my way of translation (3) 3/25

2022年03月25日 10時09分32秒 | 翻訳・通訳
to make use of subconsciousness:

Subconsciousness has the ability to easily make a complicated decision in a right way. When you experience an intense thing or the same thing many times, such experiences will be accumulated in your mind.
And subconsciousness formed like that process will come to make a right judgement with an astonishing pace instead of your consciousness. It means you will come to make a fast and right judgement by repeating things in earnest.

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my way of translation (2) 3/25

2022年03月25日 09時59分09秒 | 翻訳・通訳

Business management under a lot of debts has a tendency of being easy-going and making the company jeopardized. So, the point is that you should run your business with your own money and your own responsibility. (management with your own responsibility)
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my way of translation 3/25

2022年03月25日 09時47分08秒 | 翻訳・通訳
You should recognize your won talent in a right way and help it develop as much as it could, which would lead you to a good life with happiness and joyousness. (natural talent)
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