


2017-11-01 15:04:15 | 秘密宇宙プログラム(SSP)

in 2010 on XO politics radio hosted by alfred lamber mont weber incredible revelations about planet Mars were disclosed
Mr. Andrew Basiago a Cambridge educated lawyer who practices law in Washington State and Miss Laura Eisenhower the great-granddaughter of the united states president dwight d Eisenhower boldly revealed astounding claims that a secret
Mars base funded by black budget military and intelligence sources has been established as a survival colony in the event that solar flares nuclear war or some other catastrophe ends human life on Earth on XO politics radio
Laura Eisenhower exposed a covert intelligence operation in 2006 to infiltrate her personal life and recruit her for a secret Mars colony project as well Andrew basiago revealed that twice in 1981 he was actually teleported from a CIA facility in California to a secret United States base on Mars

Mr. Basquiat go turn the cover-up of the Mars colony Mars gate and called for a congressional investigation of the United States presence on Mars is Eisenhower stated that alternative three the notion that trillions of dollars of
resources are being spent to protect human life by placing it on Mars should give way to alternative 4 a new public awakening to achieve a sustainable civilization on earth such claims sound like the wildest fiction worthy of an
ian fleming through a novel or double 07 movie but closer examination of these revelations suggest a more disturbing plausibility

In june of 1977 a documentary edition of science report was aired on anglia TV in Britain that
examined alternative three an investigation of rumors that scientists had determined that by the early years of the 21st century the earth surface would be unable to support life due to pollution leading to catastrophic
climate change it was proposed that there were three alternatives to assure humanity's survival alternative won the first involve the detonation of a nuclear bombs in the stratosphere
in order to allow the pollution to escape into space alternative to the second alternative was the construction of elaborate
underground bases alternative three the third alternative was to populate a survival colony on Mars

Shortly after this video was aired it was debunked as a hoax a clever dramatization parading as an investigative news report however this fiction was in part based on solid evidence that alternatives one
two and three were seriously proposed programs author lecturer and researcher Milton William Cooper served as a member of the office of naval security and intelligence
while on duty as a harbor and river patrol boat captain at Da Nang and the
doghouse River security group in Vietnam
William Cooper was awarded several medals for his combat leadership and
heroism in his book behold a pale horse Cooper reveals classified Defense Department files to
which he had access during his service with naval intelligence this briefing data confirmed the alternative three scenario a symposium was held in 1957 which was attended by some of the great scientific minds than
living they reached the conclusion that by our shortly after the year 2000 the planet would self-destruct due to increased population and man's exploitation of the environment by secret executive order of President Eisenhower mj-12 scholars were ordered to study this scenario and make recommendations from their findings
MJ-12 confirm the findings of the scientists and made three recommendations called alternatives one two and three on May 22nd 1962 a space probe landed on Mars and confirm the existence of an environment which could support life not long afterward the construction of a colony on the planet Mars began in earnest today's cities exist on Mars populated by specifically selected people from different cultures and occupations taken from all over the earth a public charade
of antagonism between the Soviet Union and the United States has been maintained over all these years in order to fund projects in the name of national defense when in fact we are the closest allies

curiously in 1957 the very same year mentioned in Cooper's classified military files that reference the alternative three symposium a walt disney television program entitled Mars and Beyond publicly stated today as we
face the serious problems of overpopulation and depletion of Natural Resources the possibility of Mars becoming a new frontier is of increasing importance in our plans for the future is there any substance to this alternative three urban legend in 1961 shortly after the discovery of the Van Allen radiation belt that surrounds our planet hollywood released voyage to the bottom of the sea a fantastic thriller where the Van Allen belt actually catches fire to save the planet from
roasting an atomic missile is launched into the belt extinguishing the blaze a solution curiously reminiscent of alternative one and today we see our skies lace with chem trails used for the alleged purpose of filtering solar radiation because of the depleted ozone layer could this be a modern variation of the alternative one objectives

In May nineteen ninety five former defense department engineer the late Phil Schneider revealed the black budget is a secret of budget that Garner's twenty-five percent of the gross national product of the United States
the black budget currently consumes one . 25 trillion dollars per year
at least this amount is used in black programs like those concerned with deep
underground military bases presently there are 129 deep underground military bases in the united states such
testimony in furs that alternative to is substantial and serious it's fairly well known that the Defense Department has been building underground facilities even since the days of the Cold War when threat of nuclear exchange
with the Soviet Union seemed a clear and present danger markings on the huge
boring machines clearly reveal their military utility according to the testimony of mr. basiago and his Eisenhower alternative 3 has already progressed far beyond the theory stage suggesting that fantastic advances in classified space transportation technologies have pushed this project into solid reality as well obviously preserving our human genome is
a worthy endeavor establishing colonies on Mars or other holes in space as insurance against unforeseen earth cataclysms or Wars seems a humane noble pursuit but it is such an admirable project convenient
cover for darker ambitions does a breakaway military industrial conglomerate entertain plans to occupy Mars and the rest of the solar system in a covert scheme to advance the territorial ambitions of a hidden
totalitarian order is a secret fraternity of privileged elitists engaged in refashioning humanity into a species of their own invention how ironic it would be to find we've launched the War of the Worlds scenario in Reverse with an aggressive army of human invaders from Earth descending upon the Martians.

The increasing frequency of natural disasters is making human survival on planet earth more tenuous
each year we see more earthquakes tsunamis solar flares severe storms and volcanic eruptions but are they man made in
retrospect it appears that Western civilization has been deliberately designed to self-destruct by the early years of the 21st century.
