from today's Nikkei

2008年02月01日 12時28分17秒 | 新聞記事から
温暖化ガス ODA通じ排出権取得 政府、中印などから 財政負担を抑制

The government now intends to launch the initiative for getting the greenhouse gases emission right through the scheme of ODA(Official Development Assistance) in order to attain the goals set up under the Kyoto Protocol's agreement.Using the method authorized by UN,Japan has reached a series of areeements with countries, such as India, Sri Lanka,and Egypt, and also, have plans to ink the deal with China and African countries.There is a benefit in that they can get the emission right in this method cheaper than in the ordinary commercial-basis deals.It means the movement will contribute to curbing the Japans's total costs in this field.
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