

The Secret Space Programs Shocking True Purpose Revealed 3

2017-08-07 09:57:42 | 秘密宇宙プログラム(SSP)

you forward

deploy your systems and surround this

so-called defending rogue state and try

to hit their missiles immediately after

they're launched in what's known as its

boost phase and so today the United

States is moving to deploy theater

missile defense in the Middle East and

in the Asian Pacific region we're going

to put theater missile defense on Navy

ships each

destroyers that are made at Bath Iron

Works in the state of Maine and on these

Aegis destroyers they will be outfitted

with interceptor missiles that will be

deployed throughout the Asian Pacific

region in addition to the Aegis

destroyers the United States will also

deploy theater missile defense on trucks

ground-based launchers and also on the

airborne laser a converted Boeing

with a laser beam on it snows flying

hours a day seven days a week

over this so-called offending area now

when I started thinking about this China

has  nuclear missiles capable of

hitting the United States if you've been

to Walmart or k-mart anytime recently

you know we're China's very best

customer is China going to attack its

best customer knowing that we have

of our own nuclear weapons that we could

hit them back with it just doesn't make

sense but then I found an article in The

Washington Post a while back called for

the Pentagon Asia moving to the

forefront and the article says that we

are going to manage China the United

States is going to manage China the

article says that we're going to double

our military presence in the Asian

Pacific region in fact we are now

lengthening and widening the runways on

Guam and Wake Island in the Pacific to

handle the b- bombers and also we're

now pre positioning cruise missiles on

Guam and we are going to deploy theater

missile defense systems in Japan what we

now call our unsinkable aircraft carrier

where today we have , US troops

deployed and right next door to Japan

and South Korea where we have , US

troops deployed and where bush is now

heating up tensions between the United

States and North Korea we're going to

deploy theater missile defense in South

Korea which will only anger the North

Korean government even more making them

feel like we are closing in on them

and that they must respond by escalating

their own military hardware we're going

to deploy theater missile defense

miles off the coast of mainland China in

Taiwan which will make China feel like

they've got to respond and they've got

to go now and build more nuclear

missiles to meet this growing threat you

know after / I began to look at this

whole map of this Asian Pacific region a

lot differently previously I was just

looking at the coastal region along

China's coast where the United States is

talking about deploying these theater

missile defense systems but after / I

now look at China's inland mortar an

area that we now call Central Asia we

know a lot more about it today we know

that the United States has set up bases

now in this Central Asian region and

that as President Bush has said we're

going to be there a long long time

and so today we've set up bases in

Afghanistan in Uzbekistan and Tajikistan

and throughout this region and come to

find out we now know that this Central

Asian region has some of the largest

deposits of oil and natural gas in the

entire world lose Becca Stan has the

largest gold mine in the entire world

so clearly this response from / to go

to war with Afghanistan and to take over

Afghanistan I would submit to you is

part of a larger geopolitical strategy

now underway what gives me confidence in

saying that is that I recently read a

book by former national security adviser

to the Carter Administration a guy by

the name of is a big new Brzezinski and

the book is called the grand chessboard

and in that book Brzezinski has two very

important graphs one of those graphs

shows oil pipelines coming through

Afghanistan taking the oil into ports in

the Arabian Sea where US oil

corporations could then move it to Asian

Pacific markets that are expanding now

and demanding more oil in fact we found

out that in  the Unocal corporation

one of their vice presidents testified

before the Congress of the United States

imploring Congress to help put a more

compliant government into Afghanistan so

that Unocal could then get agreements to

build the oil pipelines through that

region and so in Brzezinski's book then

he lays out what he calls two key

collision points that if the united

states is going to control the oil and

control the markets in this emerging

asian pacific region the one collision

point is the coastal region along china

where today we're moving to

to deploy theater missile defense

systems and the other collision point is

in the Central Asian region where today

we are setting up bases since / to

supposedly go after terrorists in the

Space command's other planning document

of importance called the long-range plan

they lay out their final vision control

not only of the Middle East or the Asian

Pacific but control of literally the

entire earth with the new technologies

under way the successor to the shuttle

that is being worked on today for

example what they're calling the

military space plane it would fly down

from orbit drop an attack on the earth

and then go back up into space and also

the space-based laser what they're

calling the Death Star at the Pentagon

the industry magazine Aviation Week and

space technology recently reported on a

Space Command computer war game set in

the year

and in that computer war game it was the

u.s. against China
