Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳:レーダー配備「有意義だ」 防衛相、沖縄・北大東島

2024-06-29 09:31:09 | Translation



>"中国政府系企業が 6000億円を投じたチリのリチウム生産企業をチリ政府が国有化へ→中国発狂 [323057825]"


Translation; "It's meaningful," DM Minoru Kihara expressed so about deployment of radar on Kitadaito Island in Okinawa

>"レーダー配備「有意義だ」 防衛相、沖縄・北大東島"

> 木原稔防衛相は 28日の閣議後記者会見で、移動式警戒管制レーダーを運用する航空自衛隊の部隊を沖縄県の北大東島(北大東村)に配備すると決め、27日に村へ意向を伝えたと明らかにした。

At a press briefing after a cabinet meeting on June 28, DM Minoru Kihara revealed to have fixed to deploy an Air SDF unit that operates a mobile warning and control radar to Kitadaito Island (Kitadaito Village) in Okinawa Pref., and notified the intention to the village on the 27th.
He emphasized that "Upgrade of the surveillance system on the Pacific coast is an urgent task. The deployment will be therefore extremely meaningful in terms of defense."

> 北大東村議会は 2021年12月に自衛隊の誘致を決議。
> 23年7月には防衛省が村内で住民説明会を開いた。
> 木原氏は会見で「村と緊密に連携し、地元への丁寧な説明と適切な情報提供を行う」と述べた。

The Kitadaito Village assembly passed a resolution in December 2021 to invite the SDF to the village.
In July 2023, the MoD held a resident briefing session in the village.
At the press conference, DM Kihara said that "We will cooperate closely with the village and provide thorough explanations and appropriate information to local residents."

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