Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳:韓国調査船、再びワイヤ投入 竹島東方、海保が中止要求

2024-06-29 08:32:04 | Translation

Ref.>"LINE、分離 26年3月に完了"


>"S. Korea, Japan reaffirm close coordination to deter N.K. threats after Kim-Putin talks"

> S. Korea, U.S., Japan kick off first trilateral Freedom Edge exercise

Translation; The JCG requested to halt that = a S. Korean maritime research ship once again dropped a wire into the sea in waters east of Takeshima

>"韓国調査船、再びワイヤ投入 竹島東方、海保が中止要求"

> 第8管区海上保安本部(舞鶴)は 26日、島根県・竹島東方の日本の排他的経済水域(EEZ)で、韓国の調査船がワイヤのようなものを海中に投入している様子を確認した。
> 同意申請なく海洋調査をした疑いがあり、8管の巡視船が無線で中止を求めた。
> 同様の活動は6日と11日に続いて今月3回目。
> 8管によると、26日午後2時ごろ、巡視船が竹島東方の海域で韓国の海洋調査船「HAEYANG 2000」が活動しているのを確認。
> 午後7時5分ごろに無線で中止を呼びかけた。

On June 26, the 8th Regional Coast Guard Headquarters, Japan Coast Guard confirmed that a S. Korean research ship was dropping something like a wire into the sea in Japan's exclusive economic zone (EEZ) east of Takeshima, Shimane Pref.
It's suspected that the vessel conducted marine research without an application for consent, a patrol ship from the 8th Regional Coast Guard Headquarters therefore radioed to request to halt that.
This is the 3rd such activity this month, following on the 6th and 11th.
According to the 8th Regional Coast Guard Headquarters, at around 2 pm on the 26th, a JCG patrol vessel confirmed that the S. Korean marine research ship "HAEYANG 2000" was operating in the waters east of Takeshima.
At around 7:05 pm, a call was made over the radio to request the vessel to halt that.

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