from today's Nikkei

2008年02月18日 10時19分03秒 | 新聞記事から
日銀総裁人事 武藤氏提示の環境整う 同意手続き野党案 与党受け入れへ
The government and ruling parties are now accelerating creating a necessary circumstance for nominating a successor to the Bank of Japan Governor Toshihiko Fukui,whose tenure is to expire on the 13th of March.
Ruling parties have decided to concede(agree) to an idea proposed by opposition parties side,with regard to the endorsement in the Diet of the Cabinet's proposal of a successor candidate,that the Diet should,in some way,hear the thoughts of the candidate on his policy beforehand.Thus,the compromise on the procedural issue between ruling and opposition camps is expected to be made on Monday.Another movement regarding the isuue is that in the Democratic Party of Japan the voices of approving the current deputy Govenor Toshio Muto,whom the Fukuda Cabinet wants to name as the new Governor after Fukui,have been spreading.As like this the things are moving,the next focal point would be who will be posted to the bank's two deputy posts.
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