Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

6,000 suspected child abuse cases in Arizona 'not investigated'

2013年11月24日 20時36分53秒 | Weblog
6,000 suspected child abuse cases in Arizona 'not investigated'
November 22, 2013 9:37AM ET

The revelation that about 6,000 cases of suspected child abuse reported to an Arizona hotline were never investigated has cast a disturbing spotlight on a state department in disarray as officials call for investigations and accountability.

Over the past four years, a team at Arizona's Child Protective Services agency improperly designated the cases "N.I." ― meaning "Not Investigated" ― to help manage their heavy workload and focus on the most severe cases, said Clarence Carter, chief of the state's child welfare system.

Under state law, all reports generated via the statewide hotline must be investigated, Carter said Thursday. He noted plans would be revealed Monday on how the state will catch up on the overlooked backlog.



‘I Sold My Sister for 300 Dollars’

2013年11月24日 20時28分37秒 | Weblog
IPS News / By Annabell Van den Berghe comments_image 55 COMMENTS
‘I Sold My Sister for 300 Dollars’
Jordanians, Egyptians and Saudis are visiting Syrian refugee camps to buy virgins. They pay 300 dollars, and they get the girl of their dreams

There was only one way to get money quickly, a route that many families took before Amani did – and that was to as good as sell one of the girls. Amani sent off her younger sister Amara, 14, to some sort of marriage.

“It isn’t rare in Syria to marry at the age of 16. Most Arab men are aware of this, and often come to Syria to find a young bride. These days, they come to find them at the camps, where almost everybody is desperate to leave.

“I have seen Jordanians, Egyptians and Saudis passing by the tents in search of a virgin to take along. They pay 300 dollars, and they get the girl of their dreams.”

Amani says she had no choice. “I knew she wasn’t in love, but I also knew that he would take care of her. I would have sold myself, but Amara was the only virgin in our family. We had to sell her, in order to allow the rest of us survive. What else could I do?”








Gang & Officers working together to peddle drugs, phones and sex inside the jail.

2013年11月24日 20時21分16秒 | Weblog
刑務官と服役中のギャングが癒着、麻薬融通や性的関係も 米
2013.11.24 Sun posted at 15:39 JST

Baltimore jail officers and Black Guerilla Family gang accused of working together to bring in drugs

Posted: 11/23/2013
Last Updated: 20 hours and 32 minutes ago

By: Lateef Mungin, CNN

(CNN) -- A large group of Baltimore corrections officers and members of a notorious prison gang have been working together to peddle drugs, phones and sex inside the city's jail, prosecutors say.
But an indictment released this week is another shot, prosecutors say, in putting an end to it.
An indictment, announcing charges on 14 more Baltimore corrections officers, reads like script from the now defunct HBO crime drama "The Wire."
But the U.S. Attorney's Office for Maryland says this drama involving prison gang , the Black Guerrilla Family, and a growing number of Baltimore jail guards has gone on for too long.
"Correctional officers were in bed with BGF inmates," said U.S. Attorney Rod Rosenstein.
Rosenstein seemed to mean that literally and figuratively, court documents show. According to one indictment, alleged gang member Tavon White had a sexual relationship with four jail guards while he was incarcerated.
He impregnated all four of them and they all helped him smuggle items in prison, according to the indictment.
One of the guards had "Tavon" tattooed on her wrist, the indictment said.
In January, White summed up his standing in the prison while talking on a cell phone that had been smuggled in, the indictment says
"This is my jail. You understand that? I'm dead serious ... I make every final call in this jail ... and nothing go past me ... Any of my brothers that deal with anybody, it's gonna come to me. Before (somebody) stab somebody, they gotta run it through me," White said according to the indictment.
Correctional officers were allegedly "bribed" to smuggle in drugs, cell phones and other prohibited objects, which they hid underneath their clothes, "inside body cavities," even in sandwiches.
Some inmates who weren't part of the gang had to pay protection money -- or more accurately, their relatives on the outside did -- authorities claim.


There are 610,000 homeless people in the country.

2013年11月24日 20時15分05秒 | Weblog

There are 610,000 homeless people in the country, the Department of Housing and Urban Development found, and 7,631 in Santa Clara County.

These findings were met with skepticism from the National Law Center on Homelessness & Poverty, however. The nonprofit aid organization said HUD's report depicts an "incomplete picture" because it only counts homeless people in HUD programs and shelters, and those living outside.

"This number excludes millions of Americans who are without housing and living doubled up or in motels because HUD programs are full," NLCHP said in a statement. "[W]hile ongoing efforts to end homelessness are having an impact on individuals fortunate enough to obtain services, we do not believe that the numbers are in fact declining."

2013.11.24 Sun posted at 17:07 JST

Freedom!!! スコットランド独立記念日は?

2013年11月24日 14時08分45秒 | Weblog
スコットランドが独立したら英国旗は変わるのかな? 青白=スコットランド部分がなくなるとか? BBC News - Proposed date for Scottish independence named http://bbc.in/1beSf0U

Scotland could be independent on 24 March, 2016, if voters back leaving the UK in the independence referendum


Last chance か、Fat chance か。

2013年11月24日 13時29分37秒 | Weblog


Japan's Fat Chance by Tobias Harris http://j.mp/17R07VF @ForeignAffairsさんから

Japan's Fat Chance
Why Abe Won't Embrace Neoliberalism
By Tobias Harris

fat chance
《俗・反語》 心細い見込み, 見込み薄.
Fat chance! 見込みなどあるものか.


 日本語の記事が読めると主流の雑誌で記事が書けるアメリカってやっぱland of opportunity なのか、あるいは、人材が不足しているか、どちらかな、など・・・・と不図思い浮かぶ。

In turn, there are three reasons why Prime Minister Shinzo Abe will not be a neoliberal reformer either.


First, as Smith recognizes, neoliberalism has been met with “stiff public resistance.” For every reform proposed, there are those, usually with allies in the bureaucracy and the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), who are prepared to water down, stall, and block initiatives.


Piecemeal reform could leave the economy worse off, as happened when the Koizumi cabinet deregulated some types of labor. However, since the costs of structural reform are concentrated among protected sectors of the economy (often located in depressed peripheral regions overrepresented in the Diet), whereas the benefits are spread to everyone, piecemeal structural reform might be the only option.


Finally, it is worth remembering that Japan’s first two major economic overhauls did not occur under democracy.



 Japan's Last Chance
Abe Embraces Neoliberalism
By Noah Smith

Neoliberalism represents an enormous, wrenching choice for Japan. Its public will face not only the economic costs of neoliberalism -- inequality, higher unemployment, job insecurity -- but also its social costs. The end of corporatism would amount to the wholesale destruction of Japan’s social model.





朝日社説 2013年 11月 25 日(月)付





2013年11月24日 10時15分59秒 | Weblog
SUNDAY, NOV 24, 2013 04:00 AM +0900
Science proves Louis C.K. is right!

New studies show the "equality bias" in kids turns out to be a lot like a famous Louis CK joke about kids and toys


The equality bias is strong. Olson and another researcher, Alex Shaw, told children between the ages of 6 and 8 a story about “Mark” and “Dan,” who had cleaned up their room and were to be rewarded with erasers: “I don’t know how many erasers to give them; can you help me with that? Great. You get to decide how many erasers Mark and Dan will get. We have these five erasers. We have one for Mark, one for Dan, one for Mark, and one for Dan. Uh oh! We have one left over.”

When researchers asked “Should I give [the leftover eraser] to Dan or should I throw it away?” the children almost always wanted to throw it away.

Also, when given an uneven number of resources to distribute, children are smart about what to do with the extra resources. As mentioned above, 6- to 8-year-olds would rather toss away a fifth eraser than have an unequal division between two characters who cleaned a room. But if you just add one sentence ― ”Dan did more work than Mark” ― almost all children change their answers. Instead of throwing away the eraser, they want to hand it over to Dan. Remember also the experiment where children got to distribute resources through a doll and, when there was an even number of resources, tended to distribute them equally. The same researchers found that if there is an odd number of resources and children weren’t given the option of throwing one away, 3-year-olds would have the doll give more to siblings and friends than to strangers; give more to someone who had previously given the doll something than someone who hadn’t; and give more to someone who was generous to a third person than to someone who wasn’t.

Young children don’t know everything. Some experiments that I’ve done with the psychologists Koleen McKrink and Laurie Santos find that older children and adults think about relative generosity in terms of proportion ― an individual with three items who gives away two is “nicer” than someone with ten items who gives away three ― while young children focus only on the absolute amount. And other studies find that our understanding of the factors that can justify inequality ― such as luck, effort and skill ― develop even through adolescence.

What we do see at all ages, though, is an overall bias toward equality. Children expect equality, prefer those who divide resources equally, and are strongly biased to divide resources equally themselves.




A Brief History of Justice




Japan's Cutthroat School System? "We Live in the United States of Bullies" アメリカのいじめ文化?

2013年11月24日 08時01分09秒 | Weblog

Japan's Cutthroat School System: A Cautionary Tale for the U.S.
A new book shows how fixating on testing and achievement can backfire.

There are a couple possible lessons to take from Japan's experience. On the one hand, you could perhaps argue that it shows that test-oriented education does not actually promote global competitiveness; that Japan's focus on testing and rigid connections between school, home and family, stifled creativity and created an insufficiently flexible economy. This is the critique that University of Oregon Professor Yong Zhao makes of our emphasis on testing in the U.S. From his perspective, the goal of global competitiveness is the right goal, but to get there we need education that focuses on creativity and innovation rather than test-taking.




 アメリカの学生の方が規律がないかもしれないが、しかし、規律がないことが創造的であるとは限らない。非行少年は規律がないが、創造的ともいえない。また、アメリカ文化にconform して、アメリカ文化から距離を置けないアメリカ人はかなり多い。





― 斎藤環さん (@pentaxxx) 12月 23, 2012


The notorious bullying in Japanese schools has actually been seen by many parents and teachers as a feature not a bug. Students can be targeted for failing to do well academically (Allison discusses one girl bullied for her failure to learn kanji quickly enough.) "[T]he parent who refuses to pamper their bullied child…, thereby forcing them to become tough as nails, is something of a Japanese ideal," Allison writes. "Tough love," she adds, leads to toughness and success, "Japan as number one."



We Live in the United States of Bullies

When a Guy is Bullied, He’s “Not a Man.” When a Female is Bullied, She’s “Just a Woman.”

By Katy Waldman
He failed to “step up and be a man,” according to Tennessee running back Chris Johnson. “I think Jonathan Martin is a weak person,”

Do we want all our students constantly rushing in a race to the top, even if, life being what it is, that top is sometimes not a mountain but a cliff? Is education entirely about succeeding economically? Or might there be other, more important kinds of success, involving connection, community, and rootedness? Both Japan and the U.S. could stand to think about whether we want to concentrate on getting schools to produce good workers, or whether we would rather have them help to make good human beings.





 ちなみに、引用されている、Permitted and Prohibited Desires: Mothers, Comics, and Censorship in Japan [ペーパーバック]
Precarious Japanなど、どんな本かは知らないが、例えば、私が中国やアフリカの教育に関する日本語の本を2冊読んで、中国やアフリカの教育全般を批判する、というのはやはり無理があろう。

SUNDAY, NOV 24, 2013 08:59 PM +0900
Millennials, rise up! College is a scam ― you have nothing to lose but student debt
Students chase degree after degree, adding crushing debt, as jobs vanish. It is time to radically rethink college


在日用心棒 米軍 対中抑止で役に立たず!!!  

2013年11月24日 01時28分03秒 | Weblog
China Imposes Restrictions on Air Space Over Senkaku Islands
By establishing the East China Sea Air Defense Identification Zone, China is trying to create new facts in the air.

By Zachary Keck
November 23, 2013

“The most striking feature of China’s behavior in its maritime disputes this year has been efforts to redefine the status quo,” Fravel wrote at the time. “In its disputes with the Philippines and Japan, China has used the presence of its civilian maritime law enforcement agencies to create new facts on the water to strengthen China’s sovereignty claims.”


米政府筋は懸念表明 中国の尖閣上空に防空識別圏設定で 対中抑止機能せず
2013.11.23 21:22 (1/2ページ)[日中関係]







46% of young women don't know whom they can trust

2013年11月24日 00時10分47秒 | Weblog

Young women today believe they have more job opportunities and a better chance of balancing parenting and a career than their mothers had at the same age, but then, for many, the picture becomes very much bleaker. A third do not believe there will ever be equal pay; a fifth say they have less respect and status in society than their mothers did; almost a third say they are less happy; and two thirds believe they are more prone to eating disorders and mental illness.

The information comes from a poll of more than 1,000 young women aged 16 to 30, which is part of a year-long review conducted in England and Wales, the results of which will be published tomorrow. The poll also reveals that 40% of young women are often lonely; 46% don't know whom they can trust; 36% said "they often felt that they could not cope with their lives"; and one in four said that they felt they had nobody to whom they could turn when they were unable to sort out their problems by themselves.

The YWT research looked at qualifications, jobs, housing, health, family ties and outlook. While more than 58% of young women appear secure and in work, 42% are struggling with issues that include a lack of qualifications, difficult relationships with partners and family, debt, poverty, housing and depression. Five per cent of young women with degrees also suffer from depression and isolation.

"In popular culture, young women are stereotyped as a story of two halves," said Carole Easton, YWT's chief executive. "Either it's about bad behaviour, having babies and benefits. Or they are portrayed as successful, salaried and sorted. The real story is quite different.

Tammie Wingrove, 23, is resilient and articulate, despite the difficulties she faces. She is eight months' pregnant and lives on £56 a week Jobseeker's Allowance. Her mother died when she was seven, her father died when she was 13. A year later her stepmother threw her out. She went into care and was moved 15 times. She was diagnosed with dyslexia at 17. "Before that, teachers always said I was lazy," she said. She returned to one of her care homes in a work placement. "I know how to handle little rude boys," she said with a smile. "I know what it is to go to sleep with nothing and wake up with nothing."

Her aim is to do an access course, go to university and become a social worker. She has a partner, but as someone who has been in care she has her own flat. "I've learned from the past," she said. "I rely on no one except my sister and nan, who have never let me down in my life.

"I cried my eyes out when I knew I was pregnant," she added. "But now I'm fine. I will go to university next year if I can." Tammie is on the YWT advisory board. "I want to help other young women," she said. "I smile, but that doesn't mean I am happy."

One in three girls – 100,000 a year – do not achieve five GCSEs A*-C, including English and maths. Half a million young women are Neets – not in employment, education or training. That is over 100,000 more than young men of the same age. The report says young women are often steered into stereotypical apprenticeships, such as childcare, hairdressing and beauty, which are low paid.Currently, while there are 10 applicants for every high skilled role, there are 45 applicants for vacancies in the low skill sector.

Nadine White, 23, has been unemployed for three years. "I had a decent upbringing, then my dad died when I was 13. I went downhill. I didn't behave at school. I fell out with my mum and she asked me to leave home at 17. We get on better now, but we can't live in the same house," she said.

Nadine has a Level 3 childcare qualification but can't get a job. She has lived in a hostel and sleeps on friends' sofas, and she sometimes stays with her grandmother. "It's clothes in plastic bags and kipping on floors," she said. She receives £56 a week JSA. "I've done lots of courses. I've volunteered. I don't want to sit on my backside but the longer you are out of work, the harder it is to persuade someone to give you a chance.I am isolated because if you go out, that's the price of food."




