

from VSS 2006 continued.

2006-05-11 | Research
from Poster session
E5 534 A whole-to-part advantage for processing faces in the occipito-temporal cortex
Bruno Rossion, Christian Namèche, Bettina Sorger, Rainer Goebel

K65 1178 Holistic Processing of Faces: Bridging Paradigms
Jennifer J. Richler, Isabel Gauthier, Michael J. Wenger, Thomas J. Palmeri

Wednesday, May 10, 10:00 - 11:45 am, Hyatt Ballroom South
Attention: Costs of Divided Attention and Inattention

10:15 1213 Can we select two colors simultaneously? Liqiang
Huang, Hal Pashler, Anne Treisman
10:30 1214 Spatiotemporal cues for tracking objects through occlusion
Steven L. Franconeri, Zenon W. Pylyshyn, Brian J. Scholl
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