from today's Nikkei

2007年04月20日 09時44分29秒 | 新聞記事から
施設資金 国立大、民間から初調達 交付金など削減に対応 まず東京農工大・宇都宮大
A number of national universities are going to procure funds from the private sector's financial institutions. The Ministry of Education,Culture,Sports,Science and Technology likely will approve two universities,Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology and Utsunomiya University,to get bank loans for the funds for their facilities, within the month,as the first cases of its kind.Other universities like Tokyo and Tsukuba universities also are planning to do so within the year.These movements are aimed at coping with the recent situation that the government's grants to universities are expected to be reduced for the national budget's(coffers's) restructuring.

from today's Nikkei

2007年04月19日 09時59分47秒 | 新聞記事から
海外新薬1年半で承認 4年から短縮 共同治験を推進 厚労省5年計画
The Ministry of Health,Labor and Welfare will forge a framework in which it facilitates usage of new drugs which are strongly desired to be used by many patients.Specifically,it promotes the so-called "international joint drug test" where a new drug test is carried out at the same time in plural countries so that the drugmaker can implement and complete the drug's clinical test necessary for the governments' endorsements of the drug as soon as possible. Through these measures,it intends to shorten the period of time for the approval for new drugs developed in foreign countries from the current some 4 years on average to some 1 and a half years.These above mentioned will be included in the ministry's "5 Years Pproject",which will be compiled by the ministry within the month.

参考:the governments' endorsements of the drug のgovernments's とendorsements が共に複数になっているのは、薬品メーカの立場からすれば承認を受けたいと思う国の数は複数あるわけですから、複数になるわけです。

from today's Nikkei

2007年04月18日 10時15分58秒 | 新聞記事から
60歳以上の活用拡大 ファナック 定年65歳に トヨタ出勤半分で
Domestic major companies have been extending their efforts to exploit the human resources of the people aged 60 and older.Specifically,Fanuc has decided to make its mandatory retirement age 65-years-old,as a first case of its kind in the domestic manufacturing industry.And Toyota has intoduced a new system where the people rehired can opt for a-few-days-a- week working,whose working days would be about half the regular ones.

from today's Nikkei

2007年04月17日 10時24分11秒 | 新聞記事から
公的機関 資産売却を加速 年金・健保整理機構 今年度7割増 都市機構 郵政公社 計画を前倒し 買い手増、リストラ急ぐ
Public organizations like those invested by the government have been accelerating selling their assets. The Pension and Health Insurance Welfare Facilities Resolution Institute,which administrates rest homes across the country built by the money of premiums of pension and health insurance schemes,will increase the number of assets which are going to be sold within the 2007 fiscal year by 70 percent to some 100.The Urban Area Revitalization Instituite and Japan Post will speed up selling their lands and facilities ahead of their each decided schedule by one to three yeras.
Against the backdrop of these movements is the increase of buyers for the real estates,backed by the ecomomic recovery.In these circumsatnces,the government also is going to procced with its restruction efforts.

from today's Nikkei

2007年04月16日 09時59分32秒 | 新聞記事から
「総合取引所」創設促す 政府方針 東京市場を強化 証券・金融先物・工業品・・・
The government has decided to radically revamp the Tokyo's exchanges in order to enhance the competence of Japanese financial and capital markets.Specifically,it intends to generate in Tokyo a so-called "synthesized exchange",which can deal with all instruments such as stocks,financial futures,industrial goods,and farm products.Another measure the government is now deliberating on is that it will facilitate the transaction of a variety of financial derivatives by revising the related laws and making it easier to combine stocks and commodity futures.