from today's Nikkei

2007年08月30日 10時27分41秒 | 新聞記事から
ダム建設費膨張9兆円 工期延長設計変更 一段の肥大化も 149基調査、当初計画比1.4倍
According to a survey conducted by The Nihon Keizai Shimbun,it is learned that the combined costs of the 149 dam projects now under construction by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport across the nation has come to be about 9.1 trillion yen, increasing to nearly 1.4 times the initial estimate. The main reasons are such things as construction period extensions or design changes.Even in the projects which were cancelled becuse of their futility after scrutinizing the usefullness of the construction of each project,there seem to be movements to restrat them.Given these circumstances, there is a possibility that the construction cost swells further.
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