from today's Nikkei

2008年02月04日 16時59分58秒 | 新聞記事から
日中ガス田 利益総額、原則等分に 共同開発案 今春合意めざす 対象海域など 詳細、条約で規定

On Sunday,the outline of the draft plan for the joint exploitation of the gas fields in the East China Sea,which the Japanese and Chinese governments have been discussing in order to settle the dispute,was made publicized.Acording to it,they intend to divide the profits from the project according to the amount of each investment into the business, and in principle,they want to get the equal profit with each other.The targeted area of waters is still under negotiation. They are going to reach a basic agreement in this spring ,and after that,to stipulate the details in the treaty to be concluded between the two countries.
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