

Byodoin Phoenix Hall

2008-05-03 | English diary
I just came up the idea that I wanted to go to World Heritage Site in Kyoto.
And I went to Byodoin Phoenix Hall and Ujigami Shrine.(Both are World Heritage Site.)
After that,I found Fukujuen which is famous for the TV commercial of green tea"IEMON"!!!
I was excited!!!
But it was too hot today,so I'm very worried about sunburn...(>_<)

I love racoons!!!

2008-05-03 | English diary
I went to Fukuchiyama zoo!
The zoo has a lot of kinds of animals,but I'm interested in only racoons!!!!
I felt veeeery happy when I saw the most famous racoon in the zoo!
He was introduced on TV several times because he can climb up very tall pole and catch food!
He is soooooo cute!!!!!
I'm very happy to see him!\(^o^)/

Kwansei Gakuin elementery school

2008-05-03 | English diary
I got up at six in the morning.
I had studied very hard until noon.
After that,I went out for lunch with my mother.
Since mother's day is coming,I asked my mother if she wanted to go somewhere for lunch.
My mom quickly responsed, "I want to eat sushi!!!!!"
So,we went to 100ーyen sushi bar!
After that we went to Kwansei Gakuin elementery school near my house.
My mom really wanted to see there because she graduated from Kwansei Gakuin University.
The elementery school was amazing!!!
It didn't look like an elementery school!(Please look at the picture.)
There was a church in the elementery school!
We were very excited and took a lot of pictures!!!
Kwansei gakuin elementery school...I wonder how much the school expenses are...