

10・14 ファーストコンタクト20:マジェンタ・ピクシー9/25 2

2008-09-28 16:44:48 | ファーストコンタクト
There are many who during these "difficult times" are experiencing the happiest times of this incarnation and indeed of all their incarnations. For "difficult times" are only experienced as difficult by those who believe them to be so. When "difficult times" is replaced with "times of change" or indeed "wonderful times," those that believe these statements to be true, as indeed they are, shall experience just that.
Whilst we have said before there are no saviours and that the saviours are yourselves, there are teachers, helpers, healers, light-workers, and way-showers. If you hear these words and resonate with them, then you are that teacher, helper, healer, light-worker and way-shower.It is therefore you that shall lead others to a place of protectedness, connectedness, and abundance. It is you that shall shape the future of your wonderful planet for your descendents to incarnate here and enjoy all that you have created for them.
The month of October brings much change and this really is the best way to describe it. For what seems like a highly negative situation shall birth such unity, togetherness and love, leading to democracy, fairness and soul-family recognition and reunion.Structures based on corruption, greed, control, jealousy and fear cannot sustain [themselves] within the new energies. We realize that which is to be feared is to be seen with your real eyes. But that which is to be embraced with love can be felt with your hearts.
The light is invisible to some, but when you ask for it, embrace it, live it, and exude it from your very being, you shall then see it, feel it, know it, and shall share it with others. Be unshakeable with your truth. Others will wonder why you are so strong. Then they will question their fears when they see others also as strong, walking and knowing, walking in bliss.This is the job of the way-showers and light-workers and, over the coming months, you shall be needed to live that which you know. The time for the light has come. The time for freedom has come. The time for you has come.
October is a month of great change, a month where blocks of darkness shall be transmuted and dissolved. Then there shall be a period of cleansing where the old shall be replaced with the new. This shall coincide with a mass period of awakening to the truth.At last humanity shall see that which has been kept from them. And we tell you again, any structure or system based on darkness and constructed with fear, corruption, greed, envy, control and service to sustain cannot sustain within fifth-dimensional energies. The more love you feel, the more connectedness with the light and merging with the higher-Self counterpart that you embrace, the more you anchor fifth-dimensional energies on Earth and the more the systems of darkness shall fall. We are the white-winged collective consciousness of Nine. (The Nine channeling through Magenta Pixie,"Energies for October … and Beyond," at Youtube,)
www.angelfire. com
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4 コメント

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Unknown (325)
2008-09-28 19:02:13



ありがとう (flatheat)
2008-09-28 19:07:26
Unknown (ラナ)
2008-09-28 20:28:03
変化を期待しています (flatheat)
2008-09-28 21:32:56