from today's Nikkei

2007年04月07日 21時14分15秒 | 新聞記事から
厚生年金との一元化 共済積立金 統合は半分 残り24兆円 公務員側に配分 来週に法案閣議決定 「官民格差」温存も
While the government is to decide at the cabinet meeting next week a bill for integrating the so-called employees' pension scheme and mutual-aid pension scheme, only about half of the accumulated fund of mutual-aid pension for public employees likely will be offered to the integration.It will be 28 trillion yen. And the remaining 24 trillion yen will be used for the added-on benifit only fot public employees.With this regard ,some people are concern about its plan,saying that there will remain a so-called gap between the public sector and the private sector.