Japanese

2013年11月28日 23時30分32秒 | Weblog

Brilliant. What some NYT reporting of Japan reads like to Japanese: http://www.slate.com/blogs/the_world_/2013/09/30/potential_government_shutdown_how_would_the_u_s_media_report_on_it_if_it.html …

If It Happened There ... the Government Shutdown

By Joshua Keating

This is the first installment of “If It Happened There,” a regular feature in which American events are described using the tropes and tone normally employed by the American media to describe events in other countries.


2013年11月28日 22時11分57秒 | Weblog
「中国と融和すべきでない」 ケビン・メア元米国務省日本部長
2013.11.28 21:19




Japan, S. Korea military planes fly into China's air defense zone

2013年11月28日 21時34分35秒 | Weblog

自衛隊機、通告せず防空識別圏を飛行 中国側、反応なし

韓国も通報せず哨戒飛行 中国設定の防空識別圏
2013.11.27 21:18


Defiant flights: Japan, S. Korea military planes fly into China's air defense zone
Published time: November 28, 2013 09:45
Edited time: November 28, 2013 11:56

The Philippines, also engaged in a dispute with Beijing over islands, said it also was rejecting China's declaration.

"If they want it revoked, then we would ask that Japan first revoke its own air defense identification zone and China will reconsider it after 44 years," Yang added.




2013年11月28日 21時19分51秒 | Weblog
The Economist




Japan and the poor
On yer bike

The public approves of the government taking aim at welfare recipients
Nov 23rd 2013 | ONO |

Public perception of people on welfare is worse than it has ever been, says Makoto Yuasa, an anti-poverty activist in Tokyo. The country is having a “welfare queen” moment, he says, similar to Ronald Reagan’s attack on America’s benefit system in 1976. But in Japan the ill-will is unfair. According to the Japan Federation of Bar Associations, only around a fifth of those eligible for welfare actually receive it. Many more unemployed or working poor, as well as impoverished old people, could claim but choose not to. Others are turned away.

Powerful social stigmas are at work. Traditionally, the family is still expected to provide. Last year a wealthy comedian was pilloried on television when it was discovered that his aged mother was claiming welfare, even though entirely legally. Welfare fraud receives close media attention, though claimants are on the whole both more honest and more closely policed than in most countries.

The system will tighten further with the government’s welfare-reform bill. Local authorities will be able to investigate the ability of families to support their relations, demanding bank details and even checking up with relatives’ employers. Currently authorities may only request that families help out. The new law will increase the proportion of people either not applying or being turned away at local city counters, says Tetsuro Kokubo, director of a national council on welfare problems.

It also risks further increasing a problem which is already alarmingly prevalent: dozens of cases each year of poor people quietly starving to death at home. Such cases have in the past shamed the authorities into making it easier to get help from the state. But now the trend is to get tough.

Continued Japanese restraint is currently keeping the peace,

2013年11月28日 20時58分20秒 | Weblog


日中防空圏、これなんかまだマシな分析。BBC News - Viewpoints: China air zone tensions http://bbc.in/1890vcZ

28 November 2013 Last updated at 10:18 GMT Share this pageEmailPrint
Viewpoints: China air zone tensions

Overview: James Manicom

China's ADIZ announcement suggests that Chinese leaders are only interested in talks with Japan under conditions including parity in authority exercised over the surrounding seas and an admission by Japan that a dispute exists over the islands.

Neither of these conditions is acceptable to Tokyo, which has offered to concede that the two have a territorial "problem" rather than a dispute

Continued Japanese restraint in the face of Chinese efforts to modify the status quo is currently keeping the peace, potentially to the detriment of Japan's claim to the islands and its ability to use the surrounding sea area. It is not clear that the Abe administration will tolerate this situation indefinitely.




China: Victor Gao

Japan seems to ignore the fact that it has demarcated a similar identification zone in the East China Sea for years, and has expanded this zone over the years. In fact, the western-most line of Japan's zone stretches all the way to China and is only about 135km from China's coast at the closest point.

In recent years, Japan has on many occasions scrambled fighter planes to warn off Chinese planes when they entered the Japanese zone, as if the zone were Japan's territorial space. In a sense, China's announcement of an identification zone is in response to Japan's abusive use of its zone to start with.

However, the fundamental reason for the deterioration of relations between Japan and its two important neighbours, China and South Korea, is because Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and many Japanese politicians still refuse to acknowledge war atrocities.

They deny the existence of the Nanjing Massacre, they claim the Korean sex slaves worked voluntarily, they continue to worship at the Yasukuni Shrine. They also want to abandon the peace commitment set out in the Japanese constitution, and rearm.

Although Japan is doing its utmost to tie the United States to its bandwagon, China and the US are significantly increasing their military co-operation and strategic dialogue.

After all, China and the US shed blood together to defeat Japan in WWII, and, with increasing dialogue and confidence-building measures between Beijing and Washington, it is highly unlikely that the US will shed blood to encourage or even to protect a militarising Japan.


Japan: Tetsuo Kotani

The ownership of the Senkaku Islands was reaffirmed under the 1951 San Francisco Peace Treaty, which demarcated Japan's territory after World War II, and the 1971 US-Japan Okinawa Reversion Treaty, which returned the administrative rights of Okinawa, including the Senkaku Islands, from the United States to Japan.

By challenging Japan's control of the islands, China is attempting to introduce a new regional order that favours it. As long as Beijing remains revisionist, it will not be easy to improve relations between Tokyo and Beijing.

The announcement of China's air defence identification zone (ADIZ) has no legal effect but is an unnecessary provocation. First, it covers the Senkaku Islands, which are under the administration of Japan. Second, it overlaps with Japan's ADIZ. Third, China has announced that all aircraft are obliged to observe Chinese regulations. These measures are totally against international practices. The announcement will simply increase existing tensions in the East China Sea and the chance of clashes.

If China implements its ADIZ, it is likely that there will be frequent encounters between Japanese and Chinese fighters in the overlapping zones. It is also likely that Washington will implement the freedom of navigation programme, its policy of asserting its navigational rights, by sending aircraft into China's ADIZ to challenge China's excessive claims. The worst-case-scenario is a collision that could escalate into a larger conflict if managed badly.

In order to ease tensions, Beijing should stop its provocative and coercive measures. These measures will not bring any compromise from Tokyo. Instead, Beijing should preserve international laws and norms, and take peaceful measures to resolve the competing claims.


US: Michael Swaine
And as indicated, much will depend on how the Chinese implement the ADIZ. At the very least, the Chinese need to clarify, authoritatively, how they will treat surveillance aircraft and other potentially "threatening" (from their viewpoint) military aircraft that are transiting the zone but not heading toward Chinese airspace. Thus far, Chinese efforts at clarification have been unsuccessful.


Asean: Lye Liang Fook

Neither Asean nor any of its 10 member states has responded to China's ADIZ. This is not surprising as the resolution of the islands issue primarily rests with China and Japan.

However, Asean members do have an interest in regional stability. Their preference seems to be for China and Japan to meet at the negotiating table to sort out any differences rather than for them to constantly test each other at sea or in the air.

There are some who speculate that China could follow up by introducing a similar ADIZ over disputed parts of the South China Sea (SCS). In particular, China could mark a zone that is in dispute with the Philippines in order to force the latter to withdraw its submission against China at the international arbitration tribunal.

If China did so, it is very likely to lose a lot of the credibility that it has painstaking built up since a fresh set of leaders took over the helm in China this year. More recently, in October 2013, President Xi Jinping and Premier Li Keqiang visited five Asean countries and made numerous proposals to further deepen ties.



(1) 南京虐殺はあった。正確な被害者数はわかならい。 南京虐殺を含めて、日本は大戦での甚大な被害をもたらしたことを反省し、謝罪する。(政府見解)

(2) 日本、韓国、米国は、社会経済的に他にすべのない日本人・韓国人・ベトナム人女性などを慰安婦にし、搾取した。



(3) 日本には政教分離の原則があり、また、中国とちがって、信教の自由があるから、個人としての参拝にとやかくいうことはできない。


Manila does not share the concerns about Tokyo returning to past military adventurism.

2013年11月28日 14時16分09秒 | Weblog
The diplomat

More than half a century after the Second World War, Japan has deployed 1,200 members of its Self-Defense Force (SDF) to the Philippines. But this time, rather than playing the role of aggressor, Japan has instead launched its biggest humanitarian aid mission in history.

Additionally, the Japanese government has announced $20 million in emergency aid to the typhoon-ravaged Philippines, as well as promising 10 coastguard vessels to Manila to help the capital guard its coastlines. These moves represent the largest overseas deployment in the SDF’s history and strengthening ties between the Philippines and Japan.

“The two liberal democracies are treaty-allies of the United States, and Japan is one of only two strategic partners of the Philippines. Both are facing territorial threats from Beijing, and Manila does not share the concerns of some Asian nations, notably China and South Korea, about Tokyo returning to past military adventurism. While Japan is a formidable economic power in the region, the Philippines has emerged as Southeast Asia’s fastest growing major economy,” said East Asia Forum.

Japan’s hefty contributions, aside from projecting soft power near the heavily disputed South China Sea, dwarf China’s less than $2 million pledge. Beijing has been sharply criticized for its lack of aid to Leyte Island.


Only jingoistic China, North Korea and South Korea are concerned. The rest of Asian nations does not share the concerns about Tokyo returning to past military adventurism.


Over in Singapore, an index created by a French business school ranked the country second in the world for “competitiveness in attracting, producing and retaining talent.” It was the only Asian country to land in the top 20.

“These results, when compared to the respective income levels of those Asian countries, call for cautious optimism about their future talent equation,” read a press release from the Global Talent Competitiveness Index at Insead.

Switzerland topped the list, with Japan – the next Asian country on the list – ranking 21st.


Such a zone will not be tolerated.

2013年11月28日 14時08分58秒 | Weblog

The diplomat
China’s Game of Chicken in the East China Sea
Leading from behind at a time when tensions are only mounting would be a tragic mistake.

By Harry Kazianis
November 27, 2013

What to make of such a move? From where I sit here in Washington, three observations seem very clear.

First, the United States and its allies need to show in words as well as in deeds that such a zone will not be tolerated. Just because China has made such a declaration, it does not have to be respected. And no, I don’t mean this in the most hawkish sense of the word like placing aircraft carriers out near the Senkakus or some other outwardly aggressive act. But I would not change the current dynamics in the region just because China feels it can slowly alter the status quo. The United States and Japan must show that declarations will not change facts in the air. America’s B-52 flight this week is a good indicator that Washington is following such a policy and should stand firm and do what it can to negate what can only be called a game of geo-strategic chicken on China’s part.



2013年11月28日 13時48分31秒 | Weblog
障害者の旅 お手伝い…東京のNPO







(2013年11月28日 読売新聞)



2013年11月28日 13時45分21秒 | Weblog





(2013年11月28日 読売新聞)


Beijing's Brinksmanship  中国は脅しと虚勢戦略の達人だ

2013年11月28日 13時36分06秒 | Weblog


2013年 11月 27日 15:51 JST




The B-52s Reply to Beijing
The U.S. sends a military message of support for Japan and global norms.
Updated Nov. 25, 2013 8:03 p.m. ET

Beijing's brinksmanship is reminiscent of its frequent harassment of U.S. naval vessels in international waters and the buzzing by Chinese fighters of U.S. EP-3 surveillance planes that caused a collision in 2001. Beijing is trying to make its exclusive economic zone into a no-go area for foreign military ships and aircraft. This is a serious violation of international law that must be resisted if U.S. security guarantees and President Obama's "pivot" to Asia are going to have any credibility.

China could now decide to escalate, but it is less likely to do so if the U.S. shows it is willing to defend its allies and global norms. Beijing engaged in a similar display of intimidation toward Taiwan in 1996 by staging missile tests as the Clinton Administration initially wrung its hands. Only after Bill Clinton dispatched two U.S. carrier battle groups to the area did the crisis ease.

Beijing is a master of bully-and-bluff tactics, pushing adversaries into a position where they must choose between capitulation or conflict. But it may have overreached this time, since the new zone all but obliged the U.S. and Japan to respond. The U.S. is obligated by treaty to defend Japan if it is attacked, and the best way to avoid having to do so is to make clear to Beijing that the U.S. takes the treaty seriously.

By trying to use force to seize control over the Senkakus' region, Beijing is edging closer to naked aggression. It has to be shown that such bullying won't succeed.


Thanksgiving Day is holocaust denial  サンクスギビング=原住民大虐殺祝祭日

2013年11月28日 10時16分50秒 | Weblog
By Robert Jensen comments_image 39 COMMENTS
I'm the Guy Who People Think Hates Thanksgiving
My rejection of Thanksgiving is more intellectual than emotional, a political decision to reject that distortion of history. But my feelings go beyond that, too.
November 27, 2013

The Meaning of Thanksgivingby Robert Jensen, Alex Doherty

Some aspects of the conventional story are accurate, but by 1637 Massachusetts Gov. John Winthrop was proclaiming a thanksgiving for the successful massacre of hundreds of Pequot Indian men, women and children, part of the genocidal project that opened up additional land to the English invaders. That was the beginning of the conquest of the entire continent, until 95 to 99 percent of American Indianshad been exterminated and the rest were left to assimilate into white society or die off on reservations.

That is the American holocaust, and the Thanksgiving story wraps that holocaust in fantasies of innocence. Instead of celebrating a day of thanksgiving, we should be observing a day of atonement. In short, Thanksgiving Day is holocaust denial.

No Thanks to Thanksgiving
Instead, we should atone for the genocide that was incited -- and condoned -- by the very men we idolize as our 'heroic' founding fathers.
November 22, 2005

Some aspects of the conventional story are true enough. But it's also true that by 1637 Massachusetts Gov. John Winthrop was proclaiming a thanksgiving for the successful massacre of hundreds of Pequot Indian men, women and children, part of the long and bloody process of opening up additional land to the English invaders. The pattern would repeat itself across the continent until between 95 and 99 percent of American Indians had been exterminated and the rest were left to assimilate into white society or die off on reservations, out of the view of polite society.

Simply put: Thanksgiving is the day when the dominant white culture (and, sadly, most of the rest of the non-white but non-indigenous population) celebrates the beginning of a genocide that was, in fact, blessed by the men we hold up as our heroic founding fathers.

By Robert Jensen comments_image COMMENT NOW!
Why We Shouldn't Celebrate Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving Day should be turned into a National Day of Atonement to acknowledge the genocide of America's indigenous peoples.
November 21, 2007 |

Once we know, what do we do?

At this point in history, anyone who wants to know this reality of U.S. history -- that the extermination of indigenous peoples was, both in a technical, legal sense and in common usage, genocide -- can easily find the resources to know. If this idea is new, I would recommend two books, David E. Stannard's American Holocaust: Columbus and the Conquest of the New World and Ward Churchill's A Little Matter of Genocide . While the concept of genocide, which is defined as the deliberate attempt "to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group," came into existence after World War II, it accurately describes the program that Europeans and their descendants pursued to acquire the territory that would become the United States of America.

Once we know that, what do we do? The moral response -- that is, the response that would be consistent with the moral values around justice and equality that most of us claim to hold -- would be a truth-and-reconciliation process that would not only correct the historical record but also redistribute land and wealth. In the white-supremacist and patriarchal society in which we live, operating within the parameters set by a greed-based capitalist system, such a process is hard to imagine in the short term. So, the question for left/radical people is: What political activity can we engage in to keep alive this kind of critique until a time when social conditions might make a truly progressive politics possible?

In short: Once we know, what do we do in a world that is not yet ready to know, or knows but will not deal with the consequences of that knowledge?

The general answer to that question is simple, though often difficult to put into practice: We must keep speaking honestly, as often as possible, in as many venues as possible. We must resist the conventional wisdom. We must reject the cultural amnesia. We must refuse to be polite when politeness means capitulation to lies.


 かなり前から言われていることですが、主要なメディアではお祝い気分一辺倒で、本気でとりあげられることはないようです。 論者は白人至上主義社会では原住民に土地を返すなどは、無理だろうが、しかし、真実は言い続ける必要がある、と。

(サンクスギビング 感謝祭)

White supremacist church buying up town next to Area 51

2013年11月28日 03時37分59秒 | Weblog
White supremacist church buying up town next to Area 51

By David Ferguson
Wednesday, November 27, 2013 10:16 EST

Residents of a small Nevada town were shocked and angry to discover that the agency buying up property in their city is a Baptist church with ties to the white supremacist and neo-Nazi movements.


UK asked to avoid 'hysterical' debate on migration

2013年11月28日 03時17分21秒 | Weblog
UK asked to avoid 'hysterical' debate on migration

TODAY @ 18:43
RELATED Welfare tourism 'neither widespread nor systematic' in Europe
BY HONOR MAHONYHonor emailHonor Twitter

BRUSSELS - EU commissioners on Wednesday told the UK to avoid "hysteria" and to be more factual after Prime Minister David Cameron unveiled proposals to tighten migrants' access to social welfare payments.

"I would really applaud if on all these questions we could come down to earth again, look at facts and figures, see what has to be done in order to solve the small problems," said EU justice commissioner Viviane Reding.




  avoid "hysteria"
  avoid 'hysterical' debate on
