Reflecting on the past one year( PartⅢ)

2007年01月05日 15時29分33秒 | 新聞記事から
Why do I attach much importance to writing English ?

Looking all over the world and all the people, we can find out that there are lots of people speaking words without the ability of reading words or writing words.This means that speaking ability is the most basic one among the so-called three abilities in terms of language activity:speaking,reading,and writing.

But,when we turn the aspects of looking into the isuues,like how people can make a good language communication,I think ,the story and explanation must be changed.

What I want to say here is that just making communication could be done only by speaking ability, but a good communication could not be done only by speaking ability.For a good communication, or to be more correct and in short,for a good speech,reading and writing abilities are needed.

In today's society, I think, there is no one who can make a good speech without properly reading words and properly writing words.

What I want to say further here is that writing is more a basis rather than reading for making a good speech.I am now ,in a sense,investigating the relationship between writing and readiong in the man's language activity. But I am not doing so from the academic viewpoint but from a real life experience one.

In Japan,I think, there might have been a mistaken belief among people.
Most Japanese people have seemed to think that a good and talented speaker is a person who can make a speech in front of people without any paper of speech. But this thought seems to be difficult for getting an international recognition.

On the New Year's eve, I was watching on the television the 38th U.S. president ex-Ford's funeral service in CNN. Three persons including the current vice president made funeral addresses and a pastor said a word for the god. All the people had the small note book-like things in which each of their speeches was written.

Another was an guest,who has come to Takamatsu from the U.S. as an English teacher for a high school in the city for the expected one year period.She was invited to the Christmas party an organization held,and made a brief speech. I was in the venue,too. She also had a sheet of paper for what she said.

Also,an English teacher of mine once said to me " Making a speech with paper of speech draft in a wedding ceremony or such a case would give the audience a better impression that you make much of the ceremony, than doing so without paper.

Given these circumstances, I really think that Japanese people must make more efforts in writing English sentences. From the viewpoint of writing English,people should get a good command of grammar. The saying " Japanese people are not good at speaking English, but rather good at the grammar" is definetely mistaken.I believe when people come to be well versed in the grammar,they will become good speakers.
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Reflecting on the past one year(PartⅡ)

2007年01月05日 14時25分13秒 | 自分の意見の陳述
What should be the contents you write?

An answer to it,people could say,is what you think or have tought or are thinking.I cannot say I disagree to it.But through my experience I have found out that a man does not always think of things. Rather a man has a lot of time without thinking anything.Thinking what should be written in sentences might be a task for a man.

I have been worried about the scarcity of the contents in this sense.But, what I have taken in order to break this deadlock is using newspaper's articles replacing my headwork. The every day's article is the substitute for what I should think by myself.Iuse the top news in The Nihon Keizai Shimbun. I had sometimes done this practice before I stated this blog. I translated the news in the time waiting for the traffic signal's cahnge to the green.I imagined that I were a secretary of a company's president,and the president was showing a guest coming from a foreign country around a city, and at such a case, suddenly, my boss, the president, turned the topic to that like one depicted in the newspaper's article. " How can I say? I am helping my boss as an interpreter now."
This question was the assignment to me. Since the January 26 of last year, this assignment has been every day's one. Beforehand it was from-time-to-time assignment. I can say this practice, this every-day interesting practice, has made me improved in English.I recommend the same thing or such kinds of methods to the viewers of this blog, because I have really confirmed the helpfulness of the method.

Another answer is the facts. For example, what people did, or have done, or are doing, is the facts. In this sense, you can write your facts in writing your diary every day. This will also enhance your English ability.

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Reflecting on the past one year( revised today)

2007年01月05日 11時36分29秒 | 自分の意見の陳述
I first wrote my article in this blog on January 26 last year.Since then about one year has passed. Reflecting on this one year,I would like to think of how people should study English,based on my experiences.I'd look into the common method of,or more efficient way of,or rational way of,studying English.

The first thing I want to say is that active learning is important:Saying in your own English words or writing sentences in your own English words has a great significance.Especially does it writing English.

Just only reading English is passive way of studying English.Looking at the issue in detail,there are various kinds of stages in reading English, from the primitive(primaryの方がbetter) stage of sometimes reading English to the advanced one of reading English every day,like reading newspapers every day or reading the sophisticated high-level magazines U.S or European countries intelligent persons likely would read.Even if you are in the advanced satge,in this context,just only reading English has its limitation from the viewpoint of improving your English ability. It could be said that you are still confined in the restrictive and limited learning area,that is,a passive way of learning.

I can say through my experience that there are many things which you come to be first aware of only when your attitudes change from passive ones to active ones. Interestingly,if your attitudes change,then your capability in your passive way of learning also will be enhanced. The level of your sensitivity will surely rise at the time when you read English sentences.

When your basic attitudes of learning English cahange,like coming to often write English,instead of always just reading English,what kinds of fields will be improved in you then?

One answer is that you will be able to attain to the stage where you can easily choose the proper words in each situation. Using difficullt words or complicated words only intelligent persons know is not the proof of the writer's ability.Rather,using simpler words or easier words is the proof of a good writer.

There are differences among the words you should use. Choosing a word the simpliest,the easiest,and of course proper in a situation,among the candidate words, is a good writer's proof.Active learning,to be more correct and in short,writing English,will enhance your such an ability.You also will get a good understanding of punctuation: .;,;-;:;( ),which are convenient tools to express your thought,and help you express a subtle touch of feeling of things.If you want to pursue the way of delicacy of things, you could not evade "punctuation" in writin English sentences.

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from today's Nikkei

2007年01月05日 10時38分56秒 | 新聞記事から
小売大手に削減義務 廃ガス基準不適合車 3大都市圏流入で環境省 運送業の使用抑制

The Ministry of the Environment has decided to oblige the major retailers, such as department stores or big supermarket chain operators, to help the delivery service operators reduce the greenhouse-effect gas emission,in order to strengthen the measures for preventing air pollution in the three metropolitan areas;in Tokyo,Osaka,and Nagoya.According to the ministry's idea,such kind of big retailers will have to make a plan for reducing the usage of the vehicles which do not meet the standards for the gas emission.
参考:環境省の環境Environment にはthe がつきます。「いわゆる現代的・今日的に問題となっている環境」という意味でtheがついていると思われます。
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