from today's Nikkei

2007年01月30日 09時37分30秒 | 新聞記事から
「隠れ借金」60年で完済 交付金不足補う借入金18兆円 政府方針 法律で義務化 07年度、まず1兆7000億円 
The government has decided that it will repay the amount of the borrowed money from the private sector's financial institutions in order to make up for the shortage of the local allocation tax, which has now totaled 18 trillion yen, in the period of 60 years.According to the plan, the government intends, first of all, to repay 1.7 trillion yen in fiscal 2007,and after that,will repay the rest of the debts at the pace of 300 billion yen repayment a year. The debts have been criticized by many critics and experts,being referred to as " hiden debts" through the specila account in the local allocation tax system. These measures mentiond above will be authorized
by legislation.
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