Ref.>"China's military shows off rifle-toting robot dogs"
>"China Playing Both Sides of Myanmar Conflict to Its Advantage"
>"EDITORIAL | China is the Threat to Peace, Stability in the Taiwan Strait"
>"Japan-China-ROK summit: Three Nations Should Build Cooperation Step by Step for Regional Stability"
> Chinese Army Deploys Robot Dog with Machine Gun Amid Taiwan Tensions! #military
Translation; It can use a rifle to repel enemies and even conduct reconnaissance activity = robots dog was introduced in Chinese PLA's military exercises
>"中国軍事演習にロボット犬導入 ライフル銃で敵撃退、偵察活動も"
> 中国軍がカンボジアとの合同軍事演習「ゴールデンドラゴン 2024」にロボット犬を導入したことが 28日、明らかになった。
> ライフル銃で敵を撃退するほか、偵察活動を行うなどの訓練を実施した。
> 中国国営中央テレビが訓練の映像を放送した。
On May 28, it turned out that the Chinese PLA has introduced robot dogs to the joint military exercise with Cambodia, "Golden Dragon 2024."
In addition to repelling enemies with a rifle, the dogs conducted trainings such as reconnaissance activity.
China Central Television (CCTV) broadcasted a footage showing the training.
> 中国の習近平指導部はロボットや無人機(ドローン)、人工知能(AI)といった先端技術の軍事利用で「世界一流の軍隊」建設を進める構え。
> 国際社会では AIを利用した自律型致死兵器システム(LAWS)のルール作りが議論されており、中国の開発加速で「殺人ロボット」の規制を求める声が高まりそうだ。
> 中国軍のロボット犬は前進や後退など複雑な動作ができる。
China's Xi Jinping leadership takes a stance to build a "world-class forces" through the military use of cutting-edge technologies such as robots, drones, and artificial intelligence (AI).
In the international community, a rule-making for "Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems" (LAWS) using AI is underway. Due to China's development accelerates, calls for regulating "killer robots" are likely to grow louder.
The Chinese PLA's robot dogs can perform complex moves such as moving forward and backward.
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