Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳;門田隆将(作家・ジャーナリスト)の X(on '24. 6/28)

2024-06-29 07:23:35 | Translation



>"中国・蘇州の日本人学校「バス襲撃事件」で警戒される "模倣犯"と反日運動の活発化 「以前から標的になるリスクはあった」の指摘も"

>"【動画】在中国日本大使館の金杉健治大使が動画投稿 「蘇州の日本人スクールバス襲撃事件で死去された胡友平さんに対し、日本政府・日本国民を代表し、胡友平さんの勇気ある行動に改めて深い敬意を表するとともに、心からのお悔やみを申し上げます」"


Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 6/28)


> 蘇州日本人母子襲撃事件で亡くなった胡友平さんに金杉憲治駐中国大使が哀悼の言葉。
> 本当に有難うございました。
> 合掌

Japanese ambassador to China, Kanasugi Kenji, offered words of condolence to "Hu Youping," who died in the attack on a Japanese mother and child in Suzhou.
"Hu Youping risked her life to protect the child and so on and prevent further damage. On behalf of the Japanese government and nationals, I would like to once again express my deepest respect for her courageous act and offer my heartfelt condolences."
Thank you so much.
May she rest in peace.



> 蘇州日本人母子襲撃事件で犯行を止めようとして刺された中国人女性・胡友平さん(54)が亡くなった。
> 犯人と母子との間に入り、数か所を刺された。
> 身を挺して母子を庇ってくれた胡さんに心から感謝。
> 犯人を"よくやった""英雄だ!"と讃えていた彼の国の人達はこれでも、犯行を"支持"するのだろうか…
> 合掌

A Chinese female, Hu Youping (54), died after being stabbed while trying to stop the attack on the Japanese mother and child in Suzhou.
She got between the assailant and the mother and child and was stabbed multiple places.
I'm truly grateful to Hu Youping for risking her life to protect the mother and child.
Do the ones of that country -- who praised the assailant, saying that "good job" and "hero!" -- still "support" the crime...!?
May she rest in peace.

>"バス襲撃で重体の中国人女性が死亡 日本人母子かばう、大使館が半旗"


> 解散・総選挙では自民党は 2009年総選挙で 2/3の181議席を失い、僅か119議席になった時の再現だろう。
> 自民議員には自分のバッジを維持してくれる "顔"は誰か、よくよく考えて行動するようお勧めする。
> 7月16日には東京で高市早苗さんとのダブル講演会。
> なぜ国政選6連勝を果たした保守岩盤層がこの "救国の政治家"を推すのかその目で確かめて下さい

It's likely that the LH dissolvement and snap general election will be a reproduction of the time of the 2009 LH general election in which the LDP lost 2-3rd of its seat, 181 seats, and only secured 119 seats.
I recommend LDP lawmakers to behave after sufficiently considering who is the "face" to be able to maintain their Diet member badges.
On July 16th, a joint lecture with Sanae Takaichi will be held in Tokyo.
Please see for yourself why the rock-solid conservative base, who achieved six consecutive national elections victories, support this "state saving politician."

> 高市早苗氏を応援する人達が 2024年夏のツアーを次々計画。
> 一部はご覧の通り。
> 私が行けるものはできるだけ参加させて頂くが、正に北海道から沖縄まで日本縦断 "早苗節ツアー"。
> 総裁選は〈媚中政治家vs高市早苗〉の図式が定まりつつある。
> 各地の盛り上がりは "日本の危機"への国民の必死の叫びに他ならない

Those, who support Takaichi Sanae, have been planning tours in the 2024 summer oone after another.
You can see some of them as follows.
I will participate in as many as I can. It's a "Sanae Festival Tour" across Japan, from Hokkaido to Okinawa.
The presidential election is becoming a battle between pro-China politicians and Takaichi Sanae.
The excitement in each region is nothing but a desperate cry from the people in response to Japan's crisis.

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