from today's Nikkei

2007年04月01日 18時57分08秒 | 新聞記事から
女性を長期戦力に 大手企業 人材確保へ制度整備 朝日生命、キリンビール管理職数に目標 三菱商事など 復職制度を拡充
Domestic major companies have embarked on establishing the framework in which they make the most use of female employees' power as human resources in the long run. For example, Asahi Mutual life Insurance Co. and Kirin Brewery Co.,Ltd. have already set up the targeted number of managerial posts their female employees should take in their organaizations. And other companies like Mitsubishi Corp.have made the system where female employees who quitted the company can returun to their former companies within several years under a certain decided condition.
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