Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳:高須克弥院長 辺野古基地で「誰もいないので座りこみしてあげた」 ツイートに賛否 ひろゆき氏に続き

2022-12-12 20:40:18 | Translation

Ref.>"江沢民元国家主席の遺骨を海に散骨 -- 中国"

>"【沖縄】宮城秋乃氏、米兵の通行妨害… 奪おうと銃に手をかける"




Translation;"I'm sitting down because no one was there" at the base in Henoko by director Katsuya Takasu = following Hiroyuki, pros and cons for his tweets

>"高須克弥院長 辺野古基地で「誰もいないので座りこみしてあげた」 ツイートに賛否 ひろゆき氏に続き"

> 投稿が話題を集めている。

On Dec. 12, Katsuya Takasu (77), (the leading plastic surgeon in Japan) who is director of the Takasu Clinic, newly tweeted on his account.
His tweet has became a hot topic.

> 高須院長は「>"メリークリスマス辺野古基地なう"」とつづり、沖縄・名護市辺野古の米軍キャンプ・シュワブゲート前を訪れたことを報告。
> 続けて「>誰もいないので座りこみしてあげたぜなう」とツイートし、座り込み抗議の立て看板の前で座った写真をアップした。

Director Takasu tweeted that "Merry Christmas, Henoko base now," and reported that he visited in front of the gate of U.S. military Camp Schwab in Henoko, Nago City (Okinawa).
He went on to tweet that he was "I'm sitting down because no one was there," and posted a photo showing that he is sitting in front of a sit-in protest signboard.

> 10月には、実業家・西村博之(ひろゆき)氏が「座り込み抗議が誰も居なかったので、0日にした方がよくない?」と、辺野古を訪れた感想をツイート。
> これをきっかけに抗議活動や基地問題について大きな議論に発展し、さまざまな意見が飛び交うこととなっていた。
> 高須院長の投稿も反響を呼び、行動に対する賛否の声が寄せられている。

In October, Hiroyuki Nishimura (aka Hiroyuki), businessman, tweeted his impression to visit Henoko that "There are no persons (participating in sit-in protest), it therefore had better be corrected to zero?"
Triggered by that, it developed into a giant discussion about protests and the base issue, and various opinions were exchanged.
Director Takasu's tweet has also caused responses, and there are voices of pros and cons for his action.

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